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Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium

Facilities Condition Assessment AECOM San Diego, California April 2011

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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment

Table of Contents The Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment was conducted from December 6, 2010 through December 10, 2010. The assessment was conducted with architectural, mechanical, electrical, technology and structural engineering disciplines represented. This document contains the results of the assessment and includes the following:

Introduction and Methodology 1

An explanation of the approach for the assessment Summary of Findings 3

Discipline Summary 3 Cross Tab of Requirements by System by Priority 4 Cross Tab of Requirements by Category by Priority 4

Overview of Assessed Buildings 5

Overview 5 Assessment Findings 7

Facility Condition Assessment Detail Reports 7 Summary of Findings 9 Supporting Photos 53

Appendix A Soft Cost Model Assumptions A1-1 Tier 1 Seismic Assessment A2-1


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment

Introduction and Methodology

This report contains the results of a Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) of the buildings and structures that encompass Qualcomm Stadium. Comprehensive Analysis As part of a comprehensive facility condition assessment, specific site and building related requirements were identified, categorized by type, and grouped into one of thirteen major building systems. Subsequently, a detailed cost estimate for each correction was prepared including construction costs as well as San Diego, California related “soft costs” that account for design and engineering professional fees, contingencies, escalation, and administrative expense (for a detailed analysis of soft cost factors refer to the appendix.) Additionally, all requirements were prioritized to assign a relative level of importance and assist in determining an appropriate level of annual funding across all buildings. For the assessment, the following priority definitions were used: Priority One: Mission Critical Concerns - Requirements or conditions directly

affect the facility’s ability to remain operational. Priority Two: Issues that directly impact the operation of the facility - Items

assessed that, if not addressed in the near term, may progress to a priority one item.

Priority Three: Short Term Conditions - These items are needs that are necessary to the function of the facility, but may not require immediate attention.

Priority Four: Long Term Requirements - Items or systems observed which are likely to require attention within the next five years, or would be considered an enhancement to the facility.

A Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) can be used for: Identification of immediate facilities needs or mission critical facility items; Prioritization of short and long term needs across a range of facility types; Justification for major renovations and in some cases building replacement; Determination of capital renewal or replacement needs for building systems that are

projected to reach the end of their useful life in the next ten years; and Supporting capital planning and annual budgets

The total current requirements for all assessment site and building locations, in 2011 construction cost dollars, are estimated at $79,786,725. The assessment effort employed professionals from several disciplines. These included: Structural - Assessed structural integrity, seismic compliance, aesthetic issues Information Technology - Assessed telephones, main point of entry, cable riser

system, network truck bays, field communication boxes, E-TV room, TV monitors, audio system, video display systems, CCTV head-end system, CCTV cameras

Architectural – Assessed finishes, doors, paving, concrete walks, windows, seating, roofing, conveyances (stairs and elevators), accessories (railings, signage)

Electrical – Assessed lighting, distribution, generators, electrical service Mechanical – Assessed heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing service,

plumbing fixtures


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment

Summary of Findings Discipline Summary The following list depicts the most significant requirements by assessment discipline. Where possible, costs have been associated within the assessment data to account for correcting these conditions. Structural

Spalled concrete Concrete patching Resurfacing and bracing of steel field bleachers Main stadium seating column shear and axial load limitations for the 6’-1”

long walls/columns Inadequate moment capacity for weak axis bending in the stadium lighting

ring support Column steel lap length and tie spacing limitations for the main stadium

support columns Information Technology

Congested cable riser system Inoperable connection points in truck bays Approaching capacity of bandwidth of E-TV system required for new

technology Congested wiring in E-TV room Out of date Jumbo-Tron video display Limited, dated CCTV head-end system Inoperable analog CCTV cameras

Architectural Concrete paving at Plaza Level “Outer-ring” roofing Parking lot paving Expansion joints Site drainage

Electrical Lighting replacement Power centers Additional circuitry and receptacles

Mechanical Sewer piping replacement Grease trap flow control Hot water storage HVAC controls


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Cross Tab of Current Requirements The following chart summarizes the current requirements for all the buildings on the site in a cross tab that shows the buildings systems on the left, and the priority of the requirements across the top, with Priority 1 accounting for the most urgent items. Crosstab by Priority by System

Building System 1 2 3 4 Total

Site -$ 124$ 13,848,630$ 3,249,908$ 17,098,662$

Roofing -$ 284,147$ -$ -$ 284,147$

Structural -$ 42,166$ 2,219,299$ -$ 2,261,465$

Exterior -$ 632,460$ 13,398$ 28,873$ 674,731$

Interior -$ 2,248,637$ 239,824$ 1,409,856$ 3,898,317$

Mechanical -$ 14,962,856$ 2,918,247$ 275,413$ 18,156,516$

Electrical 1,546$ 8,775,883$ 124,521$ 25,000$ 8,926,949$

Plumbing -$ 12,495,350$ 3,076$ 459,417$ 12,957,843$

Fire and Life Safety -$ 2,800,000$ -$ -$ 2,800,000$

Technology -$ -$ 9,860,000$ 200,000$ 10,060,000$

Conveyances -$ 171,001$ -$ -$ 171,001$

Specialties -$ 49,307$ 994,111$ 8,676$ 1,052,094$

Equipment -$ 1,445,000$ -$ -$ 1,445,000$

Total (Present Value) 1,546$ 43,906,930$ 30,221,106$ 5,657,144$ 79,786,725$

Facility Condition Assessment Priority

All requirements have been further categorized according to the type of condition observed. Required Maintenance items are those items that have broken or are in need of repair prior to reaching the end of life term. Capital Renewal items are those current requirements that have reached or exceeded their useful or serviceable life. Code Compliance issues are those requirements that are building code related. A Functional Requirement relates to an item that is presently not in place, or may not be functioning correctly and should be added to the building.

Crosstab by Priority by Category

Category 1 2 3 4 Total

Maintenance -$ 5,578,673$ 4,005,697$ 4,464,624$ 14,048,993$

Code Compliance 1,546$ -$ -$ -$ 1,546$

Capital Renewal -$ 29,397,726$ 16,355,409$ 992,520$ 46,745,655$

Functional Requirement -$ 8,930,532$ 9,860,000$ 200,000$ 18,990,532$

Total (Present Value) 1,546$ 43,906,930$ 30,221,106$ 5,657,144$ 79,786,725$

Facility Condition Assessment Priority


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment

Overview of Facilities Condition Assessment Overview The assessment of the stadium provides a comprehensive view of the stadium, its condition, and the prognosis for continued use. These assessments were; however, limited to a visual inspection, without the benefit of destructive material testing and analysis. In some cases available drawings were limited or not available, so quantities in many cases are estimates. While our estimates do carry contingency, it is likely that as the stadium is remodeled and internal aspects of the stadium are uncovered and removed, additional costs could be incurred. In order to conduct a cursory review the basic structural systems we utilized ASCE Standard 31-03 “Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings”. These provisions allow for a rapid evaluation of the structure for one of two building performance levels, IO (Immediate Occupancy) or LS (Life Safety). We utilized the LS provisions understanding that the IO level of performance is typically used for Fire Stations, and other emergency response type facilities, and LS is used for all others. We limited our review to a Tier 1 evaluation. This level of evaluation involves reviewing a set of system check lists and determining whether the facility is compliant [C] or non-compliant [NC]. Tier 2 evaluations involve less conservative but more detailed calculations for elements that were found to be NC in the initial review. We did not proceed with Tier 2 calculations. ASCE31-03 establishes review requirements based on the age of a building and what building code was originally used during its design. Because all of the new stadium construction areas designed by Leo A Daly in 1996 fall within the Benchmark Building category and satisfy the LS provisions, these facilities were excluded from our review. All of the building elements constructed in 1966, and not subsequently modified during one of the stadium modifications required a Tier 1 review. These include the main stadium seating sections between grid lines 42 and 59, the elevator tower structures, the escalator tower structures, the spiral ramp structures and the exterior ring structures. For more detailed analysis of the conditions, specific requirements, projects cost, and photographs from the assessment team, refer to the facility assessment report contained in the next section.


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium

Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment

Assessment Findings

Facility Condition Assessment Detail Report Included on the following pages is the Facility Assessment Report comprised of requirements that have been grouped into Projects whose costs are forecasted over the next 10 years. These reports are the result of a visual, non-destructive assessment and include line item corrections for all observed requirements. The scope of work excluded hazardous materials. The costs associated with each requirement area all-inclusive costs including labor and materials as well as associated soft costs for professional fees, permitting and administrative costs, contingencies, and escalation to mid point of construction assumed to be the year 2011. These costs are based on line item unit costs from RSMeans Cost Works®.


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Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium


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Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment

Facility Condition by Building

Number Building Name Gross Sq Ft Built DateFacility Condition

CostCost Per

Square Foot

Qualcomm Stadium 1,351,200 1967 $79,786,725 $59.05

Totals 1,351,200 $79,786,725 $59.05

The Qualcomm Stadium Facility located at 9449 Friars Road in San Diego, California, was built in 1967. It comprises approximately 1,351,200 gross square feet.

Summary of Findings

Facility Condition - System by Priority


System 1 2 3 4 Total

Site - $124 $13,848,630 $3,249,908 $17,098,662

Roofing - $284,147 - - $284,147

Structural - $42,166 $2,219,299 - $2,261,465

Exterior - $632,460 $13,398 $28,873 $674,731

Interior - $2,248,637 $239,824 $1,409,856 $3,898,317

Mechanical - $14,962,856 $2,918,247 $275,413 $18,156,516

Electrical $1,546 $8,775,883 $124,521 $25,000 $8,926,949

Plumbing - $12,495,350 $3,076 $459,417 $12,957,843

Fire and Life Safety - $2,800,000 - - $2,800,000

Technology - - $9,860,000 $200,000 $10,060,000

Conveyances - $171,001 - - $171,001

Specialties - $49,307 $994,111 $8,676 $1,052,094

Equipment - $1,445,000 - - $1,445,000

Total $1,546 $43,906,930 $30,221,106 $5,657,144 $79,786,725

The total current requirements for this site, in 2011 construction cost dollars, are estimated at $79,786,725.

Cross Tab of Current Requirements

The following chart summarizes the current requirements for this site in a cross tab that shows the buildings systems down the left and the priority of the requirement across the top. This listing includes current requirements including maintenance, functional requirements, code compliance, and Life Cycle Capital Renewal categories.

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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Facility Condition - Category by PriorityPriority

Category 1 2 3 4 Total

Capital Renewal - $29,397,726 $16,355,409 $992,520 $46,745,655

Code Compliance $1,546 - - - $1,546

Functional Requirement - $8,930,532 $9,860,000 $200,000 $18,990,532

Maintenance - $5,578,673 $4,005,697 $4,464,624 $14,048,993

Total $1,546 $43,906,930 $30,221,106 $5,657,144 $79,786,725

All requirements have been further categorized according to the type of condition observed. Maintenance requirements are those items that have broken or are in need of repair prior to reaching the end of life term. Capital Renewal items are those current requirements that have reached or exceeded their useful or serviceable life. Code Compliance issues are those requirements that are building code related. A Functional Requirement relates to an item that is presently not in place, or is not functioning correctly and should be added to the building.

Capital Project Forecast

As part of the assessment process, this facility was analyzed according to thirteen major building systems. All the requirements were categorized by these systems as their data was entered. These requirements were then sorted by their system and/or their location to create projects to be completed throughout the facility. Each project was prioritized, from high to low, according to the replacement time-frame identified by the field assessors. After the requirements for each project were identified, a cost to complete the project was estimated by totaling project requirements and multiplying by an escalation rate where applicable.

Once each project was analyzed, they were combined to provide a 10 year capital forecast for the facility. The following chart shows all systems and the subsequent year’s capital projections based on the time-frames and requirements specified by the field assessors. The charts on the following pages show the forecast in thousands ($000s) for the next ten years.

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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Capital Project Forecast ($000s)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

System 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

Site 0 5,270 2,893,609 10,140,176 3,509,607 0 550,000 0 0 0 $17,098,662

Roofing 0 263,280 20,867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $284,147

Structural 0 2,261,465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,261,465

Exterior 0 616,065 34,567 0 24,099 0 0 0 0 0 $674,731

Interior 0 3,830,819 67,498 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,898,317

Mechanical 0 197,791 1,254,688 495,000 0 0 5,217,038 10,992,000 0 0 $18,156,516

Electrical 1,546 1,877,356 0 0 7,048,048 0 0 0 0 0 $8,926,949

Plumbing 0 395,474 39,144 0 0 12,076,350 446,875 0 0 0 $12,957,843

Fire and Life Safety 0 2,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,800,000

Technology 0 460,000 9,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $10,060,000

Conveyances 0 171,001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $171,001

Specialties 0 1,052,036 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,052,094

Equipment 0 706,000 0 645,000 24,000 60,000 0 10,000 0 0 $1,445,000

Total 1,546 14,636,556 13,910,372 11,280,234 10,605,754 12,136,350 6,213,913 11,002,000 0 0 $79,786,725

Capital Project Forecast

Qualcomm Stadium Projects ($000s)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

Project Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

Replace Exposed Wiring - 2011 1,546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,546

Install Cooler Insulation - 2012 0 189,090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $189,090

Renovate Concessions/Mech/RR - 2012

0 915,020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $915,020

Renovate Locker Rooms - 2012 0 76,459 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $76,459

Renovate Offices and Suites - 2012

0 111,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $111,520

Renovate Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2012

0 56,719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $56,719

Renovate Outer Circle Chiller Compund - 2012

0 14,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $14,596

Renovate Outer Ring Buildings - 2012

0 462,620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $462,620

Renovate Press Boxes - 2012 0 348,249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $348,249

Repair Basem*nt Plumbing - 2012 0 106,563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $106,563

Repair Communication Systems - 2012

0 175,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $175,000

Repair Concourses - 2012 0 1,135,672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,135,672

Repair Conveyances - 2012 0 340,112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $340,112

Repair Electrical Systems - 2012 0 1,792,803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,792,803

Repair Grease Traps - 2012 0 11,344 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $11,344

Repair Stadium Seats - 2012 0 49,106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $49,106

Repalace Stadium Seats - 2012 0 729,334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $729,334

Replace Basem*nt Cold Water Isolation Valves - 2012

0 60,328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $60,328

Qualcomm Stadium Projects

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Qualcomm Stadium Projects ($000s)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

Project Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

Replace Basem*nt Hot Water Expansion Bellows - 2012

0 23,203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $23,203

Replace CCTV System - 2012 0 2,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,800,000

Replace Expansion Joint - 2012 0 2,093,698 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,093,698

Replace Field Bleachers - 2012 0 1,933,183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,933,183

Replace Pipework in Plumbing Warehouse - 2012

0 65,313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $65,313

Replace Pipework in Press/Loge Suites - 2012

0 130,625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $130,625

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2012

0 706,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $706,000

Survey Audio System - 2012 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $35,000

Survey Cable Plant - 2012 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $75,000

Upgrade Video Cabling - 2012 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,000

Renovate Clubs - 2013 0 0 136,881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $136,881

Repair Northeast Parking Area - 2013

0 0 2,918,803 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $2,918,803

Replace Building Controls - 2013 0 0 1,254,688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1,254,688

Replace Video Display System - 2013

0 0 9,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $9,600,000

Repair Northwest Parking Area - 2014

0 0 0 3,936,340 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,936,340

Repair Southwest Parking Area - 2014

0 0 0 6,203,894 0 0 0 0 0 0 $6,203,894

Repair Ventilation Systems - 2014 0 0 0 495,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $495,000

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2014

0 0 0 645,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $645,000

Repair Southeast Parking Area - 2015

0 0 0 0 3,533,707 0 0 0 0 0 $3,533,707

Replace Electrical Systems - 2015 0 0 0 0 7,048,048 0 0 0 0 0 $7,048,048

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2015

0 0 0 0 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 $24,000

Replace Plumbing System - 2016 0 0 0 0 0 12,076,350 0 0 0 0 $12,076,350

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2016

0 0 0 0 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 $60,000

HVAC Control Replacement - 2017

0 0 0 0 0 0 111,404 0 0 0 $111,404

Repair Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room - 2017

0 0 0 0 0 0 61,188 0 0 0 $61,188

Replace Marquee Sign - 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 $550,000

Replace Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2017

0 0 0 0 0 0 3,642,244 0 0 0 $3,642,244

Replace Outer Circle Chiller Compound - 2017

0 0 0 0 0 0 1,849,077 0 0 0 $1,849,077

Replace HVAC System - 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,992,000 0 0 $10,992,000

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2018

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 $10,000

Total 1,546 14,636,556 13,910,372 11,280,234 10,605,754 12,136,350 6,213,913 11,002,000 0 0 $79,786,725

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Replace Exposed Wiring - 2011ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

External wiring poses safety issue Site Level 4690 3 LF 1 $309 No

Requirement Note: Remove abandoned wire from pole per assessors notes - pole A3

External wiring poses safety issue Site Level 4691 3 LF 1 $309 No

Requirement Note: Remove abandoned wires from pole per assessors notes - pole XH3

External wiring poses safety issue Site Level 4693 3 LF 1 $309 No

Requirement Note: Remove abandoned wiring clump from pole per assessors notes - pole XA3

External wiring poses safety issue Site Level 4694 3 LF 1 $309 No

Requirement Note: Remove abandoned wire from pole - per assessors notes - XB4

External wiring poses safety issue Site Level 4695 3 LF 1 $309 No

Requirement Note: remove abandoned wires from pole - per assessors notes - pole XQ3

Sub Total for System 5 $1,546

Sub Total for Replace Exposed Wiring - 2011 5 $1,546

Install Cooler Insulation - 2012SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

False floor for coolers is required Stadium 4856 66 Ea. 3 $189,090 No

Requirement Note: Coolers are creating moisture problems. False floors are needed, similar to the two existing insulated floors, to solve this problem.

Sub Total for System 1 $189,090

Sub Total for Install Cooler Insulation - 2012 1 $189,090

Renovate Concessions/Mech/RR - 2012ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Plaza Level 4186 4 Ea. 2 $9,828 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4185 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4194 6 Door 2 $4,588 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4199 7 Door 2 $5,353 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4184 5 Door 2 $18,837 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4193 3 Door 2 $11,302 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4217 5 Door 2 $3,823 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4226 5 Door 2 $3,823 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Club Level 4210 3 Door 2 $11,302 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Loge Level 4235 1 Door 2 $3,767 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4249 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / View Level 4251 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / View Level 4253 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / View Level 4258 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Exterior Requires Painting Stadium / Field Level 4155 200 SF Wall 4 $438 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

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ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Exterior Requires Painting Stadium / Field Level 4166 200 SF Wall 4 $438 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Exterior Requires Painting Stadium / Field Level 4170 500 SF Wall 4 $1,095 No

Location Note: Sections 15-19

Sub Total for System 17 $89,891

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level 4154 2 Door 2 $2,750 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level 4165 2 Door 2 $2,750 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4153 2,400 SF 2 $66,143 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4163 1,200 SF 2 $33,072 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4169 1,200 SF 2 $33,072 No

Location Note: Sections 15-19

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4150 1,000 SF 2 $9,562 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4160 1,000 SF 2 $9,562 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4183 4 Door 2 $5,500 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4192 6 Door 2 $8,249 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4175 300 SF 2 $8,268 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4181 1,800 SF 2 $49,607 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4190 2,000 SF 2 $55,119 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4198 2,200 SF 2 $60,631 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Interior Door Hardware is Damaged and Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4177 1 Ea. 2 $1,862 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4171 1,200 SF 2 $11,474 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4178 1,000 SF 2 $9,562 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4187 800 SF 2 $7,650 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4195 400 SF 2 $3,825 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4207 800 SF 2 $22,048 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4215 1,000 SF 2 $27,560 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4222 1,000 SF 2 $27,560 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (19)

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4203 1,200 SF 2 $11,474 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4211 900 SF 2 $8,606 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4218 900 SF 2 $8,606 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level 4232 2,280 SF 2 $62,836 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level 4227 300 SF 2 $2,869 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4239 400 SF 2 $11,024 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4244 400 SF 2 $11,024 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4247 200 SF 2 $5,512 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4248 400 SF 2 $11,024 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4236 630 SF 2 $6,024 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4242 200 SF 2 $1,912 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level 4246 200 SF 2 $1,912 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / View Level 4252 600 SF 2 $16,536 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / View Level 4255 400 SF 2 $11,024 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / View Level 4257 400 SF 2 $11,024 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Field Level 4152 1,600 SF Wall 3 $15,242 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Field Level 4162 1,600 SF Wall 3 $15,242 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Field Level 4168 1,600 SF Wall 3 $15,242 No

Location Note: Sections 15-19

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Field Level 4151 2,400 SF 3 $9,238 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Field Level 4161 1,200 SF 3 $4,619 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Field Level 4167 600 SF 3 $2,310 No

Location Note: Sections 15-19

Interior Ceramic Walls Require Repair Or Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4174 300 SF Wall 3 $5,215 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

The Stone/Quarry Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4191 400 SF 3 $16,779 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Field Level 4164 500 SF 4 $1,310 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Ceramic Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4180 900 SF Wall 4 $2,359 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Ceramic Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4189 1,000 SF Wall 4 $2,621 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (20)

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Interior Ceramic Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4197 600 SF Wall 4 $1,573 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4176 4 Door 4 $1,014 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Fiberglass Panels Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4196 300 SF Wall 4 $786 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4172 1,500 SF Wall 4 $1,891 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4173 6 Ea. 4 $1,426 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4179 15 Ea. 4 $3,566 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4188 17 Ea. 4 $4,041 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4182 4,000 SF 4 $10,483 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4202 5 Door 4 $1,267 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4209 3 Door 4 $760 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4216 8 Door 4 $2,028 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4224 8 Door 4 $2,028 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Fiberglass Panels Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4201 300 SF Wall 4 $786 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Fiberglass Panels Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4206 600 SF Wall 4 $1,573 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Fiberglass Panels Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4214 400 SF Wall 4 $1,048 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Fiberglass Panels Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4221 400 SF Wall 4 $1,048 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4204 900 SF Wall 4 $1,135 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4212 700 SF Wall 4 $882 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4219 700 SF Wall 4 $882 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4200 10 Ea. 4 $2,377 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4205 15 Ea. 4 $3,566 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4213 20 Ea. 4 $4,754 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4220 20 Ea. 4 $4,754 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4208 1,000 SF 4 $2,621 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4223 1,000 SF 4 $2,621 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4234 1 Door 4 $253 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4229 500 SF Wall 4 $630 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4230 3 Ea. 4 $713 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4231 500 SF 4 $1,618 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4233 600 SF 4 $1,573 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level 4228 500 SF 4 $1,449 No

Location Note: Sections 15-27

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (21)

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4240 2 Door 4 $507 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4245 4 Door 4 $1,014 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4238 800 SF Wall 4 $1,008 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4243 250 SF Wall 4 $315 No

Location Note: Sections 16-30

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4237 150 SF 4 $435 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Stadium / View Level 4256 200 SF Wall 4 $252 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repainting Stadium / View Level 4254 4 Ea. 4 $951 No

Location Note: Sections 31-45

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / View Level 4250 200 SF 4 $524 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Sub Total for System 86 $797,559

MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Duct Grill is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Field Level 4156 1 Ea. 4 $413 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

Sub Total for System 1 $413

ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Field Level 4159 1 Ea. 2 $239 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Field Level 4158 1 Ea. 2 $7,914 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

The 1 X 4 Interior Fluorescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium / Field Level 4157 22 Ea. 3 $8,987 No

Location Note: Sections 0-14

Sub Total for System 3 $17,139

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Club Level 4225 30 LF 3 $9,031 No

Location Note: Sections 46-61

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4241 30 LF 4 $987 No

Location Note: Sections 1-15

Sub Total for System 2 $10,018

Sub Total for Renovate Concessions/Mech/RR - 2012 109 $915,020

Renovate Locker Rooms - 2012ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3833 2 Door 2 $7,535 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3844 2 Door 2 $7,029 No

Sub Total for System 2 $14,564

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3836 1 Door 2 $1,375 No

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3850 5 Door 2 $7,182 No

The Ceramic Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3848 20 SF 2 $369 No

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3841 1 Door 2 $1,283 No

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repair Or Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3834 3 Ea. 3 $7,552 No

The Stone/Quarry Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3835 130 SF 3 $5,453 No

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (22)

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3847 20 SF Wall 3 $191 No

The Plaster Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3846 40 SF 3 $714 No

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repair Or Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3843 3 Ea. 3 $7,045 No

The Stone/Quarry Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3842 130 SF 3 $5,087 No

Interior Doors Require Repainting Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3849 2 Door 4 $507 No

Sub Total for System 11 $36,757

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3837 8 LF 3 $2,408 No

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3851 42 LF 3 $12,644 No

Requirement Note: Replace training room cabinets

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3840 8 LF 3 $2,396 No

The Wardrobe Storage Cabinets Require Repainting Stadium / Field Level / 071* - Visitors Locker Room

3838 150 LF 4 $3,820 No

Requirement Note: Repaint lockers.

The Wardrobe Storage Cabinets Require Repainting Stadium / Field Level / 072* - Chargers Locker Room

3852 12 LF 4 $306 No

The Wardrobe Storage Cabinets Require Repainting Stadium / Field Level / 075* - Locker Room C

3839 150 LF 4 $3,564 No

Requirement Note: Repaint lockers.

Sub Total for System 6 $25,138

Sub Total for Renovate Locker Rooms - 2012 19 $76,459

Renovate Offices and Suites - 2012ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 260* - 58B/12 4092 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 261* - 59A/14 4050 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 262* - 59B/14 4049 1 Door 2 $765 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Loge Level / 265* - 1A/14 4043 1 Door 2 $1,137 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 266* - 1B/12 4041 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 267* - 3A/12 4038 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 268* - 3B/12 4037 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 269* - 4A/12 4034 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 270* - 4B/12 4033 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 271* - 5A/12 4031 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 272* - 5B/12 4028 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 273* - 6A/12 4025 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 274* - 6B/12 4023 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 275* - 8A/12 4021 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 276* - 8B/12 4018 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 278* - 9B/12 4017 2 Door 2 $1,529 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 279* - 11A/14 4091 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 281* - 12A/12 4090 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Loge Level / 282* - 12B/12 4088 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 282* - 12B/12 4087 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 283* - 13A/12 4086 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Loge Level / 284* - 13B/12 4085 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 284* - 13B/12 4084 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 285* - 15A/12 4082 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 286* - 15B/12 4081 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 288* - 16B/14 4079 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 295* - 26A/14 4077 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 296* - 26B/14 4076 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 300* - 29B/12 4074 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 302* - 30B/12 4072 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Loge Level / 315* - 38B/12 4064 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (23)

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 315* - 38B/12 4063 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 316* - 39A/12 4062 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Loge Level / 317* - 39B/12 4060 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 317* - 39B/12 4059 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 318* - 41A/12 4057 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 322* - 44A/12 4052 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 323* - 44B/12 4045 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 324* - 45A/12 4046 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 326* - Holiday Bowl Offices

3882 1 Door 2 $765 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Press Level / *583 - 43A-Lounge Area

4259 1 Door 2 $3,767 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Press Level / 346* - 59/30 4269 1 Door 2 $3,767 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Press Level / 347* - 60/30 4271 1 Door 2 $3,767 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 348* - 61/30 4276 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 349* - 1A/12 4147 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 351* - 2A/9 4144 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 352* - 2B/8 4143 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 353* - 3A/17 4140 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 354* - 3B/17 4138 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 358* - 5B/10 4134 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 359* - 6A/10 4133 1 Door 2 $765 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Press Level / 360* - 6B/10 4131 1 Door 2 $1,137 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 362* - 8B/18 4128 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 363* - 9A/17 4127 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 364* - 9B/17 4125 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 366* - 10B/8 4121 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 370* - 12B/21 4118 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 377* - 17A/9 4113 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3965 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3964 1 Door 2 $765 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3968 12 LF 2 $35 No

The Exterior Requires Painting Stadium / Loge Level / 326* - Holiday Bowl Offices

3881 200 SF Wall 4 $438 No

Sub Total for System 62 $65,335

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 260* - 58B/12 4093 100 SF 2 $2,756 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 275* - 8A/12 4022 50 SF 2 $1,378 No

Interior Doors Require Replacement Stadium / Loge Level / 304* - 31B/12 4070 1 Door 2 $1,375 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 320* - 43A/14 4055 200 SF 2 $1,912 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 324* - 45A/12 4047 75 SF 2 $2,067 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 325* - Stadium Offices

3884 50 SF 2 $478 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level / 326* - Holiday Bowl Offices

3883 60 SF 2 $574 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 357* - 5A/10 4137 144 SF 2 $1,377 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3966 40 SF 2 $1,102 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3967 20 SF 2 $191 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Loge Level / 267* - 3A/12 4039 20 SF Wall 3 $191 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Loge Level / 272* - 5B/12 4030 4 SF Wall 3 $38 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Stadium / Loge Level / 273* - 6A/12 4026 20 SF Wall 3 $191 No

Requirement Note: Staples in Restroom

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Loge Level / 295* - 26A/14 4078 80 SF 4 $259 No

Sub Total for System 14 $13,889

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (24)

MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Complete HVAC Systemwide Replacement Stadium / Press Level / 414* - Suite 39B 3969 200 SF 2 $3,014 No

Sub Total for System 1 $3,014

ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 335* - 44/30 4267 60 Amps 2 $5,319 No

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium / Press Level / 347* - 60/30 4275 1 Ea. 2 $514 No

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 348* - 61/30 4281 60 Amps 2 $5,319 No

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium / Press Level / 349* - 1A/12 4149 2 Ea. 2 $1,028 No

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Repair Stadium / Press Level / 354* - 3B/17 4139 1 Ea. 2 $169 No

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 365* - 10A/8 4124 1 Ea. 2 $239 No

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Repair Stadium / Press Level / 375* - 15B/14 4115 1 Ea. 2 $169 No

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium / Press Level / 394* - 25A/45 4104 2 Ea. 2 $1,028 No

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 394* - 25A/45 4103 60 Amps 2 $5,319 No

The Incandescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 335* - 44/30 4266 1 Ea. 3 $385 No

The Incandescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 348* - 61/30 4280 1 Ea. 3 $385 No

The Halogen Lighting is Damaged and should be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 388* - 22B/14 4107 1 Ea. 3 $386 No

Sub Total for System 12 $20,263

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Water Heater Plumbing Fixtures Are Damaged And Should Be Repaired

Stadium / Press Level / 331* - 41B/12 4095 1 Ea. 2 $3,190 No

The Water Heater Plumbing Fixtures Are Damaged And Should Be Repaired

Stadium / Press Level / 381* - 19A/14 4112 1 Ea. 2 $2,095 No

The Rest Room Lavatories Plumbing Fixtures Are Damaged And Should Be Cleaned

Stadium / Press Level / 334* - 43/30 4263 1 Ea. 4 $743 No

The Rest Room Lavatories Plumbing Fixtures Are Damaged And Should Be Cleaned

Stadium / Press Level / 335* - 44/30 4268 1 Ea. 4 $743 No

The Rest Room Lavatories Plumbing Fixtures Are Damaged And Should Be Cleaned

Stadium / Press Level / 348* - 61/30 4279 1 Ea. 4 $743 No

Sub Total for System 5 $7,514

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Loge Level / 267* - 3A/12 4040 5 LF 3 $1,505 No

Sub Total for System 1 $1,505

Sub Total for Renovate Offices and Suites - 2012 95 $111,520

Renovate Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2012MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Mechanical Insulation requires replacement Stadium 4710 280 LF 2 $8,388 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year replacement projection.

Controls are at end of life Stadium 4717 15 Ea. 3 $41,250 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 2 $49,638

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The HVAC Piping is damaged and needs repairs Stadium 4714 60 LF 2 $206 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Selective Mechanical Demolition is needed Stadium 4718 1 LS 4 $6,875 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 2 $7,081

Sub Total for Renovate Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2012 4 $56,719

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Renovate Outer Circle Chiller Compund - 2012MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Mechanical Insulation requires replacement Stadium 4736 80 LF 2 $5,809 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $5,809

ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium 4738 3 Ea. 2 $5,156 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $5,156

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The HVAC Piping is damaged and needs repairs Stadium 4737 40 LF 2 $193 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Selective Mechanical Demolition is needed Stadium 4739 1 LS 4 $3,438 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 2 $3,630

Sub Total for Renovate Outer Circle Chiller Compund - 2012 4 $14,596

Renovate Outer Ring Buildings - 2012RoofingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Roll Roofing requires replacement Security Office 4620 1,677 SF 2 $10,473 No

Location Note: Security Office

Roll Roofing requires replacement Chargers Field Club Office 4622 1,918 SF 2 $11,978 No

Location Note: Chargers Field Clubhouse

Roll Roofing requires replacement Ticket Window B 4624 1,372 SF 2 $8,568 No

Location Note: Ticket Window B

Roll Roofing requires replacement Centerplate 4633 2,932 SF 2 $18,310 No

Location Note: Centerplate

Roll Roofing requires replacement Ticket Window F 4648 2,124 SF 2 $13,264 No

Location Note: Ticket Window F

Roll Roofing requires replacement Aztec Offices 4629 2,112 SF 2 $13,189 No

Location Note: Aztec Office

Roll Roofing requires replacement Ticket Window H 4650 1,351 SF 2 $8,437 No

Location Note: Ticket Window H

Roll Roofing requires replacement Janitor's Office 4662 1,895 SF 2 $11,834 No

Location Note: Janitor's Office

Roll Roofing requires replacement Ticket Office 4627 2,386 SF 2 $14,900 No

Location Note: Ticket Office

Roll Roofing requires replacement Auto Connection Office 4655 2,509 SF 2 $15,669 No

Location Note: Auto Connection Office

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4621 1,804 SF 2 $11,266 No

Location Note: Gate P

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4623 1,852 SF 2 $11,566 No

Location Note: Gate A

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4625 1,853 SF 2 $11,572 No

Location Note: Gate B

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4626 1,836 SF 2 $11,466 No

Location Note: Gate C

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4628 1,813 SF 2 $11,322 No

Location Note: Gate D

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4631 1,846 SF 2 $11,528 No

Location Note: Gate E

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4647 1,866 SF 2 $11,653 No

Location Note: Gate F

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RoofingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4649 1,853 SF 2 $11,572 No

Location Note: Gate H

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4654 1,678 SF 2 $10,479 No

Location Note: Gate G

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4661 1,802 SF 2 $11,253 No

Location Note: Gate J

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4666 1,894 SF 2 $11,828 No

Location Note: Gate K

Roll Roofing requires replacement Gates 4667 1,786 SF 2 $11,153 No

Location Note: Gate L

Sub Total for System 22 $263,280

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Ticket Window B 3866 3,000 SF Wall 4 $6,991 No

Requirement Note: Clean exterior walls and concrete flooring around the building.

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Ticket Window F 3858 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

The Concrete / CMU Exterior Is Damaged And Requires Repair Ticket Window F 3861 30 SF Wall 3 $941 No

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Ticket Window F 3857 2,000 SF 4 $4,660 No

Requirement Note: Clean exterior walls and concrete flooring around the building.

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Ticket Window H 3853 2,000 SF 4 $4,996 No

Requirement Note: Clean exterior walls and concrete flooring around the building.

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Janitor's Office 3871 4 Door 2 $3,059 No

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Janitor's Office 3870 500 SF Wall 4 $1,249 No

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Ticket Office 3865 3,000 SF Wall 4 $7,494 No

Requirement Note: Clean exterior walls and concrete flooring around the building.

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3885 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate A

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3888 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate B

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3892 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate C

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3894 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate D

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3896 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate E

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3899 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate F

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3903 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate G

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3905 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate H

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3908 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate J

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3911 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate K

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3914 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate L

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3917 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate M

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3918 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate O1

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3919 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate O2

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3920 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate N

Concrete require cleaning Gates 3922 1,000 SF 2 $3,337 No

Location Note: Gate P

Handrails require minor repairs Gates 3887 40 LF 2 $117 No

Location Note: Gate A

Handrails require minor repairs Gates 3891 30 LF 2 $88 No

Location Note: Gate B

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ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Handrails require replacement Gates 3886 10 LF 2 $1,095 No

Location Note: Gate A

Handrails require replacement Gates 3890 8 LF 2 $876 No

Location Note: Gate B

Handrails require replacement Gates 3893 16 LF 2 $1,753 No

Location Note: Gate C

Handrails require replacement Gates 3895 16 LF 2 $1,753 No

Location Note: Gate D

Handrails require replacement Gates 3898 8 LF 2 $876 No

Location Note: Gate E

Handrails require replacement Gates 3901 10 LF 2 $1,095 No

Location Note: Gate F

Handrails require replacement Gates 3904 12 LF 2 $1,315 No

Location Note: Gate G

Handrails require replacement Gates 3906 6 LF 2 $657 No

Location Note: Gate H

Handrails require replacement Gates 3909 12 LF 2 $1,315 No

Location Note: Gate J

Handrails require replacement Gates 3913 8 LF 2 $876 No

Location Note: Gate K

Handrails require replacement Gates 3915 6 LF 2 $657 No

Location Note: Gate L

Handrails require replacement Gates 3923 8 LF 2 $876 No

Location Note: Gate P

Metal Gate is damaged and requires replacement Gates 3902 2 Ea. 3 $11,384 No

Location Note: Gate F

Sub Total for System 39 $109,980

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Security Office 3879 24 SF 2 $229 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Security Office 3880 300 SF Wall 4 $378 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Chargers Field Club Office 3877 40 SF 2 $382 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Chargers Field Club Office 3878 2,000 SF Wall 3 $19,052 No

The Carpet Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Ticket Window B 3869 400 SF 2 $4,294 No

The Plaster Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Ticket Window B 3867 40 SF 3 $714 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Ticket Window B 3868 200 SF 4 $631 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Centerplate 3863 40 SF 2 $382 No

The Ceramic Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Ticket Window F 3862 10 SF 2 $185 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Ticket Window F 3860 100 SF 4 $315 No

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repainting Ticket Window F 3859 300 SF Wall 4 $378 No

The Carpet Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Ticket Window H 3855 500 SF 2 $5,367 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Ticket Window H 3854 400 SF 4 $1,261 No

The Interior Door Hardware is Damaged and Requires Replacement

Janitor's Office 3876 1 Ea. 2 $1,862 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Janitor's Office 3872 20 SF 2 $191 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Janitor's Office 3873 400 SF 4 $1,261 No

Interior Doors Require Repainting Janitor's Office 3875 1 Door 4 $253 No

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Janitor's Office 3874 500 SF 4 $1,310 No

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Gates 3907 300 SF 3 $2,408 No

Location Note: Gate J

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Gates 3910 100 SF 3 $803 No

Location Note: Gate K

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Gates 3916 200 SF 3 $1,605 No

Location Note: Gate M

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Gates 3921 100 SF 3 $803 No

Location Note: Gate P

Sub Total for System 22 $44,066

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SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Centerplate 3864 10 LF 3 $3,010 No

The Upper Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Ticket Window H 3856 16 LF 3 $3,094 No

Turnstile is damaged and requires replacement Gates 3889 1 Ea. 3 $9,797 No

Location Note: Gate B

Turnstile is damaged and requires replacement Gates 3897 1 Ea. 3 $9,797 No

Location Note: Gate E

Turnstile is damaged and requires replacement Gates 3900 1 Ea. 3 $9,797 No

Location Note: Gate F

Turnstile is damaged and requires replacement Gates 3912 1 Ea. 3 $9,797 No

Location Note: Gate K

Sub Total for System 6 $45,294

Sub Total for Renovate Outer Ring Buildings - 2012 89 $462,620

Renovate Press Boxes - 2012ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 396* - Box 38 Radio

3992 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 396* - Box 38 Radio

3994 12 LF 2 $35 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 397* - Box 37 Chargers Coaches

3997 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 398* - Box 36 Network T.V.

4001 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 398* - Box 36 Network T.V.

4003 12 LF 2 $35 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 399* - Box 35 Radio

4008 8 LF 2 $23 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 405* - Box 26A Padre Owner

3927 20 LF 2 $55 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 409* - Box 30 Padre Home T.V.

3959 20 LF 2 $59 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3986 20 Ea. 2 $49,140 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3987 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3989 12 LF 2 $35 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3979 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3978 1 Door 2 $765 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3982 12 LF 2 $35 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3971 40 Ea. 2 $98,281 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3970 1 Door 2 $765 No

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3975 12 LF 2 $35 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 417* - Copy Room 3943 1 Ea. 2 $2,457 No

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 417* - Copy Room 3942 1 Door 2 $765 No

Exterior door hardware is damaged and should be replaced Stadium / Press Level / 425* - Lounge 3940 2 Ea. 2 $4,914 No

Sub Total for System 20 $169,685

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 396* - Box 38 Radio

3993 16 SF 2 $153 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 397* - Box 37 Chargers Coaches

3998 12 SF 2 $115 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 398* - Box 36 Network T.V.

4002 20 SF 2 $551 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 399* - Box 35 Radio

4007 20 SF 2 $191 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 401* - Box 33 Radio

3947 40 SF 2 $1,102 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 401* - Box 33 Radio

3949 24 SF 2 $229 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 402* - Box 32 Radio

3950 20 SF 2 $551 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 402* - Box 32 Radio

3952 12 SF 2 $115 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 403* - Box 31 Radio

3954 16 SF 2 $153 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4096 40 SF 2 $382 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 405* - Box 26A Padre Owner

3924 80 SF 2 $2,205 No

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InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 405* - Box 26A Padre Owner

3926 80 SF 2 $765 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 407* - Box 28 T.V. 3931 80 SF 2 $765 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 408* - Box 29 T.V. 3935 20 SF 2 $551 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 408* - Box 29 T.V. 3937 40 SF 2 $382 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 409* - Box 30 Padre Home T.V.

3958 20 SF 2 $191 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4011 100 SF 2 $2,756 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4014 120 SF 2 $1,147 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3988 12 SF 2 $115 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3981 16 SF 2 $153 No

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3972 40 SF 2 $1,102 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3974 12 SF 2 $115 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 425* - Lounge 3941 36 SF 2 $344 No

The Suspended Ceiling Grid is Damaged And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 426* - Kitchen 3929 20 SF 2 $191 No

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Stadium / Press Level / *582 - Women RR - Small

3962 50 SF 3 $192 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 401* - Box 33 Radio

3948 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 402* - Box 32 Radio

3951 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 403* - Box 31 Radio

3953 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 405* - Box 26A Padre Owner

3925 100 SF 4 $315 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 407* - Box 28 T.V. 3930 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 408* - Box 29 T.V. 3936 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 409* - Box 30 Padre Home T.V.

3957 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4013 480 SF 4 $1,553 No

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4012 200 SF 4 $524 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3973 100 SF 4 $324 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 417* - Copy Room 3945 200 SF 4 $647 No

The Exposed Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 417* - Copy Room 3946 150 SF 4 $369 No

Interior Walls Require Repainting Stadium / Press Level / 426* - Kitchen 3928 120 SF 4 $388 No

Sub Total for System 38 $20,580

MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 396* - Box 38 Radio

3995 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 397* - Box 37 Chargers Coaches

3999 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Repaired Stadium / Press Level / 398* - Box 36 Network T.V.

4005 150 SF 2 $249 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 398* - Box 36 Network T.V.

4004 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 399* - Box 35 Radio

4009 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 400* - Box 34 Visiting Coach

3955 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 407* - Box 28 T.V. 3934 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 408* - Box 29 T.V. 3938 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4015 40 Ea. 2 $110,935 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3990 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3983 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

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MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Radiant Heat HVAC Component Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3976 1 Ea. 2 $2,773 No

Sub Total for System 12 $138,917

ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4101 2 Ea. 2 $479 No

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4102 1 Ea. 2 $514 No

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4100 60 Amps 2 $5,319 No

Requirement Note: There is no cover and it is not readily accessible.

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 407* - Box 28 T.V. 3932 1 Ea. 2 $239 No

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3985 2 Ea. 2 $479 No

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Stadium / Press Level / 413* - Box D Radio 3977 2 Ea. 2 $479 No

The 2 X 2 Interior Fluorescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium / Press Level / *579 - Men RR - Large

3960 2 Ea. 3 $821 No

The 2 X 2 Interior Fluorescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium / Press Level / *580 - Women RR - Large

3961 2 Ea. 3 $821 No

The 2 X 4 Interior Fluorescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium / Press Level / *582 - Women RR - Small

3963 2 Ea. 3 $1,206 No

The Incandescent Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4099 16 Ea. 3 $6,159 No

Sub Total for System 10 $16,515

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4097 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

The Base Storage Cabinets Require Replacement Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4098 8 LF 3 $2,408 No

Sub Total for System 2 $2,552

Sub Total for Renovate Press Boxes - 2012 82 $348,249

Repair Basem*nt Plumbing - 2012PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Plumbing / Domestic Water Piping System system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4784 1,000 LF 2 $106,563 No

Location Note: Basem*nt Plumbing

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $106,563

Sub Total for Repair Basem*nt Plumbing - 2012 1 $106,563

Repair Communication Systems - 2012ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Electrical Equipment is Abandonded and Requires Removal Stadium 4817 1 Ea. 4 $25,000 No

Requirement Note: The equipment racks are populated with various patch panels and serves as a crossconnect point between the truck bays and the rest of the facility. Eliminating dead cable and equipment should be considered.

Sub Total for System 1 $25,000

TechnologyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

IT Infrastructure/Telecom System needs to be repaired Stadium 4814 1 LS 3 $75,000 No

Requirement Note: It is highly recommended that all panels be replaced with weather resistant material and all cables should be relabeled, reterminated, tested and installed in new panels. The panels and cabling should be relabeled using a new approved labeling scheme.

IT Infrastructure/Telecom System needs to be replaced Stadium 4815 1 LS 4 $75,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace all exterior interface boxes with weathertight plastic boxes. Replace all interior panels with new, weather resistant material. Replace all interior panels and relabel using new approved labeling scheme. Reterminate, test and label all cables.

Sub Total for System 2 $150,000

Sub Total for Repair Communication Systems - 2012 3 $175,000

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Repair Concourses - 2012SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Small Benches Are Damaged And Require Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4651 1 Ea. 4 $2,405 No

Requirement Note: Replace fiberglass bench per assessors notes

Site Signage Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / View Level 4299 4 Ea. 4 $1,910 No

Site Signage Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / View Level / 546* - Seating 30 4332 2 Ea. 4 $955 No

Location Note: Section 30

Sub Total for System 3 $5,270

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Plaza Level 4285 880 LF 2 $2,577 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4707 4 Door 2 $15,070 No

Requirement Note: Replace 4 steel doors per assessors notes

Handrails require minor repairs Stadium / Club Level 4288 100 LF 2 $293 No

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Club Level 4652 5 Door 2 $18,837 No

Requirement Note: Replace 5 steel doors per assessors notes

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Loge Level 4657 7 Door 2 $26,372 No

Requirement Note: Replace 7 steel doors per assessors notes

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Press Level 4658 5 Door 2 $18,837 No

Requirement Note: Replace 5 steel doors per assessors notes

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / View Level 4659 22 Door 2 $82,884 No

Requirement Note: Replace 22 steel doors per assessors notes

The Exterior Requires Painting Stadium / View Level 4660 360 SF Wall 4 $789 No

Requirement Note: Rpaint 360 square feet of walls per assessors notes

Sub Total for System 8 $165,658

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Plaza Level 4284 4,290 SF 2 $118,231 No

The Ceramic Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Club Level 4653 100 SF 2 $1,845 No

Requirement Note: Replace 100 square feet of ceramic tile per assessors notes

Moisture resistant base is damaged or missing and should be installed

Stadium / Loge Level 4656 40 LF 2 $229 No

Requirement Note: Replace 40 linear feet of vinyl base per assessors notes

The Athletic Sport Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Stadium / Loge Level 4290 1,460 SF 2 $40,237 No

Stair Tread needs minor repairs Stadium / View Level 4687 20,416 SF 2 $313,516 No

Requirement Note: Resurface stair tread and risers with nonslip paint/coatingApproximately 44 steps average per set of stairs. Estimated 58 stair cases based on number of sections (57 sections). Total of 2552 stair treads and risers. Estimated square foot area of tread

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4282 2,418 SF 3 $19,406 No

Concrete requires repair Stadium / Loge Level 4289 120 SF 3 $6,143 No

Concrete requires repair Stadium / Press Level 4294 50 SF 3 $2,559 No

Concrete requires repair Stadium / View Level 4295 6 SF 3 $307 No

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium / View Level 4798 2,000 SF 3 $16,051 No

Requirement Note: Circle areas of concrete to be replaced. 8 rows per section with 2 per row.

Concrete requires repair Stadium / View Level / 520* - Seating 04 4369 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: section 04

Concrete requires repair Stadium / View Level / 521* - Seating 05 4367 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: section 05

Epoxy flooring requires replacement Stadium / Field Level 4801 5,900 SF 4 $90,603 No

Requirement Note: There are handicapped access platforms framed with steel plates. 25 locations, approximately 39ft x 6ft in plan. These all need sandblasting or other type of clean and coat in order to remove rust and allow for new epoxy coating.

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Plaza Level 4283 7,000 SF 4 $18,346 No

Epoxy flooring requires replacement Stadium / Club Level 4795 500 SF 4 $7,678 No

Requirement Note: Rusted steel plate framing system for the handicapped seating area needs to be resurfaced. Aisle 9 to 11

Epoxy flooring requires replacement Stadium / Club Level 4796 500 SF 4 $7,678 No

Requirement Note: Rusted steel plate framing system for the handicapped seating area needs to be resurfaced. Aisle 38 to 41

Epoxy flooring requires replacement Stadium / Club Level 4797 500 SF 4 $7,678 No

Requirement Note: Rusted steel plate framing system for the handicapped seating area needs to be resurfaced

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Club Level 4286 7,650 SF 4 $20,049 No

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InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / Press Level 4292 15,000 SF 4 $39,312 No

Interior Brick/CMU Walls Require Repainting Stadium / View Level 4296 22,000 SF 4 $69,370 No

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Stadium / View Level 4298 70,000 SF 4 $183,458 No

Sub Total for System 21 $964,744

Sub Total for Repair Concourses - 2012 32 $1,135,672

Repair Conveyances - 2012StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4301 384 LF 3 $3,447 No

Location Note: Ramp A

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4303 408 LF 3 $3,636 No

Location Note: Ramp C

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4305 408 LF 3 $3,636 No

Location Note: Ramp E

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4308 408 LF 3 $3,636 No

Location Note: Ramp F

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4311 408 LF 3 $3,636 No

Location Note: Ramp H

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4314 294 LF 3 $2,737 No

Location Note: Ramp K

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4312 18 LF 3 $1,581 No

Location Note: Ramp H

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Conveyance 4315 40 LF 3 $3,000 No

Location Note: Ramp K

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4403 32 SF 3 $1,638 No

Location Note: Ramp L

Requirement Note: Topping slab at 2nd from top most landing, 32 sqft of thin topping has spalled.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4404 8 SF 3 $410 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Requirement Note: Left ramp at Press Level spalled concrete 8sqft

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4405 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Requirement Note: Spalled bridge support at stadium side at expansion joint 10sqft

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4406 4 SF 3 $205 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Requirement Note: Right ramp down from Press Level 4sqft spalled slab

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4407 1 SF 3 $51 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Requirement Note: Loge Level center landing minor concrete spalling at slab.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4408 2 SF 3 $102 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Requirement Note: Loge Level bridge from Club Level spalled at stadium side support.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4409 12 SF 3 $614 No

Location Note: Stair P

Requirement Note: Section 60 - concrete with rack pockets (original construction defect) - 3LF

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4410 6 SF 3 $307 No

Location Note: Stair P

Requirement Note: Plaza Level spalled concrete at base of elevator tower.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4411 3 SF 3 $154 No

Location Note: Elevator 2

Requirement Note: Lower Level, similar concrete damage to that found at Elevator #1. Possible wash down damage.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4412 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: 2nd level guardrail is spalling at touch points - 2LF

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4413 12 SF 3 $614 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Club Level landing spalled concrete

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StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4414 8 SF 3 $410 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Loge Level landing spalled concrete

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4415 48 SF 3 $2,457 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Left Press Level ramp deck deterioration - 48sqft (6x8)

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4416 24 SF 3 $1,229 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Right side Press Level ramp deck deterioration

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4417 48 SF 3 $2,457 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Requirement Note: Minor spalling concrete support beam at stairway bridge Press Level - 16LF

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4418 7 SF 3 $358 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Requirement Note: Left Loge Level landing spalled concrete and patches.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4419 24 SF 3 $1,229 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Requirement Note: Right up ramp needs patching.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4420 124 SF 3 $6,347 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Requirement Note: Spalled concrete at ramp to lower basem*nt level (cart or truck impact 24x6)

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4421 56 SF 3 $2,867 No

Location Note: Elevator 3

Requirement Note: Base of elevator spalled concrete similar to the others - 16x3.5 - No other visible damage.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4422 32 SF 3 $1,638 No

Location Note: Escalator G

Requirement Note: Spalled concrete on guardrail Loge Level west side of escalator. Exposed rebar 4x8 section.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4423 16 SF 3 $819 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Left ramp up spalled concrete - 8x2

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4424 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Water erosion at upper landing between inner and outer ramps.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4425 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Press Level landing - spalling of concrete at bearing support. View Level bridge 2-4 ft sections.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4426 3 SF 3 $154 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Spalling at precast column near Section 32

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4427 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Upper west side ramp slab erosion.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4428 18 SF 3 $921 No

Location Note: Escalator H

Requirement Note: Rock pocket patch corner of lower escalator

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4429 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Ramp K

Requirement Note: Bridge over Club Level spalled concrete at stadium side expansion joint - 2sqft x 6in deep

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4430 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: Ramp K

Requirement Note: Ramp above Loge Level similar spalled concrete - 4sqft x 6in deep at support beam

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4431 12 SF 3 $614 No

Location Note: Ramp K

Requirement Note: Ramp up to Press Level right side (east side) exposed rebar at a slab construction joint and spalled out section at the other end.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4451 12 SF 3 $614 No

Location Note: Ramp C

Requirement Note: Exterior guardrail spalled and cracking concrete - 6x2

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StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4664 1 SF 3 $51 No

Location Note: Ramp C

Requirement Note: First landing up from loge 6 sq. inches of exposed rebar - reapair concrete per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4665 3 LF 3 $154 No

Location Note: Ramp C

Requirement Note: Exposed rebar at press level to upper level 3 linear feet per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4668 1 SF 3 $51 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Left ramp to club level defect in concrete - 10 square inches - repair concrete per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4669 16 SF 3 $819 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Repair 16 square feet of eroded concrete at inner landing of club level per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4670 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Repair 10 square feet of concrete patch work on right side up ramp per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4671 1 SF 3 $51 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: 1 square foot patch concrete patch work on right side up ramp per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4432 4 SF 3 $205 No

Location Note: Column No. 1L

Requirement Note: Patch concrete

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4433 15 SF 3 $768 No

Location Note: Column No. 2L

Requirement Note: Spalling concrete at View Level guardrail

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4434 10 SF 3 $512 No

Location Note: Column No. 3R

Requirement Note: Above Press Level spalled concrete

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4435 6 SF 3 $307 No

Location Note: Column No. 3L

Requirement Note: Spalling concrete at View Level

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4436 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: Column No. 5L/5R

Requirement Note: View Level guardrail spalled near column - 2-8LF

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4437 40 SF 3 $2,048 No

Location Note: Column No. 6L/6R

Requirement Note: View Level guardrail spalled near column plus the face of the column has rebar ties starting to be exposed - 20LF

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4438 40 SF 3 $2,048 No

Location Note: Column No. 7L/7R

Requirement Note: 20LF of exposed ties

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4439 80 SF 3 $4,095 No

Location Note: Column No. 8L

Requirement Note: Surface spalling cover at ties - 40LF

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4440 160 SF 3 $8,190 No

Location Note: Column No. 10L/10R

Requirement Note: Surface spalling cover - 80LF

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4441 6 SF 3 $307 No

Location Note: Column No. 14L

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4442 6 SF 3 $307 No

Location Note: Column No. 15L

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4443 120 SF 3 $6,143 No

Location Note: Column No. 16L/16R

Requirement Note: Ties spalling - 80LF x 18in

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4444 9 SF 3 $461 No

Location Note: Column No. 18L

Requirement Note: Ties spalling

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4445 15 SF 3 $768 No

Location Note: Column No. 19L

Requirement Note: Ties spalling - 10LF x 18in

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StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4446 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Requirement Note: Spalling concrete at guard rail upper level of 1996 building.

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4447 100 SF 3 $5,119 No

Requirement Note: Spalling concrete at guard rail upper level of 1996 building.

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4448 120 SF 3 $6,143 No

Location Note: Column No. 23L

Requirement Note: 2nd level and 3rd level concrete spalling at ties - 80LF x18in

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4449 150 SF 3 $7,678 No

Location Note: Column No. 28L/28R

Requirement Note: Spalling concrete - 100LF x 18in

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4450 80 SF 3 $4,095 No

Location Note: Column No. 39L/39R

Requirement Note: Ties spalling concrete - 40LF

Concrete requires repair Stadium 4452 30 SF 3 $1,536 No

Location Note: Column No. 40R

Requirement Note: Ties spalling concrete - 20LF x 18in

Sub Total for System 64 $111,048

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Concrete require cleaning Conveyance 4307 200 SF 2 $667 No

Location Note: Ramp F

The Exterior Requires Cleaning Conveyance 4317 114 SF Wall 4 $285 No

Location Note: Ramp L

Requirement Note: Glue on wall

Sub Total for System 2 $952

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Carpet Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Conveyance 3832 600 SF 2 $6,441 No

Location Note: Ramp A

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4302 500 SF 3 $25,594 No

Location Note: Ramp C

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4309 54 SF 3 $2,764 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4310 14 SF 3 $717 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4313 50 SF 3 $2,559 No

Location Note: Ramp K

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4316 30 SF 3 $1,536 No

Location Note: Ramp L

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4318 20 SF 3 $1,024 No

Location Note: Ramp P

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4663 25 SF 3 $1,280 No

Location Note: Ramp C

Requirement Note: Spalled concrete @ base @ elevator 25 square feet per assessors notes

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4697 8 SF 3 $410 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: (Exposed rebar) at right side of verticaal offset in ramp panels 8 LF

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4804 24 SF 3 $1,229 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Press level at right side has exposed rebar at upper level.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4806 64 SF 3 $3,276 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: The top of the guardrail is cracked from pinch point bearing on adjacent rail.

Concrete requires repair Conveyance 4807 8 LF 3 $410 No

Location Note: Ramp H

Requirement Note: Exposed rebar at upper left side of vertical offset in ramp panels

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Conveyance 4803 84 SF 3 $674 No

Location Note: Ramp C

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InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Concrete Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Conveyance 4805 540 SF 3 $4,334 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Requirement Note: First landing - left side of landing approximately 540SF has been patched with a thin epoxy coating and needs to be replaced.

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Conveyance 4300 200 SF 4 $524 No

Location Note: Ramp A

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Conveyance 4304 200 SF 4 $524 No

Location Note: Ramp E

The Concrete Flooring Requires Repair or Repainting Conveyance 4306 100 SF 4 $262 No

Location Note: Ramp F

Sub Total for System 17 $53,556

ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Conveyance 4808 1 Ea. 2 $239 No

Location Note: Ramp L

Requirement Note: Relocate receptacle to ring wall. Coordinate run overhead with eyebolts. Add glue

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And Require Replacement

Conveyance 4809 1 Ea. 2 $239 No

Location Note: Ramp P

Requirement Note: Relocate receptacle for use by vendors.

Sub Total for System 2 $479

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Non-Refrigerated Drinking Fountain is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Conveyance 4696 1 Ea. 3 $3,076 No

Location Note: Ramp E

Requirement Note: Water fountain pulled from wall - section 12 View Level -per assessors notes

Sub Total for System 1 $3,076

ConveyancesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Elevator Cab And Or Controls Are Damaged Or Missing And Require Repair

Stadium 4857 4 Ea. 2 $171,001 No

Requirement Note: Renovate elevators.

Sub Total for System 1 $171,001

Sub Total for Repair Conveyances - 2012 87 $340,112

Repair Electrical Systems - 2012ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Pole Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Repaired Site Level 4689 53 Ea. 3 $105,372 No

Requirement Note: For all poles 2 ring of further outside ring road replace the rusted hand hole covers per assessors notes

Bus Duct has reached the end of its Service LIfe Stadium 4682 3,600 LF 2 $221,132 No

Location Note: Field Light Ring Bus Duct

Requirement Note: Replace three 1200ft, 1250A Bus Duct, 480/277

Circuit Breaker - 225 Amp requires replacement Stadium 4848 1 Ea. 2 $369 No

Requirement Note: PC-6 "East Tunnel" circuit #2/0 wire not protected. Replace circuit breaker with 175A, 3P or replace feeder.

Circuit Breaker - 225 Amp requires replacement Stadium 4849 1 Ea. 2 $369 No

Requirement Note: PC-4 panel 3N not protected. Replace CB with 200A, 3P

Circuit Breaker - 225 Amp requires replacement Stadium 4850 1 Ea. 2 $369 No

Requirement Note: PC-4 New panel not labeled and feeder not protected. Replace CB with 40A, 3P

Circuit Breaker - 225 Amp requires replacement Stadium 4851 1 Ea. 2 $369 No

Requirement Note: PC-4 feeder not protected. Replace CB with 20A

Circuit Breaker - 225 Amp requires replacement Stadium 4852 1 Ea. 2 $369 No

Requirement Note: PC-4 panel 3E CB not working. Replace circuit breaker.

Grounding needs minor repairs Stadium 4680 1 Ea. 2 $309 No

Location Note: PC-5

Requirement Note: Insufficient XF/Air Switch grounding. Repair ground

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ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Grounding needs minor repairs Stadium 4681 1 Ea. 2 $309 No

Location Note: PC-2

Requirement Note: Insufficient ground for circuit C44A

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4840 1,200 Amps 2 $50,231 No

Requirement Note: 4 power centers for the parking lot lights are at end of life and need to be replaced. (12kV - 480/277V 150kVA)

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4692 3 Ea. 2 $287 No

Requirement Note: Place cover on done J-Boxes per assessors notes - pole XH3

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4833 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide panel cover for Panel AC

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4834 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide panel cover for Panel AL

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4835 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide panel cover for Panel BH

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4836 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide panel cover for Panel CF

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4837 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide panel cover for Panel CH

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4838 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide dead front cover for Panel CL

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4839 42 Ea. 2 $4,011 No

Requirement Note: Provide 42 blank covers for PC-6 panels

Panelboard - 200 Amp needs minor repairs Stadium 4853 1 Ea. 2 $96 No

Requirement Note: Provide new panel cover for PC-4

Safety switch requires replacement Stadium 4854 1 Ea. 2 $11,339 No

Requirement Note: Replace Air switch at PC-13

Safety switch requires replacement Stadium 4855 1 Ea. 2 $11,339 No

Requirement Note: Replace air switch at PC-58

The Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium 4686 1 Ea. 2 $3,000 No

Requirement Note: Existing feed for the "Game Face" booth near the security office are several extension cords passing through the building. Provide permanent feeder or a permanent receptacle adjacent to the booth.

The Exterior Dry Type Transformer Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium 4674 113 KVA 2 $22,859 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone A Light Ring

Requirement Note: Replace one 112.5KVA XF: 480-208/120v

The Exterior Dry Type Transformer Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium 4677 113 KVA 2 $22,859 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone B Light Ring

Requirement Note: XF B and BH are at end of life. Replace two 112.5KVA 480-208/120V including primary feeders for B

The Exterior Dry Type Transformer Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium 4678 113 KVA 2 $22,859 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone C Light Ring

Requirement Note: XF CC is at end of life. It has signs of overheating. Replace one 112.5KVA, 480-208/120V

The Exterior Electrical Enclosure Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced

Stadium 4683 34 Ea. 2 $10,599 No

Location Note: Field Light Ring

Requirement Note: Replace 34 2x3 NEMA 3R enclosures.

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium 4685 200 Ea. 2 $102,823 No

Requirement Note: Exterior outlets need GFI and in-use weatherproof covers.

The GFCI Electrical Receptacles Are Inadequate And More Are Needed

Stadium 4846 30 Ea. 2 $15,423 No

Requirement Note: Provide permanent feeders to replace the extention cord feeders.

The Mounted Building Lighting Is Damaged And Should Be Repaired

Stadium 4709 3,000 Ea. 2 $927,527 No

Requirement Note: 5 Years 3000 1 x 4 lenses per assessors notes

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium 4673 400 Amps 2 $35,463 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone A Light Ring

Requirement Note: Panel AA oxidizing - end of life. 400A, 208/120V

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ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium 4675 400 Amps 2 $35,463 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone A Light Ring

Requirement Note: Replace one 400A, 208/120V panel

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium 4676 225 Amps 2 $19,948 No

Location Note: Field Lights Zone A Light Ring

Requirement Note: Replace one 225A, 208/120V panel.

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium 4679 100 Amps 2 $8,866 No

Requirement Note: Panel CC is at end of life. Replace panel 100A, 480/277V

The Panelboard Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced Stadium 4684 20 Ea. 2 $158,273 No

Requirement Note: Replace 20 Panels - 225A, 120/208V.

Sub Total for System 34 $1,792,803

Sub Total for Repair Electrical Systems - 2012 34 $1,792,803

Repair Grease Traps - 2012PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Repair Grease Trap Stadium 4791 15 Ea. 2 $11,344 No

Location Note: Grease Traps - Plaza & Basem*nt

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $11,344

Sub Total for Repair Grease Traps - 2012 1 $11,344

Repair Stadium Seats - 2012SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 016* - Seating 01 4493 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 017* - Seating 02 4494 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 018* - Seating 03 4495 12 Ea. 2 $344 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 019* - Seating 04 4497 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 020* - Seating 05 4498 17 Ea. 2 $487 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 021* - Seating 06 4499 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 022* - Seating 07 4501 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 023* - Seating 08 4502 24 Ea. 2 $688 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 024* - Seating 09 4504 13 Ea. 2 $372 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 025* - Seating 10 4506 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 026* - Seating 11 4507 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 027* - Seating 12 4508 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 028* - Seating 13 4509 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 029* - Seating 14 4510 12 Ea. 2 $344 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 030* - Seating 15 4511 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 031* - Seating 16 4512 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 032* - Seating 17 4513 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 033* - Seating 18 4514 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 034* - Seating 19 4519 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 046* - Seating 31 4521 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 047* - Seating 32 4522 13 Ea. 2 $372 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 048* - Seating 33 4524 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 049* - Seating 34 4525 17 Ea. 2 $487 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 050* - Seating 35 4526 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 051* - Seating 36 4527 16 Ea. 2 $458 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 052* - Seating 37 4528 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 053* - Seating 38 4529 17 Ea. 2 $487 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 054* - Seating 39 4530 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 055* - Seating 40 4531 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 056* - Seating 41 4532 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 057* - Seating 42 4533 6 Ea. 2 $172 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 058* - Seating 43 4534 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 059* - Seating 44 4535 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 060* - Seating 45 4536 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 063* - Seating 56 4537 3 Ea. 2 $86 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 064* - Seating 57 4538 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

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Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / 065* - Seating 58 4539 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Field Level / Seating 00-Interior Circulation Area

4492 7 Ea. 2 $201 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 111* - Seating 01 4453 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 112* - Seating 02 4454 18 Ea. 2 $516 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 113* - Seating 03 4455 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 114* - Seating 04 4456 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 115* - Seating 05 4457 6 Ea. 2 $172 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 116* - Seating 06 4458 1 Ea. 2 $29 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 117* - Seating 07 4459 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 118* - Seating 08 4460 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 119* - Seating 09 4461 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 120* - Seating 10 4462 1 Ea. 2 $29 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 121* - Seating 11 4463 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 122* - Seating 12 4464 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 123* - Seating 13 4465 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 124* - Seating 14 4466 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 125* - Seating 15 4467 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 126* - Seating 16 4468 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 127* - Seating 17 4469 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 128* - Seating 18 4470 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 129* - Seating 19 4471 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 130* - Seating 20 4472 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 131* - Seating 21 4473 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 132* - Seating 22 4474 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 133* - Seating 23 4475 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 134* - Seating 24 4476 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 135* - Seating 25 4477 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 136* - Seating 26 4478 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 137* - Seating 27 4479 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 138* - Seating 28 4480 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 139* - Seating 29 4481 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 140* - Seating 30 4482 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 141* - Seating 31 4483 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 142* - Seating 32 4484 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 143* - Seating 33 4485 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 144* - Seating 34 4486 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 145* - Seating 35 4487 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 146* - Seating 36 4488 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 147* - Seating 37 4489 21 Ea. 2 $602 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 148* - Seating 38 4490 20 Ea. 2 $573 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 149* - Seating 39 4491 19 Ea. 2 $544 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 150* - Seating 40 4515 19 Ea. 2 $544 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 151* - Seating 41 4516 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 152* - Seating 42 4517 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 153* - Seating 43 4518 43 Ea. 2 $1,232 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 154* - Seating 44 4520 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 155* - Seating 45 4523 13 Ea. 2 $372 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 156* - Seating 46 4540 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 157* - Seating 47 4545 22 Ea. 2 $630 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 158* - Seating 48 4553 23 Ea. 2 $659 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 159* - Seating 49 4555 23 Ea. 2 $659 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 160* - Seating 50 4559 12 Ea. 2 $344 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 161* - Seating 51 4568 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 162* - Seating 52 4587 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 163* - Seating 53 4602 13 Ea. 2 $372 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 164* - Seating 54 4609 25 Ea. 2 $716 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 165* - Seating 55 4610 24 Ea. 2 $688 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 166* - Seating 56 4611 23 Ea. 2 $659 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 167* - Seating 57 4612 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 168* - Seating 58 4613 15 Ea. 2 $430 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 169* - Seating 59 4614 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (40)

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 170* - Seating 60 4615 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / Plaza Level / 171* - Seating 61 4616 14 Ea. 2 $401 No

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 517* - Seating 01 4373 1 Ea. 2 $29 No

Location Note: section 01

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 518* - Seating 02 4372 1 Ea. 2 $29 No

Location Note: section 02

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 519* - Seating 03 4371 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Location Note: section 03

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 520* - Seating 04 4368 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Location Note: section 04

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 521* - Seating 05 4366 7 Ea. 2 $201 No

Location Note: section 05

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 522* - Seating 06 4365 6 Ea. 2 $172 No

Location Note: section 06

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 523* - Seating 07 4364 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 07

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 524* - Seating 08 4363 12 Ea. 2 $344 No

Location Note: section 08

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 525* - Seating 09 4362 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 09

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 526* - Seating 10 4361 6 Ea. 2 $172 No

Location Note: section 10

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 527* - Seating 11 4360 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: section 11

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 528* - Seating 12 4358 3 Ea. 2 $86 No

Location Note: section 12

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 530* - Seating 14 4355 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 14

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 531* - Seating 15 4352 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Location Note: section 15

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 532* - Seating 16 4350 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: section 16

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 533* - Seating 17 4348 7 Ea. 2 $201 No

Location Note: section 17

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 534* - Seating 18 4347 3 Ea. 2 $86 No

Location Note: section 18

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 535* - Seating 19 4346 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 19

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 536* - Seating 20 4345 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 20

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 537* - Seating 21 4343 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: Section 21

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 538* - Seating 22 4341 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: section 22

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 539* - Seating 23 4340 17 Ea. 2 $487 No

Location Note: section 23

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 540* - Seating 24 4339 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Location Note: section 24

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 541* - Seating 25 4338 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Location Note: Section 25

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 542* - Seating 26 4337 7 Ea. 2 $201 No

Location Note: section 26

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 543* - Seating 27 4335 7 Ea. 2 $201 No

Location Note: sectiom27

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 544* - Seating 28 4334 8 Ea. 2 $229 No

Location Note: section 28

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 545* - Seating 29 4333 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 29

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 547* - Seating 31 4330 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: Section 31

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 548* - Seating 32 4328 11 Ea. 2 $315 No

Location Note: section 32

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (41)

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 549* - Seating 33 4327 10 Ea. 2 $287 No

Location Note: section 33

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 550* - Seating 34 4326 18 Ea. 2 $516 No

Location Note: Seciton 34

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 551* - Seating 35 4325 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Location Note: Section 35

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 552* - Seating 36 4324 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Location Note: Section 36

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 553* - Seating 37 4323 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: section 37

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 554* - Seating 38 4322 5 Ea. 2 $143 No

Location Note: section 38

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 555* - Seating 39 4321 4 Ea. 2 $115 No

Location Note: section 39

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 556* - Seating 40 4320 9 Ea. 2 $258 No

Location Note: section 40

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 557* - Seating 41 4319 3 Ea. 2 $86 No

Location Note: section 41

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 566* - Seating 54 4374 1 Ea. 2 $29 No

Location Note: section 54

Sub Total for System 139 $49,106

Sub Total for Repair Stadium Seats - 2012 139 $49,106

Repalace Stadium Seats - 2012SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 201* - Seating 01 4541 189 Ea. 3 $18,050 No

Requirement Note: replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 202* - Seating 02 4546 271 Ea. 3 $25,881 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 203* - Seating 03 4547 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 204* - Seating 04 4548 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 205* - Seating 05 4549 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 206* - Seating 06 4550 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 207* - Seating 07 4551 271 Ea. 3 $25,881 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 208* - Seating 08 4552 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 209* - Seating 09 4554 165 Ea. 3 $15,758 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 210* - Seating 10 4562 223 Ea. 3 $21,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 211* - Seating 11 4566 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 212* - Seating 12 4571 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 213* - Seating 13 4576 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 214* - Seating 14 4579 220 Ea. 3 $21,010 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 215* - Seating 15 4584 79 Ea. 3 $7,545 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushion

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 227* - Seating 27 4588 77 Ea. 3 $7,354 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (42)

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 228* - Seating 28 4589 220 Ea. 3 $21,010 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 229* - Seating 29 4590 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 230* - Seating 30 4591 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 231* - Seating 31 4592 195 Ea. 3 $18,623 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 232* - Seating 32 4593 263 Ea. 3 $25,117 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 233* - Seating 33 4594 235 Ea. 3 $22,443 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 234* - Seating 34 4595 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 235* - Seating 35 4596 271 Ea. 3 $25,881 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 236* - Seating 36 4597 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 237* - Seating 37 4598 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 238* - Seating 38 4599 243 Ea. 3 $23,207 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 239* - Seating 39 4600 194 Ea. 3 $18,527 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 240* - Seating 40 4601 221 Ea. 3 $21,106 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 241* - Seating 41 4603 189 Ea. 3 $18,050 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 242* - Seating 42 4604 184 Ea. 3 $17,572 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 243* - Seating 43 4605 184 Ea. 3 $17,572 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 244* - Seating 44 4606 177 Ea. 3 $16,904 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 245* - Seating 45 4607 52 Ea. 3 $4,966 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 254* - Seating 58 4608 52 Ea. 3 $4,966 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 255* - Seating 59 4617 175 Ea. 3 $16,713 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 256* - Seating 60 4618 184 Ea. 3 $17,572 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushions

Seat is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level / 257* - Seating 61 4619 184 Ea. 3 $17,572 No

Requirement Note: Replace seat cushion

Sub Total for System 38 $729,334

Sub Total for Repalace Stadium Seats - 2012 38 $729,334

Replace Basem*nt Cold Water Isolation Valves - 2012PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Valve (>3") requires replacement Stadium 4785 15 Ea. 2 $60,328 No

Location Note: Cold Water Isolation Valves - Basem*nt

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $60,328

Sub Total for Replace Basem*nt Cold Water Isolation Valves - 2012 1 $60,328

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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Replace Basem*nt Hot Water Expansion Bellows - 2012StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

2" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium 4786 15 EACH 3 $23,203 No

Location Note: Hot Water Expansion Bellows - Basem*nt

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $23,203

Sub Total for Replace Basem*nt Hot Water Expansion Bellows - 2012 1 $23,203

Replace CCTV System - 2012Fire and Life SafetyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Digital recording security system requires replacement Stadium 4825 1 Ea. 2 $300,000 No

Requirement Note: System headend is old and needs to be replaced. Most stadium systems are recording at a minimum of 7 frames per second and at higher CIF rates. Recommend complete replacement of headend system and monitor consoles.

Digital recording security system requires replacement Stadium 4826 1 Ea. 2 $2,500,000 No

Requirement Note: Quantity of CCTV cameras is substandard for stadium size. Recommend wholesale system replacement to include all IP based cameras and associated cabling infrastructure. Estimate 300 CCTV cameras, mix of PTZ and fixed, color and black and white.

Sub Total for System 2 $2,800,000

Sub Total for Replace CCTV System - 2012 2 $2,800,000

Replace Expansion Joint - 2012StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies requires replacement Stadium / View Level 4672 60 LF 2 $8,651 No

Requirement Note: Section 34 expansion joint tripping hazard - replace cover per assessors notes

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Field Level 4828 106,339 SF 3 $136,082 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Plaza Level 4830 704,636 SF 3 $901,723 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level 4827 148,671 SF 3 $190,254 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Club Level 4287 1,125 LF 3 $72,979 No

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Loge Level 4829 114,075 SF 3 $145,982 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Loge Level 4291 1,200 LF 3 $77,816 No

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Press Level 4831 103,219 SF 3 $132,089 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / Press Level 4293 730 LF 3 $47,502 No

1" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / View Level 4832 217,721 SF 3 $278,618 No

Requirement Note: Replace the expansion joints throughout this level. Numbers given by the stadium were used for the cost estimation.

6" Expansion Joint is damaged and requires replacement Stadium / View Level 4297 1,575 LF 3 $102,002 No

Sub Total for System 11 $2,093,698

Sub Total for Replace Expansion Joint - 2012 11 $2,093,698

Replace Field Bleachers - 2012StructuralRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Structural Steel is missing and is needed Stadium / Field Level 4800 200 LF 2 $33,515 No

Requirement Note: Approximately 200LF of structural steel elements that have significant rust should be strengthened. Assume that C12x20.7 steel can be added to supplement what is already there. That is approx. 4500lbs of additional steel that needs to be welded in place.

Sub Total for System 1 $33,515

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Stair Tread/Nosing requires replacement Stadium / Field Level 4802 3,040 LF 2 $1,024,353 No

Requirement Note: Stair nosing is a tripping hazard.

Epoxy flooring requires replacement Stadium / Field Level 4799 57,000 SF 4 $875,315 No

Requirement Note: The entire upper surface of the steel bleacher sections should be sandblasted and recoated with epoxy paint. The lower plate surfaces are also rusted and should be cleaned and coated. There are approximately 28,500SF of bleacher area on each side of the s

Sub Total for System 2 $1,899,668

Sub Total for Replace Field Bleachers - 2012 3 $1,933,183

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Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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Replace Pipework in Plumbing Warehouse - 2012PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Plumbing / Domestic Water Piping System system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4792 300 LF 2 $65,313 No

Location Note: Plumbing Warehouse Area

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $65,313

Sub Total for Replace Pipework in Plumbing Warehouse - 2012 1 $65,313

Replace Pipework in Press/Loge Suites - 2012PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Plumbing / Domestic Water Piping System system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4793 1,000 LF 2 $130,625 No

Location Note: Plumbing in Press/Loge Suites

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $130,625

Sub Total for Replace Pipework in Press/Loge Suites - 2012 1 $130,625

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2012EquipmentRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4630 2 Ea. 2 $40,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 2 Jacobson Triplex Mowers.

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4632 1 Ea. 2 $3,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Jacobson Turf Cat Mower

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4634 2 Ea. 2 $60,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 2 John Deer Utility Tractors.

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4635 1 Ea. 2 $20,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 4ton Heavy Sod Roller

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4636 1 Ea. 2 $10,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Turfco Pull Type Top Dresser

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4637 1 Ea. 2 $60,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Loader/Backhoe

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4638 1 Ea. 2 $130,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Parking Lot Street Sweeper

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4639 1 Ea. 2 $50,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Ride-on sweeper

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4640 2 Ea. 2 $80,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 2 4ton Small Fork Lifts

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4641 1 Ea. 2 $30,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 3/4 ton pickup truck with liftgate

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4642 1 Ea. 2 $25,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 1/2 ton pickup truck

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4643 1 Ea. 2 $80,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Volvo Trash Compactor Truck. It probably makes more sense to rent the truck with a trash service.

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4644 6 Ea. 2 $108,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 6 Flatbed Golf Carts

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4645 1 Ea. 2 $6,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Paint Striping Machine

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4646 1 Ea. 2 $4,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Concrete/Plaster Mixer

Sub Total for System 15 $706,000

Sub Total for Replace Stadium Equipment - 2012 15 $706,000

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Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


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Survey Audio System - 2012TechnologyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Audio-Visual System needs to be repaired Stadium 4820 1 LS 3 $35,000 No

Requirement Note: Lack of documentation is problematic. The city should have the existing sound system surveyed to obtain the latest as-built condition of the facility. Part numbers for installed major products should be obtained for future maintenance issues.

Sub Total for System 1 $35,000

Sub Total for Survey Audio System - 2012 1 $35,000

Survey Cable Plant - 2012TechnologyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

IT Infrastructure/Telecom System needs to be repaired Stadium 4813 1 LS 3 $75,000 No

Requirement Note: The current status of the backbone system is that it is undocumented and the existing pathways are generally congested which exceeds the TIA recommended fill ratios for conduits and cable trays. Survey/Document the existing cable plant.

Sub Total for System 1 $75,000

Sub Total for Survey Cable Plant - 2012 1 $75,000

Upgrade Video Cabling - 2012TechnologyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Audio-Visual System needs to be repaired Stadium 4816 1 LS 3 $75,000 No

Requirement Note: Internal RF system that provides video programming to the 450+ televisions around the stadium, needs an upgrade to accommodate the HD channels in the higher frequencies.

IT Infrastructure/Telecom System needs to be replaced Stadium 4818 1 LS 4 $125,000 No

Requirement Note: It is recommended to consider the use of new cabletray that could be installed above the exterior walkways. Cable tray installation is suggested for all levels to facilitate installing or removing cables in the future.

Sub Total for System 2 $200,000

Sub Total for Upgrade Video Cabling - 2012 2 $200,000

Renovate Clubs - 2013RoofingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Skylight is Damaged and Requires Replacement Clubs 4858 2 Ea. 2 $5,231 No

Location Note: Club Lounge C

Skylight is Damaged and Requires Replacement Clubs 4859 2 Ea. 2 $5,212 No

Location Note: Club Lounge D

Skylight is Damaged and Requires Replacement Clubs 4860 2 Ea. 2 $5,212 No

Location Note: Club Lounge E

Skylight is Damaged and Requires Replacement Clubs 4861 2 Ea. 2 $5,212 No

Location Note: Club Lounge F

Sub Total for System 4 $20,867

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Exterior Metal Door Requires Repainting Clubs 3811 1 Door 2 $765 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Metal Exterior Door Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Clubs 3810 2 Door 2 $7,535 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Exterior Soffit Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Clubs 3822 20 SF 3 $536 No

Location Note: Club Lounge E

Requirement Note: Metal

The Exterior Soffit Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Clubs 3823 20 SF 3 $536 No

Location Note: Club Lounge F

Requirement Note: Metal

Sub Total for System 4 $9,372

InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Base Nosing requires replacement Clubs 3816 20 LF 2 $114 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Carpet Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Clubs 3829 3,500 SF 2 $37,572 No

Location Note: Club Tower

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InteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Ceramic Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Clubs 3817 120 SF 2 $2,214 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Interior Door Hardware is Damaged and Requires Replacement

Clubs 3818 1 Ea. 2 $1,862 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Vinyl Composition Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Clubs 3827 500 SF 2 $4,718 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Vinyl Composition Tile Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Clubs 3828 1,000 SF 2 $9,436 No

Location Note: Club Tower

Interior Gypboard Walls Require Repair Clubs 3813 25 SF Wall 3 $238 No

Location Note: Club Tower

Interior Toilet Partition Require Repair Or Replacement Clubs 3814 4 Ea. 3 $10,070 No

Location Note: Club Tower

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Clubs 3821 100 SF 3 $385 No

Location Note: Club Lounge C

The Gypboard Ceilings Are Damaged And Requires Repair Clubs 3824 100 SF 3 $385 No

Location Note: Club Lounge F

The Stone/Quarry Flooring Is Damaged And Requires Replacement

Clubs 3826 12 SF 3 $503 No

Location Note: Club Tower

Sub Total for System 11 $67,498

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Remodel Restroom Clubs 3820 300 SF 2 $39,144 No

Location Note: Club Tower

Requirement Note: Men's and Women's restroom need to be remodeled.

Sub Total for System 1 $39,144

Sub Total for Renovate Clubs - 2013 20 $136,881

Repair Northeast Parking Area - 2013SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4542 148,000 SF 3 $173,988 No

Location Note: Parking Lot A

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4544 578,250 SF 3 $221,009 No

Location Note: Parking Lot B

Requirement Note: Add overlay to 75% of Parking Lot B

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4583 139,000 SF 3 $163,443 No

Location Note: Parking Lot N

Requirement Note: Slurry seal Parking Lot N

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4543 430 CAR 3 $1,180,500 No

Location Note: Parking Lot B

Requirement Note: Repair 2400LF of cracked asphalt and patch 25% of Parking Lot B

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4582 62 CAR 3 $170,212 No

Location Note: Parking Lot N

Requirement Note: Repair 1,200LF of cracked asphalt and patch 20% of Parking Lot N

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4586 50 CAR 3 $137,267 No

Requirement Note: Patch 15% of Parking Lot A and repair 1,000LF of cracked asphalt.

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4810 600 LF 3 $4,853 No

Location Note: Parking B

Requirement Note: Add 600LF 6" AC berm at the exterior perimeter

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4811 1,000 LF 3 $8,088 No

Location Note: Parking B

Requirement Note: Mission Gorge Creek berm needs to be repaired at NE and E perimeter to prevent flooding.

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4812 200 LF 3 $1,618 No

Location Note: Parking B

Requirement Note: Remove and replace 200LF of 4' Valley Gutter.

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SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Fencing Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced (8' Chain Link Fence)

Site Level 4370 800 LF 3 $31,649 No

Location Note: Parking Lot B

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4375 2,899 CAR 4 $570,108 No

Location Note: Parking Lot B

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4382 532 CAR 4 $104,621 No

Location Note: Parking Lot A

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4383 642 CAR 4 $126,254 No

Location Note: Parking Lot N

Sub Total for System 13 $2,893,609

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Handrails require replacement Site Level 4393 230 LF 2 $25,195 No

Location Note: Parking Lot N

Requirement Note: Modify handrails at accessible parking spaces by the stadium

Sub Total for System 1 $25,195

Sub Total for Repair Northeast Parking Area - 2013 14 $2,918,803

Replace Building Controls - 2013MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4753 2 Ea. 3 $61,875 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4754 2 Ea. 3 $48,125 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4755 15 Ea. 3 $721,875 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4756 10 Ea. 3 $206,250 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4757 3 Ea. 3 $10,313 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4758 30 Ea. 3 $206,250 No

Location Note: Building Controls

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Replace (E) pneumatic building management controls with DDC

Sub Total for System 6 $1,254,688

Sub Total for Replace Building Controls - 2013 6 $1,254,688

Replace Video Display System - 2013TechnologyRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Audio-Visual System needs to be replaced Stadium 4821 1 LS 3 $4,000,000 No

Requirement Note: The Sony JumboTron is no longer supported and spare parts can be hard to come by. Recommend wholesale replacement. Includes replay, down, quarter, message board and game clock. Estimated 96ft x 120ft display area

Audio-Visual System needs to be replaced Stadium 4822 1 LS 3 $2,000,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace Replay Video Board. Estimated 40ft x 40ft display area.

Audio-Visual System needs to be replaced Stadium 4823 1 LS 3 $3,600,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace Ribbon Message Boards. Estimated 2ft x 1600ft display area.

Sub Total for System 3 $9,600,000

Sub Total for Replace Video Display System - 2013 3 $9,600,000

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Repair Northwest Parking Area - 2014SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

The Parking Area Curb Ramp Does Not Meet Minimum Color Differential Requirements

Site Level 4386 1 Ea. 2 $124 No

Location Note: Parking Lot E

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4557 115,500 SF 3 $181,799 No

Location Note: Parking Lot C

Requirement Note: Overlay and seal 75% of Parking Lot C

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4560 710,500 SF 3 $271,747 No

Location Note: Parking Lot D

Requirement Note: Add overlay to 70% of Parking Lot D

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4556 86 CAR 3 $236,100 No

Location Note: Parking Lot C

Requirement Note: Repair 1500LF of cracked asphalt, patch 10% and replace 15% of Parking Lot C

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4558 677 CAR 3 $1,858,601 No

Location Note: Parking Lot D

Requirement Note: Repair 8,000LF of cracked asphalt and path 30% of Parking Lot D

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4561 162 CAR 3 $444,746 No

Location Note: Parking Lot E

Requirement Note: Repair 2,000LF of cracked asphalt and seal coat Parking Lot E. This area is used for event, team, staff and video truck parking. This also includes the west access ramp and loading dock.

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4379 3,861 CAR 4 $759,291 No

Location Note: Parking Lot D

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4380 268 CAR 4 $52,704 No

Location Note: Parking Lot E

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4381 667 CAR 4 $131,170 No

Location Note: Parking Lot C

Sub Total for System 9 $3,936,282

SpecialtiesRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Seat Spring requires repair Stadium / View Level / 546* - Seating 30 4331 2 Ea. 2 $57 No

Location Note: section 30

Sub Total for System 1 $57

Sub Total for Repair Northwest Parking Area - 2014 10 $3,936,340

Repair Southwest Parking Area - 2014SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4564 156,000 SF 3 $184,533 No

Location Note: Parking Lot F

Requirement Note: Slurry seal Parking Lot F

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4567 1,180,000 SF 3 $450,618 No

Location Note: Parking Lot G

Requirement Note: Add overlay to 2/3 of Parking Lot G

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4570 37,600 SF 3 $14,447 No

Location Note: Parking Lot H

Requirement Note: Overlay asphalt paving

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4573 70,000 SF 3 $82,249 No

Location Note: Parking Lot J

Requirement Note: Slurry seal 40% of Parking Lot J

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4563 104 CAR 3 $285,516 No

Location Note: Parking Lot F

Requirement Note: Repair 2,800LF of cracked asphalt and patch 30% of Parking Lot F

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4565 1,311 CAR 3 $3,599,152 No

Location Note: Parking Lot G

Requirement Note: Repair 10,000LF of cracked asphalt and replace 1/3 of Parking Lot G

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4569 21 CAR 3 $57,652 No

Location Note: Parking Lot H

Requirement Note: Patch 20% of Parking Lot H

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SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4572 234 CAR 3 $642,411 No

Location Note: Parking Lot J

Requirement Note: Remove and replace 60% of Parking Lot J

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4378 3,902 CAR 4 $767,354 No

Location Note: Parking Lot G

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4385 610 CAR 4 $119,961 No

Location Note: Parking Lot F

Sub Total for System 10 $6,203,894

Sub Total for Repair Southwest Parking Area - 2014 10 $6,203,894

Repair Ventilation Systems - 2014MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Test And Balancing Required Stadium 4774 80,000 CFM 2 $220,000 No

Location Note: Ventilation Systems

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Duct Cleaning Required Stadium 4775 80,000 CFM 4 $275,000 No

Location Note: Ventilation Systems

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Sub Total for System 2 $495,000

Sub Total for Repair Ventilation Systems - 2014 2 $495,000

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2014EquipmentRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4700 2 Ea. 2 $60,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace two John Deer Utility Tractors

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4702 2 Ea. 2 $90,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace two Tennant Floor Scrubbers

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4703 5 Ea. 2 $350,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace five 8ton Heavy Fork Lifts

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4704 1 Ea. 2 $80,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace one Trash Compactor

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4705 4 Ea. 2 $40,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace four Golf Carts

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4706 5 Ea. 2 $25,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace five Paint Spray Machines

Sub Total for System 6 $645,000

Sub Total for Replace Stadium Equipment - 2014 6 $645,000

Repair Southeast Parking Area - 2015SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4575 89,000 SF 3 $105,447 No

Location Note: Parking Lot K

Requirement Note: Slurry seal Parking Lot K

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4578 122,000 SF 3 $143,408 No

Location Note: Parking Lot L

Requirement Note: Slurry seal Parking Lot L. This includes the east access ramp.

Asphalt Coating requires replacement Site Level 4581 793,600 SF 3 $1,230,641 No

Location Note: Parking Lot M

Requirement Note: Overlay and seal 80% of Parking Lot M

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4574 20 CAR 3 $54,907 No

Location Note: Parking Lot K

Requirement Note: Repair 1,800LF of cracked asphalt and patch 10% of Parking Lot K

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4577 41 CAR 3 $112,559 No

Location Note: Parking Lot L

Requirement Note: Repair 2,000LF of cracked asphalt and patch 15% of Parking Lot L

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SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Asphalt Paving Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4580 441 CAR 3 $1,210,699 No

Location Note: Parking Lot M

Requirement Note: Repair 8,000LF of cracked asphalt and patch 20% of Parking Lot M

Fencing Is Damaged And Should Be Replaced (8' Chain Link Fence)

Site Level 4376 980 LF 3 $38,770 No

Location Note: Parking Lot M

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4377 2,729 CAR 4 $536,676 No

Location Note: Parking Lot M

Paving Requires Restriping Site Level 4384 389 CAR 4 $76,499 No

Location Note: Parking Lot K

Sub Total for System 9 $3,509,607

ExteriorRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Handrails require replacement Site Level 4398 220 LF 2 $24,099 No

Location Note: Parking Lot K

Sub Total for System 1 $24,099

Sub Total for Repair Southeast Parking Area - 2015 10 $3,533,707

Replace Electrical Systems - 2015ElectricalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4841 1,600 Amps 2 $66,974 No

Requirement Note: Good for 5 years. Replace at 10 years if budget allows. 700kVA, 1600A, 480/277V

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4842 1,600 Amps 2 $66,974 No

Requirement Note: Good for 5 years. Replace at 10 years if budget allows. 500kVA, 1600A, 480/277V

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4843 6,400 Amps 2 $267,897 No

Requirement Note: Good for 5 years. Replace all 4 at 10 years of budget allows. (4) 500kVA, 1600A, 480/277V

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4844 4,000 Amps 2 $167,436 No

Requirement Note: Good for 5 years. Replace at 10 years if budget allows. 1000kVA, 4000A, 480/277V

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4845 8,000 Amps 2 $334,871 No

Requirement Note: Good for 5 years. Replace at 10 years if budget allows. (4) 500/677kVA, 2000A, 120/208V

LC: The Electrical / Unit Substation / Unit Substations (Assume 480v) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4847 1,200 Amps 2 $50,231 No

Requirement Note: Oil filled HV Switches and XFMR original installation switchboard shows deterioration. 10 year plan replace. (4) 150kVA, 12kV 480/277V

The Mounted Building Lighting Is Missing And Needed Stadium 4708 4,000 Ea. 2 $6,093,664 No

Requirement Note: Install new 10 years (4000) 1 x 4 - per assessors notes

Sub Total for System 7 $7,048,048

Sub Total for Replace Electrical Systems - 2015 7 $7,048,048

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2015EquipmentRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4701 1 Ea. 2 $24,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 1 Skip Loader

Sub Total for System 1 $24,000

Sub Total for Replace Stadium Equipment - 2015 1 $24,000

Replace Plumbing System - 2016PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Plumbing / Domestic Water Piping System system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4794 1,351,200 SQFT 2 $12,076,350 No

Location Note: Plumbing

Requirement Note: 10 year projection. Replace all plumbing. Including sanitary fixtures, floor drainage, waste, vent and domestic service pipework systems, domestic hot water heating equipment, natural gas systems, concessions plumbing provisions and roof drainage.

Sub Total for System 1 $12,076,350

Sub Total for Replace Plumbing System - 2016 1 $12,076,350

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Replace Stadium Equipment - 2016EquipmentRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4698 3 Ea. 2 $60,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace three John Deer Triplex Mowers

Sub Total for System 1 $60,000

Sub Total for Replace Stadium Equipment - 2016 1 $60,000

HVAC Control Replacement - 2017MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Loge Level / 323* - 44B/12 4789 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Loge Level / 324* - 45A/12 4788 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 329* - 40B/8 4735 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 330* - 40A/9 4721 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 331* - 41B/12 4787 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 332* - 41A/12 4782 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 333* - 42/30 4748 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 334* - 43/30 4719 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 335* - 44/30 4715 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 346* - 59/30 4713 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 347* - 60/30 4712 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 348* - 61/30 4711 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 349* - 1A/12 4752 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 351* - 2A/9 4759 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 352* - 2B/8 4761 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 353* - 3A/17 4762 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 354* - 3B/17 4764 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 357* - 5A/10 4765 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

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MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 358* - 5B/10 4766 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 359* - 6A/10 4768 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 360* - 6B/10 4769 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 361* - 8A/18 4770 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 362* - 8B/18 4771 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 363* - 9A/17 4773 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Replace controls in 5 years per assessor's note.

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 364* - 9B/17 4716 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes says to replace in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 365* - 10A/8 4722 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes states that the controls need to be replace in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 366* - 10B/8 4724 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: The assessors notes state the controls need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 369* - 12A/18 4727 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state the controls need to replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 370* - 12B/21 4729 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state the controls need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 372* - 14A/9 4730 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls need to be replace in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 373* - 14B/10 4731 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 374* - 15A/12 4732 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 375* - 15B/14 4733 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 377* - 17A/9 4734 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 378* - 17B/8 4741 1 Ea. 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 381* - 19A/14 4743 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 382* - 19B/14 4747 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 383* - 20A/14 4749 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls need to replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 384* - 20B/14 4750 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 385* - 21A/14 4751 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (53)

MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 386* - 21B/14 4760 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 387* - 22A/14 4763 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 389* - 23A/14 4767 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 390* - 23B/15 4772 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 394* - 25A/45 4776 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 396* - Box 38 Radio

3996 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 397* - Box 37 Chargers Coaches

4000 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 399* - Box 35 Radio

4010 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 400* - Box 34 Visiting Coach

3956 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 404* - Box 25B City Box

4790 1 EACH 3 $2,297 No

Requirement Note: Assessors notes state that the controls will need to be replaced in less than 10 years

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 407* - Box 28 T.V. 3933 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 408* - Box 29 T.V. 3939 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 410* - Box A General Manager

4016 1,200 SF 3 $2,860 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 411* - Box B Radio 3991 150 SF 3 $358 No

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium / Press Level / 412* - Box C Radio 3984 150 SF 3 $358 No

Sub Total for System 55 $111,404

Sub Total for HVAC Control Replacement - 2017 55 $111,404

Repair Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room - 2017MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Mechanical Insulation needs minor repairs Stadium 4777 100 LF 2 $2,750 No

Location Note: Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room

Requirement Note: 5 year projection

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4778 4 Ea. 3 $27,500 No

Location Note: Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. Pumps

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4779 3 Ea. 3 $10,313 No

Location Note: Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. H/W tanks

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4780 2 Ea. 3 $20,625 No

Location Note: Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room

Requirement Note: 5 year projection. (Steam-water) heat exchangers

Sub Total for System 4 $61,188

Sub Total for Repair Basem*nt Domestic Hot Water Storage Room - 2017 4 $61,188

Replace Marquee Sign - 2017SiteRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Site Marquee Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Site Level 4824 1 Ea. 3 $550,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace marquee sign on Friars Road. Estimated 18ft x 24ft display area.

Sub Total for System 1 $550,000

Sub Total for Replace Marquee Sign - 2017 1 $550,000

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (54)

Replace Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2017MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Mechanical / Boilers / Cast Iron - Steam system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4720 10,500 MBH 2 $649,688 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

LC: The Mechanical / HVAC Piping / 2-Pipe Steam System (Hot) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4723 329,281 SF 2 $1,358,284 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection. Replace Piping.

Test And Balancing Required Stadium 4726 2,800 Hr. 2 $385,000 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4725 329,281 SF 3 $905,523 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Sub Total for System 4 $3,298,494

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Selective Mechanical Demolition is needed Stadium 4728 1 LS 4 $343,750 No

Location Note: Boiler Room (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $343,750

Sub Total for Replace Outer Circle Boiler Room - 2017 5 $3,642,244

Replace Outer Circle Chiller Compound - 2017MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

LC: The Mechanical / HVAC Piping / 2-Pipe Steam System (Hot) system is beyond its useful life.

Stadium 4742 113,651 SF 2 $781,351 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Test And Balancing Required Stadium 4745 750 Hr. 2 $103,125 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

The Exterior Chiller Is Damaged And Requires Replacement Stadium 4740 200 TonAC 2 $314,531 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Controls Are Inadequate And Should Be Replaced With DDC Controls

Stadium 4744 113,651 SF 3 $546,945 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Sub Total for System 4 $1,745,952

PlumbingRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Selective Mechanical Demolition is needed Stadium 4746 1 LS 4 $103,125 No

Location Note: Chiller Compound (Outer Circle)

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $103,125

Sub Total for Replace Outer Circle Chiller Compound - 2017 5 $1,849,077

Replace HVAC System - 2018MechanicalRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Complete HVAC Systemwide Replacement Stadium 4781 329,281 SF 2 $10,992,000 No

Location Note: HVAC

Requirement Note: 10 year projection

Sub Total for System 1 $10,992,000

Sub Total for Replace HVAC System - 2018 1 $10,992,000

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (55)

Replace Stadium Equipment - 2018EquipmentRequirement Location ID Qty UoM Priority Repair Cost WS&D

Equipment has passed its useful life and requires replacement. Site Level 4699 2 Ea. 2 $10,000 No

Requirement Note: Replace 2 Sod Cutters

Sub Total for System 1 $10,000

Sub Total for Replace Stadium Equipment - 2018 1 $10,000

Total (Present Value) for Qualcomm Stadium 945 $79,786,725

Facilities Condition Assessment

Qualcomm Stadium Condition Assessment


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (56)

Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadium


Facilities Condition Assessment Qualcomm Stadiumvoiceofsandiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/aecom-qualcomm-deferred...Qualcomm Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Facilities Condition Assessment - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.