Building the picture | Further Reading (2024)

Books and articles that are referred to in the publication as well as general reading on architecture in Italian Renaissance painting are listed in this section. Exhibition catalogues are listed under the first town or city where the exhibition was held. Underneath the short titles corresponding to the references in the footnotes and 'Selected literature' are fuller publication details.


Ackerman 1991
J. Ackerman, ‘Distance Points. Essays in Theory and Renaissance Art and Architecture’, Cambridge Mass. 1991.

Agosti, Stoppa and Tanzi 2012
G. Agosti, J. Stoppa and M. Tanzi, ‘Bramantino a Milano’, Milan 2012.

Alberti 1966
L. B. Alberti, ‘L’Architettura [De re aedificatoria]’, Latin text and [Italian] ed. and trans. G. Orlandi, intro. and notes P. Portoghesi, 2 vols., Milan 1966.

Alberti 1972
L. B. Alberti, ‘On Painting and On Sculpture.The Latin texts of “De Pictura” and “De Statua” ’, ed. and trans., C. Grayson, London 1972.

Alberti 1988
L. B. Alberti, ‘On the Art of Building in Ten Books’, trans. N. Leach, J. Rykwert and R Tavernor, Cambridge Mass. 1988.

Alberti 1991
L. B. Alberti, ‘On Painting’, ed. M. Kemp, trans. C. Grayson, London 1991.

Albertini Ottolenghi 1998
M. G. Albertini Ottolenghi, ‘Il Bergognone alla Certosa e le ancone quattrocentesche’ in G. C. Sciolla, ed., ‘Ambrogio da Fossano detto il Bergognone. Un pittore per la Certosa’, Milan 1998, pp. 173–92.

Albertini Ottolenghi 2008
M. G. Albertini Ottolenghi, ‘La facciata della chiesa: contributo per una rilettura’ in B. Bentivoglio-Ravasio, L. Lodi and M. Mapelli, eds., ‘La Certosa di Pavia e il suo museo. Ultimi restauri e nuovi studi’, Milan 2008, pp. 55–81.

Allegri and Cecchi 1980
E. Allegri and A. Cecchi, ‘Palazzo Vecchio e i Medici: Guida Storica’, Florence 1980.

Allen and Syson 1999
D. Allen and L. Syson, ‘Ercole de’ Roberti. The Renaissance in Ferrara’, Los Angeles 1999.

Ames-Lewis 2000
F. Ames-Lewis, ‘Drawing in Early Renaissance Italy’, New Haven and London 2000.

Andrews 1995
L. Andrews, ‘Story and Space in Renaissance Art. The Rebirth of Continuous Narrative’, Cambridge 1995.

Arasse 1999
D. Arasse, ‘L’Annonciation Italienne: Une histoire de perspective’, Paris 1999.

Ascani 1997
V. Ascani, ‘Il Trecento disegnato’, Rome 1997.

Baker and Henry 1995
C. Baker and T. Henry, ‘The National Gallery Complete Illustrated Catalogue’, London 1995.

Ball Platner and Ashby 1929
S. Ball Platner and T. Ashby, ‘A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome’, London 1929.

Balletti 1913
A. Balletti, ‘Gli Ebrei e gli Estensi’ in ‘Atti e memorie della Deputazione di Storia Patria per le antiche provincie Modenesi’, vol. 7 (1913), pp. 11–13.

Bambach 1999
C. Bambach, ‘Drawing and Painting in the Italian Renaissance Workshop. Theory and Practice, 1300-1600’, Cambridge 1999.

Bargellini and Guarnieri 1977–8
P. Bargellini and E. Guarnieri, eds., ‘Le strade di Firenze’, 4 vols., Florence 1977–8.

Barkan 1999
L. Barkan, ‘Unearthing the Past: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Making of Renaissance Culture’, New Haven 1999.

Barriault 1994
A. B. Barriault, ‘Spalliera Paintings of Renaissance Tuscany. Fables of Poets for Patrician Homes’, University Park Pennsylvania 1994.

Barry 2009
F. Barry, ‘Sculpture in Painting/Painting in Sculpture (Italy c. 1485–c. 1660)’ in Leeds 2009, pp. 13–9.

Bassi 1987
E. Bassi, ‘Palazzi di Venezia. Admiranda Urbis Veneta’, revised edition, Venice 1987.

Baxandall 1971
M. Baxandall, ‘Giotto and the Orators. Humanist Observers of Painting in Italy and the Discovery of Pictorial Composition 1350–1450’, Oxford 1971.

Baxandall 1974
M. Baxandall, ‘Alberti and Christoforo Landino: the Practical Criticism of Painting’, in ‘Convegno internazionale indetto nel V centenario di Leon Battista Alberti’, Rome 1974, pp. 143–54.

Baxandall 1990
M. Baxandall, ‘English Disegno’, in E. Chaney and P. Mack, eds., ‘England and the Continental Renaissance. Essays in Honour of J. B. Trapp’, Woodbridge 1990, pp. 203–14.

Bellini 2001
F. Bellini, ‘I grandi cantieri: Campidoglio, San Pietro, Studium Urbis’ in ‘Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Cinquecento’, C. Conforti and R. Tuttle, eds., Milan 2001, pp. 66–93.

Bellosi 1985
L. Bellosi, ‘La pecora di Giotto’, Turin 1985.

Bellosi 1990
L. Bellosi, ‘Pittura di luce. Giovanni di francesco e l’arte fiorentina di metà Quattrocento’, Milan 1990.

Bellosi 1992
L. Bellosi, ‘Una scuola per Piero. Luce, colore e prospettiva nella formazione fiorentina di Piero della Francesca’, Florence 1992.

Belting 2011
H. Belting, ‘Florence and Baghdad. Renaissance Art and Arab Science’, trans. D. L. Schneider, Cambridge Mass. and London 2011.

Benelli 2012
F. Benelli, ‘The Architecture in Giotto’s Paintings’, New York 2012.

Bentini 1992
J. Bentini, ed., ‘La pinacoteca nazionale di Ferrara : catalogo generale’, Milan 1992.

Benvenuti Papi 1987
A. Benvenuti Papi, ‘San Zanobi: Memorie episcopali, tradizioni civiche e dignità familiari’ in D. Rugiadini, F. Papafava, eds., ‘I ceti dirigenti nella Toscana del Quattrocento’, Florence 1987, pp. 79–115.

Benvenuti Papi 1988
A. Benvenuti Papi, ‘Pastori di popolo. Storie e leggende di vescovi e di città nell’Italia medievale’, Florence 1988.

Benvenuti Papi 1994
A. Benvenuti Papi, ‘Un momento del concilio di Firenze: La traslazione delle reliquie di San Zanobi’ in P. Viti, ‘Firenze e il Concilio del 1439. Convegno di Studi, Firenze, 29 novembre–2 dicembre 1989’, Florence 1994, pp. 191–220.

Berger 2012
P. Berger, ‘The Crescent on the Temple. The Dome of the Rock as Image of the Ancient Jewish Sanctuary’, Leiden and Boston 2012.

Bernardino da Siena 1989
B. da Siena, ‘Prediche Volgari sul Campo di Siena 1427’, ed. C. Delcorno, vol. 2, Milan 1989.

Bertelli 1994
C. Bertelli, ‘The Tale of Two Cities: Siena and Venice’, in Millon and Lampugnani 1994, pp. 373–97.

Berti 2003
L. Berti ‘Michelangelo and the Florentine Painting of the Sixteenth Century’ pp. 28–73, in Florence 2003.

Billinge 2009
R. Billinge, ‘Saint Francis Renounces his Earthly Father’, in ‘Sassetta: The Borgo San Sepolcro Altarpiece’, M. Israëls, ed., Florence 2009, pp. 492–7.

Bittner 1990
J. Bittner, ‘Verrocchio und die “Ruskin Madonna”’ in ‘Giessener Beitrage zur Kunsgeschichte’, vol. 8, Giessen 1990, pp. 77–97.

Bober 1957
P. P. Bober, ‘Drawings after the Antique: Sketchbooks in the British Museum by Amico Aspertini’, London 1957.

Bober and Rubinstein 2010
P. P. Bober and R. O. Rubinstein, ‘Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture: A Handbook of Sources’, London 2010.

Boiardo 1987
M. M. Boiardo, ‘Orlando Innamorato’, A. Forni, ed., Florence 1987.

Bomford 2002
D. Bomford, ed., ‘Art in the Making. Underdrawing in Renaissance Paintings’, London 2002.

Borgherini 2001
M. Borgherini, ‘Disegno e progetto nel cantiere medievale’, Venice 2001.

Borlini 1963
G. Borlini, ‘The façade of the Certosa in Pavia’ in ‘The Art Bulletin’, vol. 45 (1963) pp. 323–36.

Del Bravo 1967
C. del Bravo, ‘Liberale da Verona’, Florence 1967.

Bridgeman and Watts 2000
J. Bridgeman and K. Watts, ‘Armour, Weapons and Dress in Four Paintings by Dosso Dossi’ in ‘Apollo’, vol. 151 (2000), pp. 20–37.

Briganti 1988
G. Briganti, ed., ‘La pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento’, 2 vols., Milan 1988.

Brigstocke 1978
H. Brigstocke, ‘Italian and Spanish Paintings in the National Gallery of Scotland’, Glasgow 1978.

Brigstocke 1981
H. Brigstocke, ‘A Dealer’s Record. Agnew’s 1967–1981’, London 1981.

Brooke 2004
C. Brooke, ‘Vittore Carpaccio’s Method of Composition in his Drawings for the Scuola di S. Giorgio Teleri’ in ‘Master Drawings’, vol. 42 (2004), pp. 303–14.
Brown 1998
D. A. Brown, ‘Leonardo da Vinci, Origins of a Genius’, New Haven and London 1998.

Brown 2004
P. F. Brown, ‘Private Lives in Renaissance Venice: Art, Architecture, and the Family’, New Haven and London 2004.

Bruschi 1987
A. Bruschi, ‘Da Bramante a Peruzzi: spazio e pittura’ in fa*giolo and Madonna 1987.

Bruschi 2002
A. Bruschi, ed., ‘Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il primo Cinquecento’, Milan 2002.

Bruschi 2004
A. Bruschi, ‘Prima di Brunelleschi: Verso un’architettura sintattica e prospettica I. Da Arnolfo a Giotto’ in A. Bruschi, M. Ricci and P. Zampa, eds., ‘L’antico, la tradizione, il moderno. Da Arnolfo a Peruzzi, saggi sull’architettura del Rinascimento’, Milan 2004, pp. 19–60.

Bruschi 2006
A. Bruschi, ‘Filippo Brunelleschi’, Milan 2006.

Bruschi, Ricci and Zampa 2004
A. Bruschi, M. Ricci and P. Zampa, eds., ‘L’antico, la tradizione, il moderno. Da Arnolfo a Peruzzi, saggi sull’architettura del Rinascimento’, Milan 2004.

Burns 1971
H. Burns, ‘Quattrocento Architecture and the Antique: Some Problems’, in R. R. Bolgar, ed., ‘Classical Influences on European Culture, A.D. 500¬–1500’, Cambridge 1971, pp. 269–87.

Byam Shaw 1976
J. Byam Shaw, ‘Drawings by Old Masters at Christ Church Oxford’, Oxford 1976.

Cagnola 1914
G. Cagnola, ‘Intorno a Bergognone’ in ‘Rassegna d’arte’, vol. 14, Milan (1914) pp. 217–22.

Callmann 1974
E. Callmann, ‘Apollonio di Giovanni’, Oxford 1974.

Callmann 1984
E. Callmann, ‘Botticelli’s Life of Saint Zenobius’ in ‘Art Bulletin’, vol. 66 (1984), pp. 492–6.

Calvesi 1958 M. Calvesi, ‘Nuovi affreschi dell’Oratorio della Concezione’ in ‘Bolletino d’Arte, vol. 43 (1958), pp. 141–56; 309–28.

Calzona 2007
A. Calzona, F. P. Fiore, A. Tenenti, C. Vasoli, eds., ‘Leon Battista Alberti. Teorica delle arti e gli impegni civili del “De Re Aedificatoria”’, 2 vols, Florence 2007.

Casotti 1987
M. W. Casotti, ‘Pittura e scenografia in Peruzzi: le fonti, le realizzazioni, gli sviluppi’ in fa*giolo and Madonna 1987.

Cecchi 2005
A. Cecchi, ‘Botticelli’, Milan 2005.

Cennini 1960
C. Cennini, ‘The Craftsman’s Handbook. “Il Libro dell’Arte”’, trans. D. V. Thompson, Jr., New York 1960.

Cennini 2004
C. Cennini,‘Il libro dell’arte della pittura. Il manoscritto della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, con integrazione dal Codice Riccardiano’, A. P.Torresi, ed., Ferrara 2004.

Chavasse 1996
R. Chavasse, ‘Latin lay piety and vernacular lay piety in word and image: Venice, 1471–early 1500s’, in ‘Renaissance Studies’, vol. 10 (1996), pp. 319–342.

Chiarini and Marabottini 1994
M. Chiarini and A. Marabottini, ‘Firenze e la sua immagine: cinque secoli di vedutismo’, Venice 1994.

Christiansen 1983
K. Christiansen, ‘Early Renaissance Narrative Painting in Italy’ in ‘The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin’, vol. 41 (1983), pp. 14–7.

Ciabani 1984
R. Ciabani, ‘I canti. Storia di Firenze attraverso i suoi angoli’, Florence 1984.

Ciseri 1990
I. Ciseri, ‘L'ingresso trionfale di Leone X in Firenze nel 1515’, Florence 1990.

Cole Ahl 2000
D. Cole Ahl, ‘“In corpo di compagnia”. Art and Devotion in the Compagnia della Purificazione e di San Zanobi of Florence’ in D. Cole Ahl and B. Wisch, eds., ‘Confraternities and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Italy. Ritual, Spectacle, Image’, Cambridge 2000, pp. 46–73.

Conforti 2001
C. Conforti and R. Tuttle, eds.,‘Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Cinquecento’, Milan 2001.

Conforti 2011
C. Conforti, ‘Vasari, Gli Uffizi e il Duca’, Milan 2011.

Cook 1898
H. Cook, ‘Illustrated Catalogue of Pictures by Masters of the Milanese and Allied Schools of Lombardy’, London 1898.

Cooper 1994
T. E. Cooper, ‘I Modani: Template Drawings’, pp. 494–500, in Millon and Lampugnani 1994.

Cornelison 1998
S. J. Cornelison, ‘Art and Devotion in Late Medieval and Renaissance Florence: The Relics and Reliquaries of Saints Zenobius and John the Baptist’, PhD diss., Courtauld Institute of Art, London 1998.

Cornelison 2005
S. J. Cornelison, ‘When an Image is a Relic: The St. Zenobius Panel from Florence Cathedral’, in S. J. Cornelison and S. B. Montgomery, eds., ‘Images, Relics and Devotional Practices in Medieval and Renaissance Italy’, Arizona 2005, pp. 93–113.

Cornelison 2007
S. J. Cornelison, ‘Tales of Two Bishop Saints: Zenobius and Antoninus in Florentine Renaissance Art and History’ in ‘Sixteenth Century Journal’, vol. 38 (2007), pp. 627–56.

Cornelison 2012
S. J. Cornelison, ‘Art and the Relic Cult of St Antoninus in Renaissance Florence’, Farnham, Surrey 2012.

Cornell 1924
H. Cornell, ‘The Iconography of the Nativity of Christ’, Uppsala 1924.

Costa and Ponticelli 2004
E. Costa and L. Ponticelli, ‘L’iconografia del pellegrinaio nello Spedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena’ in ‘Iconographica’, vol. 3 (2004), pp. 110–47.

Covi 2005
D. A. Covi, ‘Andrea del Verrocchio 1435?–1488’, Florence 2005.

Cropper 2002
E. Cropper in D. Alan Brown, ed., ‘Virtue and Beauty’, in Washington 2002.

Dalli Regoli and Ciardi 2002
G. Dalli Regoli and R. P. Ciardi, eds., ‘Storia delle Arti in Toscana. Il Quattrocento’, Florence 2002.

Damisch 1995
H. Damisch, ‘The Origin of Perspective’, trans. J. Goodman, Cambridge Mass. 1995 (first French edition 1987).

Dares Phrygius 2011–2
Dares Phrygius, ‘De Excidio Troiae Historia’, trans. Jonathan Cornil, Master’s thesis, University of Ghent, 2011–2, p. 55. fulltxt/RUG01/001/891/500/RUG01-001891500_2012_0001_AC.pdf

Davies 1947
M. Davies, ‘Carlo Crivelli – The Annunciation’, London 1947.

Davies 1961
M. Davies, ‘National Gallery Catalogues. The Earlier Italian Schools’, London 1961 (reprinted 1995).

Davies 2013
P. Davies, ‘Framing the Miraculous: The Devotional Functions of Perspective in Italian Renaissance Tabernacle Design’, in ‘Art History’, vol. 36, (2013), pp. 898–921.

Davies and Hemsoll 2004
P. Davies and D. Hemsoll, ‘Michele Sanmicheli’, Milan 2004.

Davis 1980
M. D. Davis, ‘Carpaccio and the Perspective of Regular Bodies’ in ‘La Prospettiva rinascimentale: codificazioni e trasgressioni’, M. Dalai Emiliani, ed., Florence 1980, pp. 183–200.

Decembrio 1963
Angelo Decembrio, ‘A Dialogue on Art from the Court of Leonello d’Este: Angelo Decembrio’s “De Politia Litteraria” pars LXVIII’ in ‘The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes’, vol. 26, (1963), pp. 304–26.

Dee 1971
E. E. Dee, ‘Views of Florence and Tuscany by Giuseppe Zocchi. Drawings from the Collection of Pierpont Morgan’, Vermont 1971.

Didi-Huberman 1995
G. Didi-Huberman, ‘Fra Angelico: Dissemblance and Figuration’, Chicago 1995.

Dunkerton 1993
J. Dunkerton, ‘The Technique and Restoration Bramantino’s “Adoration of the Kings”’ in‘National Gallery Technical Bulletin’, vol. 14 (1993), pp. 42–61.

Dunkerton and Smith 1986
J. Dunkerton and A. Smith, ‘Ercole de’ Roberti’s “The Last Supper”’ in ‘National Gallery Technical Bulletin’, vol. 10 (1986), pp. 33–7.

Dunkerton, Foister, Gordon and Penny 1991
J. Dunkerton, S. Foister, D. Gordon and N. Penny, ‘Giotto to Dürer. Early Renaissance Painting in The National Gallery’, London 1991.

Dunkerton, Foister and Penny 2000
J. Dunkerton, S. Foister, N. Penny, ‘Dürer to Veronese : Sixteenth-century Painting in the National Gallery’, New Haven and London 2000.

Duro 1996
P. Duro, ed., ‘The Rhetoric of the Frame: Essays on the Boundaries of the Artwork’, Cambridge 1996.

Edgerton 1975
S. Y. Edgerton Jr., ‘The Renaissance Rediscovery of Linear Perspective’, New York 1975.

Edgerton 1993
S. Y. Edgerton Jr., ‘The Heritage of Giotto’s Geometry: Art and Science on the Eve of the Scientific Revolution’, Ithaca 1993.

Edward Wright 1984
D. R. Edward Wright, ‘Alberti’s “De pictura”: Its Literary Structure and Purpose’ in ‘Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes’, vol. 47 (1984), pp. 52–71.

Eisler 1989
C. Eisler, ‘The Genius of Jacopo Bellini’, New York 1989.

Elam 2008
C. Elam, ‘Roger Fry’s Journey: From the Primitives to the Post-Impressionists. The Watson Gordon Lecture 2006’, Edinburgh 2008.

Elkins 1991
J. Elkins, ‘The Case against Surface Geometry’ in ‘Art History’, vol. 14 (1991) pp. 143–74.

Elkins 1994
J. Elkins, ‘The Poetics of Perspective’, Ithaca 1994.

Building the picture | Further Reading (2024)


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