The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1010. 19 5Si ift, jrs Carrie Chapman Catt and Other Visitors Are Due in Forenoon. jkh Women Complete the plans for Reception and Conference. Lrancenicnts were yester-- reception and entertainment ML Carrie Chapman Catt, president National American Woman's and her party, who will Lt a conference of the I 'tali heaguc uomcn Voters to bo held in Salt Lake and Tuesday, Mrs. Robert W.

E' chairman of the press commit-- announced last night, fjpon her arrival in Salt Lake from Kjr at o'clock Sunday morning, suffrage leader and the her partv will he met by a special of women and will be taken Eneon at the Hotel Utah, accord-- Spangler. They will then L'l a fPfial organ recital at the EL-T- Mis. Catt also will be the mi of honor at an afternoon tea given board members of the btah League Voters, of which MrsF. S. is president, and by local elian-JTor't- National League of Women iters.

eeting Begins Monday. he openine session of the two-da- iereivc will he held Monday morning Re assembly hall. Meetings will be Monnav and Tuesday afternoon and mins if present plans are carried out. by national questions of interest to imen will come up for discussion dui- tlie conference, according to those in Urge of the program. public reception will he held at the Mil Utah from 6 until 7 o'clock Monday ftnlns for Mrs.

Catt and members of (parly. Dr. Valeria Parker, chairman Social morality of the National League rWomen Voters; Mrs. E. Jean Nelson kfleM, chairman ofthe committee for Eirins uniform laws for women; Mrs.

Kard P. Costigan. chairman of the supply and demand committee, and ft Frank J. Shuler, secretary ofthe llonal American Woman's Suffrage Delation. Governor and Mrs.

Baniber- 'Mayor and Mrs. Ferry, and proml-i- men and women of the state have invited to greet the suffrage leader her inquet Is Planned. it 7:30 Monday evening, Mrs. Catt will the guest at a banquet to he given at Hotel Utah. It is expected that ad-- sues will be made by the suffrage impion and members of her party.

Hckets for the banquet may be ob-- i Iried ata general information booth nlch will be opened today at theHotel or reservations may bemade by iRfylnt? members of theticket commit- e. All requests must bemade by noon. 'Kueprlay noon Mrs. Catt will speak be- tlip Salt Lake Rotary club at the Utah. fhe conventionwill end with an "Wake Up, to be given jHhe assembly hall Tuesday evening by N.

Catt. The public is invited to at-- ai. 4hoans Expected. Names of delegates who will represent organizations of Ogden and Wo have been received at 'Salt Lake. IP it' is expected that representatives jerfiftnlzatlons in Idahoalso will be in Announcement was received 'ilerday that Miss Julia Lathrop, of the Jeau of child welfare, Washington, tjC, and Miss C.

W. McCulloch, the department of unification of of the National League of Women rB, had cancelled their tour of Idaho. It is expected that they may visit Lake with Mrs. Catt. he following committees were ap-- pled yesterday: pnquet-M- rs.

Oscar E. Groshell, clialr- ID; Mrs. John F. Cowan, Mrs. C.

H. Miss May Anderson, Mrs. Blah Storra Lewis, Mrs. Jane W. Skol-and Mra.

Jeannette A. TTvde. mcltetp-M- rs. Fred W. Meakin, chair- IBiftlrs.

W. Wetherbee, Mrs. Emma jPJPey- Mrs. William R. Williams.

Collier" and Mrs- Wesley -f- Rinjr Jpeclal reception Mrs. A. J. Oorham, MrB w- F- Adams, Mrs. A.

II. la W. Mont Ferry, Mrs. Rich-Ift- bynian, Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum, John A.

Widtsoe. SMDOT BEFENDS IKJHrillr! Utah Senator Protests Attacks Upon Latter-Da- Saints. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. ''raising its integrity and patriotism, Senator Smoot of Utah today in the senate defended the Mormon fabdrch and its members, Vnd protested against what he termed the libelous published attacks on that religion.

"I protest against tholibelous matter that has been published about the country," Senator Smoot declared. "The Mormon church has nothing; to conceal. I want the people of the United States to know that, so far as polygamy is concerned, it is dead, and these scandalmongers in the future must find something elseto write." Senator Smoot declared he was not in the senate as a representative of the Mormon church, but as the representative of the people of Utah, who, ho said, "have been so foully misrepresented." Senators Ashursl. Arizona, Thomas. Colorado, and Henderson, Nevada, joined with the Utah senator in praising the Integrity, thrifiiuess and patriotism ofthe people.

In a message received yesterday from Governor Bamberger, representatives from Utah to be in attendance at the Christian Citizenship conference held under the auspices of the National Reformassocia- tion at Pittsburg, were named. Utah is particularly interested in this conference because, according to the program, a ta-p- on the teachings of the church of Uu' Latter-da- Saints will be read bv Airs. Theodore Cory, chairman of the commis- sionof Mormonism in England, The members of the committee named to be present at the conference are Dr. Talmadge, Wesley IS. King and George W.

McCune. Governor Bamberger also indorsed a letter written by Harden Bennion, secretary of state, and acting governor, to Dr. James F. Talmage, in which the governor says: "My attention has been called to certain press reports calculated to cast odium upon a church which comprises the majority of the citizens of Utah. Having personal and official knowledge of the facts to the contrary, 1 am issuing this general and specific denial of these unwarranted and scandalous assertions." i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 13 rents per line first Insertion; 6 cents per line eicli conHocutiv insertion.

If not consecutive Ino. rtlonH, rents per line each Insertion. B. the mo mil. Jl.

0U per Hue. Two line a minimum npnce. B. II. CD, Mineral directum to tho people ut Salt Luke City since 1800.

Bupetior Bervlcn, Conipotrnt und Courteous A Ipmlants. Complete Motor Btmlpment. Was. 012. 20107 Eust First South.

dlttlO undertakers mid eicbalm-er- South. West Temple. I'lwno Was. C. 61.

C4022 B. D. BVANS, undertaker, embalmer. Mortuary (apesStntc Wasatch S51D. c44H CEMETERIES WASATCH Lawn cemetery; perpetual care.

B4 South Mum nt. Pboni: Wasetcu 186(1. 83343 LAKUd stock to select from. K. ilcKenzie, Display Yards, 422 So.

State. FLORISTS ERNEST LAMBOL'HNE, Salt Lake's leading llcrlst; new store. Funeral designs our specialty. Hecurallous. 67 Su.

ilain. Was. 1546. KING FLOBAL 214 E. 2ud South.

IJecora-tlou- uud design wort; our specialty; prompt attention given. Phone Wasatch 2115. S2U2 EVANS Floral 26 So. Main; Was. t'SlT Cut flowers, funeral dcBigas.

Prompt service. r32 BA1I.KY 4: SONS CO. Cut flowers for nil occasions Funeral designs urtisiically arranged. Prompt delivery. Eust 2d South.

Was. 88- d24 1 WALKER'S floral dept. funeral dtbiua. Wulker liros. Dry Goods Co.

Was. 77M- rSOl'l Hl'UUAItT Floral moved two doors north. 56 So Main. Phone Wus. 1U43.

Cut flowera and funeral designs. r43l9 Funeral Designs AMEKICAX Florists Flower designs roalTT chbIour. Arner'can theater. Was. 8677.

434 PERSONAL MRS. DAVIS, art teiicher, will do all kinds of embroidery, beading and mounting baps, reasonable, at her home, W. Apricot st. Take Center st. cur.

e2029 OULI like to buy from private parties 2 or 3 diumoiids lor cash. I will pay more than dealers. Phone viand doli2 Dl VOKt'hJ, buiikruipcy andbusiness troubles skilfully handled. National Law room 307 A tins bidtf. dSiiiie JXANO LESSONS.

New Knglund Conservatory methods used. Beginners a specially. Studio, 454 So. 5th B. Tel.

Uy. 2360-W- C387 1'HIVATE lessons in English, matliematics, or science. Hours can be arranged to suit student. Write Tribune. e28t2 WANTED Vnr nil on Hon.

luthv trr- muior a WILL party wiIO picked v.p tbe black velvet bazidbtfg (jntorday uigbt at Strand Theatef. whiab glasMa, tratcb und eiiain, PJaaSQ return to Mrt. llnil at Colin's ulieraiiou room and rdceivo tunl cbalu is a koftpsike of my tuutber, in huu passed uwuy. AD TO MOBILE crank on Bait, 2nd io 4tb South. Ti l.

Uy. J. e2715 LOST Orfhtada bicycle No. UDitiT. Liberal ituturu W.

L. Laiakiu. 53U L'. Broad-way- cltili $5.00 BBWAIU). LUST Bhiek IMse-len- liieiuuraudutn with W.

S. siuinps, Uvo. A. Siiepard, Jb W. Jd Squill ht.

LDST About lit days aso, a gdd and green Chinese DCCftlace. Reward if returned In Mrs. J. 'i'. Keith, I Uorion place.

e3050 LOST Smallbrown and white do, crpppe'd furs undtail. Anawefi cattle of Jack. Lost about a week.s agO Uy. Kewurd. 1 LOST XonOK Airedale nearly full grown; lag No.

j5u. Uy. y3st-W- Ueward. ci'HQi EOl'ND Laoy's rlags ut t'tah Hot Springs. Owner can have bwuie byidentifying, i'hone North 4 0 rRi OM'- patent leather ptiihe, iu or near Empn ss tbeatdr', Nov.

il. p. containing money and banquet tickets; reward. Mrs. 1.

O. Wines. 5th Seal hgtgL LOST One brown Handbag, about $0 lu cash, some pictures (were very precious); $5 reward lor bag and pictures. AUdress 70 1st South. Was.

6662. e'JIW LOST Airedale dog, 1 year old. Return to 7t Bt. Reward. Call Was.

310S-W- elblU) LOST string of gold ticuds. 1'houo Hy. 400-- itewurd. LOST One lady's gold wrist watch ou blUCK baud, all Llylnnd 48Sil. eBO LOST ttu tl.e 'JIli East car, bet.

Ill in. und 1 p. on Nov. parcel containing Call Uyland uud receive reward. eHSU LOST JJjlween Salt Lake uud Lurk, L'lah, canvas valise; name on chuck book.

Five dolluis reward. V. 1st So. St. dOUSJl LOST Antique brooch, set with garnets.

Leave at 50 East Broadway. Keward. db33U LOST Lady's with narrow white b'imaand hairpin- cluiiu. Schubaeli Optical Co. nume on cuse.

Finder please return lu 011 East 4th Sou ill. 1'liouu Uyland dC117 LOST Khilroud employee's pass, liewurd. Return to 105 Keith Salt Lake Cily. d5S44 LOST lied foj; fur ut Buccnus hotel. Finder returnto room 4, 419 So.

W. Tcujple. No questions asked. $1J5 reward. dSO LO.ST Saturdaynight, near Famiiugtou, two 37x5 1 isktires.

Keward. Phone Was. A. V. Thompson.

c7772 LOST An envelopeeontaiuiiig valuable paper. Reward. Call Was. c7934 LOST Lauy Shriner pin. Be ward.

Was. 8891-- D6T59 LOST A pair of eye glasses, witli chain and pin. Reward. Uy. 750.

(15896 FOUND Diamond ring pawn ticket. Owner can have by identifying. P. Q. Box 1122.

LOST Two and sharesstock Security Natl Bank Ogden. Iteward. Oscar Kulin. Richmond 70 E. N.

Temple. eSiL LOSJ' $50 liberty bond Saturday. Be turn 1o 357 South8th East. Iteward. e2825 WANTED WANTED.

100 Rock Men. Wsgts $5.00 per day. 1OAU0 CON8TEUCTION Hogeron. Idaho. dli637 ES'l'ABLISUED cerporati-- has for ambitious yuiiug tuun, with Itenugapblc experience executiTa position.

KoratttO und iissisiuiit treasurer; oniy iiermaoent uiiru wanted, who ean lake $1X00 mteieiit in conipwoy; prefer young inun wishing to get into busings--- good ulury to siarl; quick udvauceiuvnl. P. O. bog Pueatrlln. Idaho.

AAlBl'i'lUL'S ouug man, with ability io maki good, tot ubsistaut manager und treasurer; Seattle olfice eB.ablisUed cumpuny covering only man who la peiu.wuent aud can purchase 300o wonuuu IntorMt wanlci; good salary rapid ad und bonus to right inuu. Write Dept. E. boa Ul', Pceatello, lduho. WANTED A CO ES PO DE i A PA RLE OP TAKlNtJ i A lit; OKAN OFFICE! MIST BE A SHOK'UIAMJ Will ICR.


BO 023:10 WANTED First classauiumobile rudiutor repair man io take charge of out radmior dept. Must be ablo to rebuildand repair nil makes of. radiators; good proposition for the right man. Apply Samuel A. Spiuccr, rudiaior N.

Temple and 3d Salt Lake City. d07u2 WANTED All routtd job printer, know ledge linotype preferred; permanent at good wages; also press feeder lor jobbers and cylinder, wiUi knowledge of typesetting. Wire the Sun, Price, Utah. e2705 WANTED at once First-clas- stenographer; lakedictation and be a live wire iu every respect; good chancefor advancement. Write or wire.

Larsen lieal Estate company. Pa IlL, Idaho. OPERATOR for trenching machine; must understand gas position to right man. Address F-- Tribune. WANTED Ftrst-clas- mine clerk to mine agent at coal cump; applicant must be accurate, speedy, and good cupucily for work, and bo thoroughly trustworthy; give reference; good salary.

AddressTribune. el432 THE Western Union will eoipioy a LIMITED numberof first-clas- energetic, ambitious, reliable boys us messengers, where the opportunity for advancement is most excellent; can earn from $U0 to $140 per month to start. 0. K. LUN DO.

L'l ST, delivery supervisor. d4124 JAP cook and helper, month; Chinese cook and helper. $200 month. S. L.

Emp. Agency. 77 W. 1st South. e2835 OOOD boy wanted, good wages.

Begal Dyeing 150 E. 2nd S. 011710 FI sheet meta workers anu feeder repair men. Wages 80c per hour. Steady work.

Curler Auto Works, 1224 So. If ope street, Los Angeles, CaL e2030 TEAMS AND TBUCKS WANTED. MABTJN L0AL CO. d7U15 FIREMEN, brakemc-n- monthly, ex- WANTED Wanted Help (Male) WANTED An experienced night clerk; one accustomed to working in first cUn hotel. Steady and reliable.

1 cllov stone, Hotel, IVca-tcll- Ida. o3007 MAN wanted to drive team ot nitllcs. 050 So. Stale. e308I I WANT 2 middle aged men.

wlw have expeii-enc- iu work; references required. 2.v. Tribune. c30i7 WAN TEti Collector, only experienced man with highest rvferencee considered; one who qualifier willbe idvxnced to credit soon. Permanent position with Itright lultire.

Apply McClauahati 21 Bmauway. i'3lS2 WAN TED Waller for uud evening dinner. 115 East South a809B WANTED First murder and also pne all urt'iind laundry man.Wages excellent. Harried coople preferred. Aldreas Pr.ce Sleain Laundry, Price, tah.

cStiSO ilh experience in udriiiug; something new. Klglit matt can earn big money. Apply between 2 p. m. ami 5 p.

ni. at 137 EuM 2nd South. WANTED Firsi-chis- baker ou bread and cakes take cinirge of shop; wag. $45 per week. Wire or address City Baking Dillon, Mont.

cl452 TAILOR for DundeeWoolen Mil fa, Ogden also for Pocatello. Inquire at DumKe Woolen Mills. 215 South MaJn street. WANTED Man for delivery must have hail some experience in ballcry service work. W'U require pari (iun- night.

Oeueral Auto Supply 112 E. 1st Botttli, e2i'10 Wanted Salesmen AN intelligent young man of high school edtr culiou, who has confidence in his ability to sell sluple grocery product. Experience not necessary, hut willingness to lent absolutely essential. To such it man we can offer a reasonable Hilary and commission, wit-- excellent prospects. Apply W.

U. liiulz 205 So. 6th West si. e2378 HAVE uniisna proposition io offer slock salesman. Prefer man who has boon selling In andaround Salt Lake.This worthy, of (lie attention of uuy salesman, no matter how much lie isaccustomed to making.

Apply between 2 p. in. and 5 p. 137 East 2nd South. e3002 EXPERIENCED book man; exceptional contract; prefer muu who lias sold tug proposiiions; and Leslie men take notice.

Apply Mr. Brewer. 214 Kiarus bldg. cKUiS WANTED Coat maker. Pauloo, ladles' tailor, 32 South Slate si.

WANTED Young manto leurnIhe baker trade; must be willing Io work: good wages. French Bakery, West Itli South. eggOl BOV wanted to work in printing office. Bay Light Prinling 103 4lh West. r2SHo IKM'SEMAN wanted.

Apply after 10 a. nf. Semloh Hotel. c2S3'J Wanted Situations iMale) WOULD like a position of responsibility and trust at a reasonable salary. Have bad several years' experience dealing with the public and also in an executive capacity; lately with the V.

S. Dept. of Agriculture. Am 32 years Of age. S.

D. Olmslead, 217 East 4th Soutli, Salt Lake Cily. Phone Was. 378U-W- c2S3t MIDDLE-AGE- man and wife want job in restaurant or small hotel. Capable of doing any "part of work fromdish washing to full charge.

Not afraid to work. Whut have you to offer? Give full particulars in firstletter. Trib- WANTED I GIRLS WANTED Pleasant working conditions and good wages. Apply at once, Sweet Candy Company. GLRLS AND- WOMEN IN ALL PKPAltT- MENTS.


APPLY AT X'HJi Tiiol' LAUNDRY, 431 SIXTH EAST. C4237 WAM'KU Young girl to assist in housework; no washing or cooking. Call Uyland 40'Ji-J- 01474 EXPERIENCED finer. $22. 60 week stait.

Answer Tribune. eBJ30 LEARN DRESSMAKING as a trade at Idaho Tech, PoCatello. Apprentice wuges puld same us in regular eslahilnmeuts. e2 WOMAN of unquestioned culturo and refinement 25 to years obi, high school or college, education, and unincumbered, tor high class traveling position, paying salary, commission and mi I road tare from start. No experience necessary.

No investment required. Call in person, parlor ti, Newbouuc hotel. No telephone calls! Hours 10 to 1. John A. ilill.

clever woman of Deal appearance to do detective work. Must possess tact aud be able to think and act quickly in an emergency. State fully your name, age, experience iu litis or other linesof work, If a resident ofIbis city, aud name at least two local references. Address Tribune, clffitf W. X'i'ED Experienced, reliable woman.

Cure of young baby. Must do upstairs work In small house. Family of two. References required. Call Mrs.

Slegel. Was. 1)274. c2S4'J WANTED 2 experienced film inspectors. 188 East 2nd South.

egg 13 GIRLS wanted; J9.00 per week to start. Apply Utah Label Box 144 W. 2nd So. d2267 WANTED Young lady graduate of business can get unusualbusiness experience and $30 per mouth to commence; must be able use Underwood typewriter. Apply between m.

and 11 a. m. at 137 E. 2nd So. e30'J4 COMPETENT girl for general housework, small wuges.

1103 3rd uve. Was. 1564. elP81 ISTI'DENTS taught at the Brooks Arcade Beauty Parlor, Arcade bldg. 02452 NURSEMAID wanted.

Call Was. 7330, jjggr YOUNG lady of neat appearance wanted ut tho Trbiunc. ANNIE OKDO givps scientific treatments and message. Was. 7285-- 238 So.

2nd East. e5Sl A LAUV wishes a Hinall child to care fur at her home. a 2183 e270 A RB A ItA CAB A scientific treatments. manipulation and masnaee. HourB: 9 to 9.

Open Sundays. Tim. 418. 23 1C. 1st South.

d410l DRUQ clerks: If you aren't registered. ee Neklen. Call Hy. 2738-- eveniuirs. d281S ELECT P.I treatments aud mabage for troubles.

Carrie Lambert, 2Uti Brooks Arende bldg. k3l3Q Wanted Information INFORMATION wanted concerning FRANK L. GAVElt, by L. 0. Hodge, 714 Kansas avenue, Toneka, administrator of his mother's estate.

d7017 SALT LAKE CLEANING DYEING CO. does reliable, work.Men's suits pressed while you wall. All kinds ot hats cleaned, blocked and dyed for women and men. Mnll orders solicited. 265 State st.

u3253 SERVICE and satisfaction. Cily Cleaning Dyeing Co. Hyland 680. d3713 TtISHJ3ATHT TLKKIBU BATHS at Brown's SuuitnriST'prN vale mows lor 657 South state tret, y2844 BKOUWS ZAPPEY, furniture rca7rhigrrklu polishing, painting, kaisomining. Call Was 6700.

Hy. 2023-H- n4872 WINDOWCLEANING WINDOW, liotise cleaning, floor waxing. Call Hy. 2387, American Window Clean. Co.

p0643 YOUR broken lenses duplicated quicker and cheaper. Davis Optical 6 East Broadway. z432 DRAFTING GENERAL drafting Mechanical, metallurgical and structural designing mechanical designs perfected. 802 Templeton bldg. c4G54 ANYONE wanting cement work dune, call K.

M. Coopur, Hyland H.S03-- Uownlng-to- ave. y643; FOR WAtl BrBjA RNBRS Fa? out, cheap rent, reason we can sell cheap. Call in today. Dressers $10.00 up Ituffots 28.00 up Round dining tables 10.00 Brussels rugs.

u.12 22,00 Congoleum rugs, Uxl 17.00 Ranges 20,00 up Linoleum, square yard 1.25 Plenty of used furniture, pianos, ranges, dining tables, at luilf prices. We will exchange fnrnitiire. See othersfor prices first. MICHIGAN FURNITURE COMPANY. 430 South State St.

Terms. Opp. County Bldg. Q2006 E. C.

JENKINS, Snlt Lake's Reliable Auctioneer. Get my guarantee- on furniture firat; it meansmore money. 338 Slate. Wus. OOoI.

n2870 OSTERLOH, the auctioneer. Sell your FURNITURE at your home or will buv for cash. Phone Was. 9886. b541I jrerawmTERs ALL makes for sale or rent.

Write for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter 321 So. Main. Phone Was. 2761.

p232 AGENTS New Royal and Corona portable. All other makes for sale, rent and repaired. Utah Typewriter Ex. 30 W. 2nd So.

Was. 4836. yl71 WOODSTOCK Typewriter Co. Ben E. Ball, fuctory representtalive.

P. O. box 700, Salt Lake City. d3930 GUARANTEED REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. All makes, supplies.

The Typewriter 319 Main st. Was. 2106. c4430 MUSICIANS HAWAIIAN SERENADERS Vocal and instrumental music foralloccasions. Steel guitar, ukulele andhula danulng taught at special rates.

Phone Was. 4915. mgr. e33 HARMONY FIVE Musicfor all occasions dances our specially. Phone Hyland 2122-J- dH891 WE wunt household guods.

Wo will pay you what your goods are worth. Save annoyance. Salt Lake Furniture East io a a Was. 3037. tt 533 L1JGHEST prices paid for second-han- goods.

Buckeye Furu. 143 So. W. Temple. Was.

4620. U072 REASONABLE pricespaid for second-han- furniture. 167 South West Temple. Phono Was. 1172.

b3254 CARPENTERORK BUILD BLTTEli Keep up repairs. Built-i- Kitchen cnblnets and such features make 'your home more livable, serviceable and convenient. Call The Better Builder. Was. 4S08-J- oil day Sat.

and Sun. Other days after 4 p. m. d0139 BUILDING. remodeling work; brick and cement and chimney remodeling; plans drawn to suit.

Owner, call Was. 0087-R- el475' CALL up Wasatch 4315 for building, repairing and cement work. b433 CHECKWRITERS F. V. CHECK WRITER AGENCY, 373 South Main st.

Was. V8l-'- machines ofall makes forsale. d7480 lion, care Tribune. LAB0REKS wanted for excavating work aud gB'S pump man to work nights. J.

L. Griffith Co. Stb West and 18 tn South. el028 WANTED Men wishing positions as firemen, brakemeu, colored train porters, mouth. No experience necessary.

Address Tribune. 05221 WANTED A finisher. ApplyGoodyear Shoe Repairing 75 East 2d South. c6UCl MAKE $20 a day. New plau.

Investigate. 311 So. West Temple. TEACHER of Gregg shorthand; excellent salary. Apply L.

D. S. Business College, W'asatch 3951. doS95 PLATEN pressman. rocer Pnu iing Co.

d4799 WANTED Good bushelmanfor 133 West Second South at. d2251 AT ouce Five carpenters for several Weeks' work. Was. 932, c7lt3S LABORERS ou Hignland drive concrete road. Take car, get off ut Murphy's laue.

Gllkerson Const. Co. C7883 TWO benchmeu. C. J.

Hawxhue, Ogdea, Utah. d249 WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Good money for good men; commissionandbonus. Apply to crew manager, city circulation, 8:30 n. iu.

or 4 :20 p. Salt Lake Tribune. d2535 NEAT, energetic solicitors. 225 Ness building. Bet.

3 and 6 p. m. c4255 A 1 iD Railroad tin si lui an, draftsman and chainmen. Address Tribune. c638l BOY for Parry Parry, Jewelers, 102 Keith Emp.

bldg. d7470 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 51 W. 2nd So. St. Was.

6000. Oldest. Best. Reliable. x3403 WANTED Two or three beet toppers, at once.

45 tli Soutli and 4th West. el638 WANTED One experienced ironer and one markerfor out of town laundry. Man aud wife would do. Good wages. Address Tribune.

ellGO VAVANCY for neat appearing young man. 4 to 6 p. in. 33'J Atlas Bldg. ell37 A JOB, A HOME, STO0 i STO ItE AND LOTS, $1150.


MR. BROWN. 62343 AT once 15 good coal work and transportation furnished to meu remaining on job 90 dais. Givo age, nationality. 34, Tribune.

d379 UTAH EMPLOYMENT AG ENC SKILLED AND I'NSKILLED LABOR FOR ALL PUBLIC WORK. 134 REGENT ST. WAS. 2621. y3490 Learn Trades ABB YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, you caneurn $100 to $300 a month In be auto and tractor business.

Wo can teach you in a SHORT TIME. Practical work ou equipment expert Instructors ideal working conditions. Southern California, especially Los Angeles, offers exceptional oppor-tunlt- while and after learning. liundrens uf N. A.

S. graduatesemployed locally. You can earn board and room while attending school. Write today for FREE catalog. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 816 Soulh FlguerOa, Los Angeles, Oil.

GOOD POSITIONS SECURED FOR A UATES. 62100 LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanizing. Los Angeles Y. M. C.

A. Auto school. el une. SALESMAN traveling northwestern slates, call- iug on drug and general store trade, wishes connection with local or brunch house; several, years' selling experience; best ofreferences us lo ubiltly and character. Employed lit present time.

.15, Tribune. c2SP4 GET an expert apple, peach ami vine trimmer lo do your (rimming. S. W. Lawrence, 7ti7 SoulhSlate street.

t'2842 SOBER young man wants position where chance for advancement. Address Tribune. e824 YOUNG man wants position us salesman. Ad- dressTribune. c2823 MARRIED couple, experienced, desires place on ranch.

Address Tribune. e282fl EXPERIENCED chauffeur; can handle nny make of car. Call Was. 4608. c2874 RELIABLE young married man with light delivery truck wants job.

Tribune. e2914 REGISTERED pharmacist wants position; out of city preferred; good references.Address F33. Tribune. u2736 SITUATION wanted as Janitor; 10 years' experience in the navy. Address Tribune.

e272l A middle-age- man wauls position night wuteh or a day's work. Hyland 4173. e2723 YOUNG man wishes position width furniture store; experienced; references. Mas. 0163-R- C2101 MAN wants work evenings, bet.

7 and 11 o'clock; married and reliable. What hnve you Phone Was. 8735-R- p2173 TECHNICAL gradunte desires position as chemist or nssayer; four years' practical experience. Address Tribune. e2057 FAST typist wants work evenings; experienced in all officework.

Address Tribune. el778 LET experts do your bookkeeping. Immediate attention given to our patrons. Salt Luke Auditing Accounting Bureau, P. box 98, Salt Lake.

e659 COMPETENT accountant desires position wllh largo or growing firm as auditor or Address Tribune. e31G EXPERT bookkeeper and sulesman. 1 can keep your accounts, make up financial statements or sell your goods. Several years' experience. Employed at present.

Address Tribune. d6338 EXPERIENCED office man aud bookkeeper wants extra work eveuings. Address Tribune. d4882 ACETYLENE and electric welder, steam and frremun. Address L.

S. 0., R.F. D. No. box 422.

Garfield.Utah. d39S7 YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants work. Was. 4J12. 235 West iBt South.

T. Ogawa. d4207 EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position; beBt of references if required. Call Was. 3 030-J- d2749 UNIVERSITY student wants part-tim- work, evenings and Saturdays.

Tribune. d2395 illDDLE-AGE- uiuu of education clerical work; uuderstauda shorthand, typewriting and tmokKerping. Adirpss Tribune. b4337 CLERICAL young married man; 19 years' experience, active, progressive, good penman; outside if possible. Address Tribune.

dl04S DRESSMAKING MRS. EDITH M. BROWN, niuklng, remodeling, on fine apparel. Expert work. 43b So.

0th E. Hy. 3028-W- c04I JLUOuias siuuio, i eu. iuaiu bi one enced preferred. Callbetween 0 and 12.

e2710- LAD with $100 lo Invest in best business proposition in Salt Lako. For particulars, address Tribune. Give phono number, address, in answering. iU09- EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 253 Mh nveuue.

d7265 TEACHER of Gregg shorthand; excellent salary. Apply L. D. S. Business College, Wasatch 393L d502 EXPERIENCED woman to rook.

Two meals a day. $50 per month. Was. 8047-W- EXPERIENCED stenographer for Salt Lake office, with dictaphone expenenco preferred. Address Tribune.

C4017 chocolate dipper, $3 per day, 8 hours. Americau Candy 282 25 Ih Ogden, Utah. b3062 A GIRL ot young woman for pialn cooking and downstairs work. No laundry. Willing to teach one who wants permanent place.

871 E. So. Temple. ell 29 ulRL for general housework in country, on street car line; uu washing. Mrs.

Odell, Wus. 8549 J. d3404 WANTED Lauy demonstrator who hashad experience cunvsssiug; must bu prepured to louve city. Good opening for right party. Apply room 814 Newhouse bldg.

d3387 AN experienced second girl in private board ing kitchen. Apply 242 2nd East. c30P7 2 GIRLS, hours a day, $15. 114 W. 2nd So.

e30S CHAMBERMAID, white or colored, for fj day. $7 per week. 08 East 1st South. e2fltXt WANTED 25 girls with or without BOda experience. Apply 63 So.

AY. Temple after 8:30 Monday. Schramm-Johnson- Drugs. e2B81 GIRL to work at soda fountain. Apply Willefi-Horn- Drug No.

8 Main St. e2687- WOMAN" to work about 5 hours dally. Wasatch ume Blikery, 105 Second East e2926 EXPERIENCED girl for geuerul housework; ho v. ashing. l' none mornings, Was.

1807-J- 02103 WANTED Girl for general housework; sniSll family; references required. 269 blh avenue. ss. B881-W- C25P1 waitresses wauted to serve soft drinks; 20 week out of town. Apply 45 W.

2nd South, Lenox hotel. WANTED Girl or wouiun lo do light work; good wages. Call 1209 East 27th Bo. d7480 EXPERIENCED iola aud candy clerk. Beebef Candy 38 Bo.

Main St. c30 WANTED Waitress, 8 hours a day, $15 a week. 114 W. 2nd South. d7050 WANTED Girl for general housework; wage" no washing; references required.

370 A si. Was. 7112. dCOOS GIRLS, immediately. Z.

C. M. I. overall factory. d6106 CHA.uBEltyiAlD.

Apply W. 2nd South. Goldfleld hoteL dQ408 WANTED Chambermaid, at once. Tlntic hotel, 43 E. 2nd South.

d3468 CHAMBERMAIDS. APPLY LINEN ROOM. NEWHOUSE HOTEL. d8781 GIRL loexch ango service for complete course iu Brown's School of Dressmaking, 174 K. So- Temple.

GIRL wanted. Venice cufe; 514 week. 143 W. 2nd Soulh. M480 MAID wanted at 68 V4 West 2nd Houlh.

e2713 I't: It KM T'l I'lunnberniaid wanted. A HI) VACUUMS DODGE Bros, powerful vucuuuis. revolving brush, reut or a new one at $1.23 for 33 wks. and 11 yours. Was 70ati.

MASONK2JOJlC WASATCH lodge No. 1, F. A. M. Regularmeetings second Friday WlJw each month.

Masonic temple. A. J. Lowe. Secretary.

d2338 Auditors and Accountants. 'XHH Salt Lake Auditlns Accountlntf Bureau ImmUrs any lob, large ot BIDBU, flfblcll involves booklifcpinj? or accounts. lJ. o. box 98, Salt Luke City, Olab, e5UU CHIROPODIST DB.

BJLIZABBTH WI8HBB, gradnats, 725-2- lilitB-- B.utU Main. Wat. 2Sno. klM74 Ult. E.

VAN D. C. O. All ailnn'nta of Ihefeet Kuith Emporium bldg. wi.

7Q7n. Ult. MARY II. IlLTEKti. chiropodliti uCh'S OOCrected, Judge bldg.

Win. 8083. h20J6 CARPET CLEANING CLEAN fNU. storing color, lmnd work olt KftMe or ntfitoa; RCSOOablfl Frank Mariin. '27 S.

W. T. Wns. TTrt. r441J BUTTON sanitary ftlectrlc heat and color $1.50.

Quick Hjlftttd ggg 84000 J. S. PEHRSON. mrpft nWAng and rrpairiiiK: colon restored, ppota removed. All work triiaronti'ml.

Wan. 4s71 JHAJRCTER QfeT your linir Cttl for iliavc. loc. We do good work. 4.1 Sottth Wl Temple it.

d6042 THHBE TOEMMINGS' l.XPKi: trimmiiig; treea taken down; mr-- iv. I for sal.r. PhOM P479-W- OOF REPAIRING LKA KS repaired on any roof all work gna antfd. Waa.

ttSOT. LEA rejaUfed on aiiy roof.Work guaran- trod. Wnaut-'- fil'OT. c6711 CAFESj U. S.CAKB Special itinner, SBc; shor.1 ordera nnd Chinese style, cbaa.

Bonff, J'rop. 220 Soafll state. 97S Bbowcard school meets Friday, p. 320 gTesM bldg. C0448 BH A DBTfiCTlVB Excellent opportttnlty; good pay; truvel.

Write V. T. Ludwig, West-ove- Kansas City, tJOii Safety Razors Sharpened BINGIifi edge, aUc; double edge, 40c dozen. Razors boned. 11.

iiutcliius, 157 Sontb alalo. y21 ToccoCo pons WH pay cash for tobacco coupons. Joe Krogh D5 West 2d South at. chitwweysWeeping ITItNAL'KK cleaned ami repaired by cajj h. cm in.

gas. b70 Itl Fl-- N. tin chimney iweep nnd furnafe clenn r. man with the high hat." Ken. phone.

Jly. 806aJ. f2235 EXi'KItT chimney weeps, farnaci cleaners; work gun ran teed. Try us for satisfaction." Bush Wan. 1788.

04496 JUNK DEALERS II. WAtiNKIt Sl CO. buy and sellall kinds of burlap bngn; curload lots a specially. 144 West Broadway. c4417 THK F5raBBURG JI NK CO.

us lo Lu, acythir.g in the Junk Hm. Hyland SBsVR. t20 FLOOR WORK WK luj. surface, and WSJ all kinds of ner and old N.ilt Lako Flour Sauding Co I7G sr. l'hor? Was.

slSC-- i KByBLAJtjf BITt BBBVICB haDdleainu 'umb, covers entl-- DOltbaest Sail POCStSfio. Port laud, Butte, Atldrcss all roniLiunlcationa lohead office I'oca-- telle. Idaho. MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS' I MOBTGAOE LOANS WITHOUT a rarascB loan tqksx lo. pisoa i US L.Aaa divtsMiialJiig, by day.

Cull UStj d5122 LA DUES' lallorlng and dressmaking, remodel-iug- reiisonable; work guurauteed. 715 Bn, Stb East. Hy. 41fi2-W- b5098 DKHSSMAKING and remodeling South 7th Knst. Hy.

b64 Ladies Tailoring XHJS Ladles' tailoring. sty lew in suits, routs and skirts. Alterations done. 74 Kast 5th Mouth. I'hohe Whs, P462.

(17236 Ladies' Specialties HBVBTITCHINO, 10c per yard. Accordion pleating, buttons and button hides. Corsets designed and taadC. Kid Fining '1'ailored 40 "y- Was. J846.

iVUH'J Beauty Parlors A M'KCIAL puce of IU ceo is Mrili btt uffereUoo all shauipoi work dcue before 1 p. inanicuriug. maasage; IWftCtolM mi from combinga. Auiericau Beauty l'arlor, Kesrns bldg. C62UU Hair Goods liHl il A I It.

FACJUKV. 04 No. 2nd WeaL Was. 219V wlga, made. Hold cheap.

HE FURS IJCKK'SFrTt Main of Cirri and taxid'-riny- oll82 PtTRfl made, remodeled and repaired work gttafiDltad, Was, 384f. hvj K. cuani Furriers and Taxidermists Lit il, KS and trnpp'is ran now have their gwiin- specimaaa mono ted bt au expert toajgaofii taaldenniat years of experience on ihu cBui of work will tasofS lie moat iiratlleul Furs ttaaed nod made up, remod- eledand (leaned. Walter QUmoce, jiy 1st Salt Ijike City. Wus.

2M4.1. KU RB BetDOdelini, designing and spalrder work of every description. Storage, ut nod erab prices. tTPOBON BAY FU It CO. p20t9 I made, repHlred and stored; work gusr anteciL.

Geneva C. llicks GB South nth a3ai5 Linen Hooni. Kenyon Hotel. e27X8 ESS PBJR1 ENCBD chocolate dipper wanted. Apply ul Cozy Corner Candy Shop, 87IJ Houlh Bt te.

"r782 A I. AMY do scrubbing nt Kenyon Hotel. Apply linen room. PIANIST for iheelmusic departmeut. Apply supt.

Keith O'Brien Co. e)0H2 MXPEHIRiNCBD slenogniiher would like peruia-nen- work; alho eoulder evening work, 007 Kearns Bldg. 0207 WANTED Biperlenced eashler. Bouth state alreet. e28U9- A NTBD Olrl to work in boarding bouse.

Hi North street. r2HJ1 WANTED1 tilrt for general housework. No. ten wood 4(Hi E. rd Houlh.

(17483 b.XPHlMNCBD gin for general aousework. Apply 1712 Enst Ho. Temple. d260 Woman toeuro Sou while taking our 40 da course in nny have done so. Brown School Of Presituaklflg.

174 East 80. Templw. UllKd1 A STUDENT to aaslrt with light 2 In family; cloao to unlveralty; no car fare. Was. IKWtt W.

4 40 WAN FLO girls. Apply Blur Laundry. 181 W. Hth Houlh. d847 SwirnimngTftught LA HI L3 aughtswimming pu vu leasons, auy hour.

i'iionu i'rolessor Thoi uioli, Wusu teh GI4a W. il384 piano lessons. New England Cooserratorn methods used. Studio 404 South 5th Bast Phone Hy. 2860-- Popular Music 12 LESSONS, Jazz, syueopa Inn, practical harmony.

Water man I'lauo School, 44 South Katg- 1433 Dancing LLAitN to dunce lu four leuoni diilly.W'ood- wurdV. st. Upeu Sundjy. U18T Schools and Colleges Ml HI aciiooi now Ui seasiou; enroll LttUSdV-atei- ball La.w Busiueas College, over the Orputuia. 1U7H Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Salt Lake Statistics Marriage Licenses.

Wiliard B. Ttirpin, West Jordan, Utuh, and Eva Wuyman, Holllday, Utuh. Charles A. Muguire, Ogden, Utah, aud Agues V. McEntee, Salt Lake.

John W. Herzog, Magna, Utah, and Surah L. Rasmussen, Granger, Utah. Leslie W. Scawu und Buye A.

McClain, both of Salt Lake. NormanP. Stromness nnd Margaret S. Uaycs, both of Salt Lake. William T.

Adumson. Murray, Utuh, aud La Vern Gregory, Union, Utah. Frank A. Johnson, Sandy, Utah, and Hilder L. Johnson, Murray, Utah.

Uyrum W. Green and Alice E. France, both of Blackfoot, Ida. Stanley J. Weike, Milwaukee, and Mary il.

Dunn, Marble HIU, Mo. David Wilkin and Madcleue Bates, bothof Alpine, Utah. Bernard J. E. Hultquest and Ruby Wallace, bcth of Salt Luke.

Robert Guy De Laranne nnd Marv Frances Wills, both of Salt Luke. Kenneth Paulsen and Edilh Idell Passey, both of Paris, Ida. Leo Fowler Passey, Paris, and Ida Susan Howell, Fish Haven, Idu. John M. Kleinman, Avimo, and Laura U.

Wheelwright, Salt Lake. Vaughn Allen Cutter, Salt Lake, and Rosina Paulina Bauer, Lincoln, Neb. Dugald James McMurphy, Eureka, Utah, and Edna Kendall, Nephi, Utah. Ira M. Allred and Winnie Maud Lltster, both of Cleveland, Utuh.

Eiruhs. Francis Edvardo and Mary Hannah Foote Gill, 623 South Second East, boy. PaulFullmer and Margaret Aubin Dunn Kcy-se- 1229 East South Frederick Legrnte and Alary Ann Jones Simpson, 1344 West Sixth South, boy. Mnrlow aud AdaAnnie Canunm Nielsen, 246 North Sixlh West, boy. David Ordrey uud Martha Ann Garfield Roach, 22 North First West, boy.

Churlcs nnd Alice Hlndle Hill, 447 Goshen, gitl. William Jules and Ann Moffat Giauque, 1757 Windsor street, girl. Ralph Henery and Josephine Mnry Ann Ave-se- Ludlow, 22 street, girl. Abram Dolbey and Ivy Sophia Mitchell Palmer, 46 Chicngo street, boy. Lewis Louder and Myrtle Snyder Burrows, 1404 State street, boy.

John Bullurd andMildredTbelm Wullls Meredith. 808 Ouray avenue, girl. Albert E. and Evelyu Valler nurd, 431 Milton avenue, girl. Matbew M.

and Ijola E. Sciiwarta Thomson, 225 Paramount avenue, girl. John E. and Eva Ucpple WIdiuer, 2736 McClelland avenue, girl. Iiouls G.

aud Grace J. liarren Hansen, 010 Lake street, boy. John J. and Margaret A. Huckwell Donovlel, 537 West Fourth North, girl.

Carroll Fontinelle and Myrtle Laura Mackay Bailey, 825 street, girl. Willlatn LeRoy and Laura FredoncHelm Pullman, 521 South Fifth East. girl. Clyde John and Isabel Jackson rapworth, 551 Cambridge court, boy. Girl Is Born.

for the first time since his assignment intermountitln district as secret WmUuri H. Davenport all interest in his dutv of IT, counterfeiters and other "''tal against the govern-- i tlin'ft ail thia business aside, apent nearly the entire dav at tho and niU Pincving the tiny pink 6d during the morning hours, jmother and child are said to be doing Real Estate Transfers. Hvrum Vest to Robt. E. Klrktnan, lot 4, block 70, plat 10 jfilefinore J- Odbert to T.H.

Odbert, lots 38 and 30, block 4, Lincoln Park 10 Vera Andernou to Alfred IL W'ishurt, lot 6, block 27, plat 10 Lewis Larson to Tracy L. Tr. loW block 2, Woodmnnsee 10 John W. Greenwood to Charles A. Greenwood, part sec.

32. typ. 2 south, rango 1" oawt 1. Joseph O. Soderberg to Charles F.

Kiafer. lot 4. bloeft 24, plat 700 V. J. Youngborg 11 John J.

Lace, lots block 3. Liberty Heights 10 Viola V. Griffin to William McKcan, lots lo 16, Avondale Park 10 John L. Reynolds to clarence Mitchell, lots block 1, ChambersTownsllo Add 800 Annie C. McKonna to Samuel E.

HUI, lots Mock in, plat B. 10 Samuel E. ill to Tnttle Biop. lots block II. pin 10 C.

O. Dudley to Alseen. lot 3. block 38. pint 6.250 Mike Papanikolan to CVah Copper pari sec.

30, typ. south, ranee 2 west 2C0 G. S. Holmes lo Florence S. Holme, lota block 70.

plat A 1 Same to same, lot 2. block 2. plat 1 SPIRIT OF WAR YET OBSESSES GERMANS By Universal Service. (Special Cable Dispatch. RKRMN, Nov.

11. Dr. Colin, who succeeds thelate Hugo liaase as leader of T.he German Independent Socialists, made this statement today: "Revolution depends upon famine. The lack of coal, foodstuffs and raw materials causes strikes, which may provoke an upheaval. The only solution is an International loan to credit and exchange.

"But the moral factor dominates every-thin- The war is over only In appearance. Actually, In the minds or the people, it is continuing. Long after the signature of the peace treaty the war is still obsessing the musses, asa morbid development of years of fighting. Our soldiers feel worse than those of the allies, because we lost the war. "The allies are actually poorer than we are through the war.

but they have rav of sunshine in the idea of victory. Our "men. on the other hand, are relum- ing home to find only despair. They have lost the habit of working and, therefore, are searching for other ways likely to provide an easy lifefor them. "This explains the demoralization of the national guard and theBaltic adventure, which held out promises of pillage, graft and corruption." yEATHERDATA Xnnllw Suit Lile city, a 47 town; I 1 Si 30 Imvvst this 2 moan fnt "iZ' sliu-- P'Ht Wi at 1) n.

0mL mit; a. 8 t'r cont rclnUvo liuiul.lUjr at hour, endin, I to i for I i r. ii.a'l... Mw, 6m and sols at Xoivmfcr Blt OBSERTATrONR TAKEN AT 0 'NTAIV TIME vi a 'V' fife I. ft" i.i.iy New Suits Filed.

Daniel O. Larson. a state treasurer, John W. MaoMlHer and Florence 8. Harkness, ns 'f toe estate or Harry s.

Hark- recover S77.1U.S2. alleged due as taxes. Stephen H. Lynch, ns receiver for the Merchants bank. vs.

K. L. LI it ford, to recover $4KK. due 68 stockholder's liability. Btepben H.

Lynch, recelrer for toe bank, v. Mchotaa Petarsfm, recover $20tH). alleged due ns stoekledder's ItattiUty. Mathilda W. Carr va.

Hnyinond F. Cmit. for dlvo'rce. on ground of nou support, Chi pun vs. the Continental naqranee ebnapany of New York, to recover $2(Ktl on fire IdtPtkrsnco policy.

Chipnian vs. the Ftdellty-PbOMl- Fire Insurance Cf)inMny, Lo recover fOOOO on fire hi aurnnce policy. Ethel A. Keighilcv vs. Rdwln M.

tveightley. for divorce, on ground of noOBttppott. Qraro F. Brovh- vs. f.

Tbomaa Broylcs, for divorce, on ground of noneuppoft. GOVERNOR-ELEC- IS CHEERED BY HOUSE Bv T'nivprsal Service. WASHINGTON. Wov, IL Govcrnor-clor- Sd wards, nt" Now Jersey, was accorded atJon when ho appeared the gallerv bt the house of representative tonight, lie came in with ulagaQ nd Minahan of New Jersey arul was unnouncdl 'v Representative McGlennon, also of New Jersey. The bouse rose and ftpplaudetL the poveriior-elor- acknowledging tlie with a gracious bow..

The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.