Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (2024)

Eating alkaline food is really important to overall health. And it’s easier than ever to do with these alkaline food recipes!

By Lora O’Brien

Eating alkaline food had a huge moment in the 70s, when proponents encouraged people to eat fewer acidic foods and buy little strips of paper to test their pH levels. Over time, this diet died out in favour of other dietary trends. Namely, the ‘say no to fat’ diet (proven to be not only wrong, but really bad for your health), and the Atkins diet (questionably healthy, especially over the long term).

But today, alkaline eating is back. And maybe with good reason. Time has shown it’s simply good for you. And what’s more, it’s 100% compatible with today’s clean eating, vegan, vegetarian and Paleo diets.

Chefs like Natasha Corrett and nutritionist Vicki Edgson have created many delicious, low acid recipes. Celebs like Kate Hudson have raved about how low acid eating has transformed their lives, giving them more energy, fewer illnesses and improved skin, hair and nails.

The problem is, a lot of people seem to be confused about what’s really meant by ‘alkaline’ or ‘acidic’ food. Luckily, it’s not that hard to figure out. Vegetarian chef and alkaline food expert Natasha Corrett helps us explain why eating alkaline food recipes is important, and how to know which foods are more or less acidic.

Why Eat Alkaline

According to Corrett, acidic eating causes a lot of health problems, from digestive and skin issues to possibly even cancer. And basically, eating alkaline eliminates them. Indeed, there is some evidence that shows an alkaline diet can benefit your health.

Although the body tightly regulates its pH balance through a variety of mechanisms that involve multiple organs like the kidneys and lungs, overall, your body’s functions might improve if you start preparing more alkaline food recipes. Your liver and kidneys have less work to do breaking down alkaline foods, for example.

The kidneys normally have to leach vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium from bones to ‘buffer’ the acidity associated with red meat, poultry, and dairy products. Good news for vegans, but this is also true for canned food or fizzy drinks. Not consuming these lets the kidneys do their job of filtering waste the way they should.

Moreover, drinking too many acidic beverages may harm tooth enamel, according to study published in the May 2008 edition of “Nutrition Research.” Researchers tested a sports drinks, an energy drink, a cola and apple juice, which is acidic. The study demonstrated how, over time, consuming too many acidic beverages increases the risk of tooth decay. Researchers found that the sports drink and the energy drink posed the greatest risk, followed by the cola and the acidic juice. This may mean you have a risk of tooth decay if you have a habit of consuming acidic beverages.

Finally, many alkaline foods are packed with vitamin and mineral-rich water, which is more easily absorbed than drinking water. This means you will be better able to hydrate your body from food.

Some Controversy

Not all believe eating alkaline foods makes a difference to your body, however.

For example, regarding cancer, there is limited evidence to support the claim that an alkaline environment reduces your risk. Although increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes is associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, it is thought to be due to the foods’ nutritive value rather than their impact on acid-base balance. Moreover, these foods are rich in fibre, which has been shown to decrease risk of colorectal cancers.

Other researchers have pointed out that the correct pH for your stomach should be around 2, rising to 4 or 5 after a meal. If the stomach becomes less acidic, we absorb less iron from our food. An acidic environment in the intestines actually prevents the overgrowth of disease causing organisms. And if your vagin* isn’t acidic enough, you’ll get candida overgrowth.

However, you can make it easier for your body to maintain its different optimal pH ranges by making healthy food and lifestyle choices. For example, by eating a whole food, plant-based diet rich in fibre and starches from vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, you’ll provide your gut microbiome with the carbohydrates needed to produce short chain fatty acids that help maintain optimal pH in the colon.

Luckily, eating an alkaline diet a few times throughout the week will do just that.

How To Eat Alkaline

According to Corrett, learning how to eat alkaline is actually pretty easy for vegetarians and vegans. In fact, those who shun meat to be the most alkaline of all. “Alkaline is simply reducing any acid forming foods to 30% of your overall eating and increasing alkaline foods to 70%”, she says. “The main acidic foods are meat, sugar, wheat, gluten, cow’s dairy, alcohol and caffeine. For alkaline, think all vegetables, lemons, grapefruit, almonds, fermented foods. Any protein will be slightly more acidic but eating pulses, eggs adding some sheep or goats dairy is a good healthy balance.”

She also recommends choosing whole grains over processed foods as these not only have more nutritional content, but have also retained their fibre, which slows down the release of glucose, helping to balance your blood sugars throughout the day.

When it comes to grains, she recommends we always choose whole over processed. These not only have more nutritional content, but have also retained their fibre, which slows down the release of glucose. This helps you to balance your blood sugars throughout the day.

In general, you should learn about which foods are most alkaline and then most acidic. Then focus on eating less of the latter and more of the former.

Alkaline-forming foods

  • Lemon, lime and grapefruit
  • Dates, figs and apricots (rehydrated)
  • Tomato, apple, pear, mango, papaya and avocado
  • Watercress, fennel, asparagus, celery and cauliflower
  • Onion, garlic, ginger (fresh) and beetroot
  • Kelp, spinach, rocket, parsley and coriander
  • Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and their oils
  • Organic almonds, whole; walnuts and pecans
  • Quinoa, millet, buckwheat, oats and brown rice
  • Pure almond milk, brown-rice milk
  • Ground coconut and coconut water

Acid Forming Foods

  • All red meats, poultry
  • Sugar and processed foods like muffins, breakfast cereals and supermarket breads
  • Coffee, tea and alcohol
  • Dairy products
  • Chocolate and cacao
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Pharmaceutical medicines and cigarettes are also acid-forming

Make The Diet Work For You

First of all, no one’s perfect. And you really don’t need to give up your favourite foods! As Natasha says: “I think that the term diet has got to be abolished! It brings such bad connotations to food and the way we choose food. It doesn’t matter what ‘label’ you put on it essentially if you have a well balanced meal that is full of natural food that is free of preservatives, processed foods, refined sugars and flour then you will feel much better in yourself.”

The most important thing to give up, if you ask Natasha, is meat. “I personally think that eating huge amounts of meat is not only a strain on your body, but also the environment. It’s all about balance that is why I champion a 70/30 rule so 70% eat healthy and 30% do what you want. This way it’s never a ‘diet’, it’s just a way of life.”

Be sure to balance alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods following the 70/30 rule. If you love sweets or coffee or meat, just have plenty of vegetables, served on a base of grains, with your protein perched on top, or with coffee or sweets for dessert. This way you can ensure that the majority of your meal is alkaline, without having to sacrifice those foods that you really enjoy.

Another key tips is to learn how to prepare alkaline food recipes. Choose a few that will become staples in your meal routines!

Ready to get cooking?

20 Alkaline Food Recipes

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (1)

1. Scrambled Tofu

If you’re new to alkaline food recipes, you’re probably thinking: what can I have for breakfast? But no worries – you don’t have to chow down on raw broccoli! This tofu scramble is so easy to throw in a skillet and cook up, and is loaded with flavour. Add some creamy avocado for some healthy fat, if you like.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (2)

2. Vegan Bircher Muesli

If you’re having toast and coffee when you wake up, you’re basically starting the day with some extremely acidic foods! But never fear: breakfast can be the most alkaline meal of the day quite easily. Just look at this bowl, bursting with goodness and flavour. Worth waking up for!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (3)

3. Blueberry Bomb Sugarless Smoothie

The key to making smoothies alkaline is by ditching the sugar, even natural. No longer will you want to throw frozen bananas and sugary dates into your drink. Instead, try adding frozen zucchini and cauliflower, and you’ll be surprised at how delicious and creamy they still are.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (4)

4. Brilliant Beet Latte

Sure, it tastes great, but we all know that coffee isn’t the best for us. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your consumption or to give it up completely, this beetroot latte is a vibrant change. It’s wonderfully detoxing, and anti-acidic forming, too! One of the best alkaline food recipe ideas to start the day with, for sure.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (5)

5. Spelt & Vanilla Pancakes

Who doesn’t live for pancakes? They’re one of my favourite breakfasts, and they’re easy to enjoy on an alkaline lifestyle with a few changes. These babies use spelt flour and are super light and fluffy. Drizzle with a drizzle of maple syrup and some organic blueberries and you’ve got one of the tastiest alkaline food recipes ever.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (6)

6. 3-Ingredient Chia Pudding

If you’re reducing acid-rich foods in your diet, then it’s super important than you make sure you’re consuming alkaline foods that are high in calcium. And one good plant-based source of calcium are chia seeds! This chia pud has just 3 simply ingredients made with almond milk, chia seeds & sweetener of choice. It’s one of the easiest alkaline food recipes to make!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (7)

7. Quinoa Burrito Bowls

Quinoa is one of the few grains that are naturally alkalising, and it makes a great base for a Buddha bowl. And this high protein, deconstructed burrito bowl is loaded with so many tasty additions. It’s one of the easiest alkaline food recipes to throw together when you’re lacking time, and you can just add whatever food you have on hand.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (8)

8. Veggie Brown Rice Sushi

Sure, rice isn’t always the most nutritious food. But as you shift to a lifestyle where you’re eating more alkaline foods, making a few swaps along the way will benefit you. Like? Ditch white rice in favour of brown rice. They’re both naturally acidic, but brown rice is less acidic than white, so it’s a great place to start. And the best way to use brown rice? Veggie-loaded sushi! This is one of the best alkaline food recipe ideas for serving up at parties, too.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (9)

9. Spicy Kale Pesto & Zucchini Noodles

Most forms of pasta aren’t considered alkaline-friendly. But that doesn’t matter because it’s oh so easy and delicious to make veggie noodles! And if you don’t like zucchini, you can use sweet potato, carrot and even cucumber. Toss in this creamy pesto for a tasty, oil-free recipe you can whip up in seconds.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (10)

10. Refreshing Green Pea & Avo Spread

Got ten minutes to make lunch or a yummy snack? Make this pea and avocado spread! It’s super creamy and guaranteed crowd-pleaser. It goes so well in buddha bowls, it’s delicious on toast, and you can even smear it on top of a veggie burger! It’s one of those alkaline food recipes you should always have on hand.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (11)

11. Miso Soup

If you’ve never tried cooking with miso, you need to know that it’s magical. A staple in Japanese cooking, it’s delicious and gut-healing, too. It’s another of those alkaline food recipes, too. You just need 5 ingredients, 15 minutes and 1 pot to make this healthy, light and nutrient-packed soup.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (12)

12. Flatbread Pizza

Traditional pizza isn’t alkaline, and you may want to steer clear of it to benefit from the lifestyle. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy a slice every now and then! It’s all about making the base of your dough in a different way. Cauliflower is a great alternative, but if you’re in a rush, whole wheat flat bread is great, too. This is one of the best alkaline food recipe ideas for kids, too. They’ll love it!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (13)

13. Turmeric-Spiced Whole Roasted Cauliflower

This is one of the best alkaline food recipes for dinner! Just look at it! This whole roasted cauliflower is baked until golden perfection, and then slathered in a delicious turmeric-spiced yogurt. The original recipe calls for natural yogurt, but you can make this vegan by swapping it out in place of a plant based alternative.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (14)

14. Roasted Cauliflower Hummus

I love hummus as much as your next vegan. But I sometimes get a little bored of it and like to try new ways to make it. When I don’t have chickpeas on hand, my go-to is cauliflower. The cauliflower makes it both creamy and smooth. It’s one of the best alkaline food recipes for serving with some crudites for dunking!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (15)

15. Coconut, Mint & Pea Soup

This soup highlights the magic of plant-based foods. Just a few simple ingredients can be thrown together to make something wonderfully creamy. This alkaline food recipe is as simple as it comes; peas, potato, coconut and mint. But you will literally be scraping the bowl – it’s that good!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (16)

16. Orange Ginger Sugar Snap Peas Recipe

This orange ginger sugar snap pea recipe is delicious! Serve it as a snack or a side dish. Either way, it will delight your taste buds! The ginger, orange zest and fresh mint are wonderfully fragrant and flavourful and bring this dish, which is another of our easiest alkaline food recipes to make, to life.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (17)

17. Roasted Eggplant w/ Zaatar

If you’re looking to cut back on your meat, or better yet, ditch it altogether, this alkaline food recipe is a great replacement. Many veggies replicate a meat-like texture once roasted. This roasted eggplant is wonderfully soft and tender, served with grains and a lemony tahini sauce – yum! And it’s so easy to make, you won’t need to take an online cooking class or anything to get it right.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (18)

18. Carrot Cake Bliss Balls

I couldn’t do a list of alkaline food recipes without a few desserts! While sugar is usually a no-no, these carrot cake bliss balls are the perfect treat. The dates add a delicious sweetness without needing sugar, and are alkaline-friendly, alongside coconut.

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (19)

19. Blackberry Bars

These blackberry bars are super healthy AND alkaline, thanks to a few holy grail ingredients. Instead of oats, they use quinoa flakes; spelt flour instead of white flour, and baby bananas take the place of sugar. This is one of the best alkaline food recipes for breakfast, too!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (20)

20. Salted Caramel Tahini Cups

You’ll love these salted caramel tahini cups! They’re incredibly rich, thanks to the tahini, coconut oil and dates. And tahini is easy for the body to digest because of its high alkaline mineral content, which can help to improve and strengthen your immune system, too. And of course, there’s no teeth destroying sugar!

Get the recipe here.

Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (21)

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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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Drop The Acid! 20 Alkaline Food Recipes (2024)


What is the most alkaline food you can eat? ›

Alkaline diet foods
  • Fruits, such as apples, cherries, pineapple, avocado, bananas, apricots, and cantaloupe.
  • Non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, beets, asparagus, leafy greens, garlic, carrots, and cabbage.
  • Unsweetened fruit juices.
  • Mineral water and herbal teas.
Feb 12, 2024

What are alkaline foods to neutralize acid reflux? ›

Green vegetables, including asparagus, spinach, kale, and brussels sprouts are all highly alkaline, as well as high in fiber and water making them a great choice for your acid reflux diet. Cauliflower is another alkaline vegetable that helps to neutralize stomach acid.

What is the king of alkaline foods? ›

Umeboshi can help to neutralize the ph of the blood! Umeboshi is often referred to as the ” King of alkaline foods”.

How to alkalize your body fast? ›

There's no fast way to alkalize your body, nor is there conclusive evidence that this is necessary. Your body's pH levels are tightly controlled, and food doesn't affect blood pH very much. It may have some impact on urine pH.

What to drink to alkalize the body? ›

What drinks are alkaline? Popular alkaline drinks include water, dairy, some juices, some teas, and almond milk. What are the benefits? A 2013 study found that an alkaline diet might improve muscle health.

What is the best alkaline food at night? ›

Evening: After dinner, have two kiwi's and a handful of walnuts and almonds as dessert. This will give your body time to digest these foods before bed. About two hours before bedtime, have an 8 ounce glass of tart cherry juice. Then about one hour before bedtime, have an eight ounce glass of alkaline water.

What meals neutralize stomach acid immediately? ›

What foods neutralize stomach acid immediately? Non-citrus fruits like bananas can help neutralize stomach acid fast. They are a good source of natural antacid and can provide quick relief from acid reflux and heartburn. Bananas have a higher pH, which can help offset stomach acid.

How do you flush acid out of your stomach? ›

How to Treat Acid Reflux Naturally
  1. Drink diluted baking soda. Also known as sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda, baking can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. ...
  2. Drink diluted lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. ...
  3. Drink a glass of milk. ...
  4. Chew some gum. ...
  5. Enjoy ginger root in soups, smoothies or tea. ...
  6. Take Iberogast®
Feb 18, 2022

What is the best breakfast for acid reflux? ›

Oatmeal and Wheat: Try Whole Grains for Breakfast

Oats also absorb stomach acid and reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). For something sweet, top your oatmeal with bananas, apples or pears. The fructose in these fruits is less likely to trigger acid reflux than other sugars.

Is sweet potato acidic or alkaline? ›

Sweet potato, beets, radish, turnips and carrots are an amazing source of alkaline foods which facilitates to keep up the pH balance.

Is peanut butter alkaline? ›

In fact, peanut butter has a pH level of around 6.3, which is slightly acidic to neutral. While some people might confuse the natural acidity of peanuts with the acidity of peanut butter, the truth is that the roasting and grinding process used to make peanut butter neutralizes the acid.

Is cheese alkaline? ›

Generally, cheese falls within the acidic range on the pH scale. Some cheeses like cottage cheese, feta, and mozzarella tend to have a higher acidity leve, with a pH ranging from 4.9 to 5.5.

Does apple cider vinegar alkalize the body? ›

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has an alkalizing effect on the body. According to a study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care, consuming apple cider vinegar could aid weight loss. The research showed that ACV supports slimming down by reducing sugar cravings.

What are the symptoms of too much alkaline in the body? ›

Symptoms of alkalosis can include any of the following:
  • Confusion (can progress to stupor or coma)
  • Hand tremor.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Muscle twitching.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Numbness or tingling in the face, hands, or feet.
  • Prolonged muscle spasms (tetany)
Nov 19, 2023

What breakfast foods are alkaline? ›

Alkaline breakfast foods that make great additions to any breakfast meal include oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, quinoa, and yoghurt. These foods are not only alkalizing but they are also packed with nutrients that will help you start your day off right.

What foods have a pH above 7? ›

Examples of acid-forming foods (pH0 to 7)are meats, poultry, eggs, dairy products, sugary drinks, snacks, wheat products, coffee, mayonnaise, milk, alcohol, and ketchup; examples of neutral foods (ph7) are natural fats, sugars, and starches and examples of alkaline foods (pH 7 to 14) are vegetables, legumes, fruits, ...

Can you eat too much alkaline foods? ›

The pH of the body is a tightly regulated. If you change your diet you may see changes in the pH of your saliva or urine because these are waste products, but there's no way you could ever eat enough alkaline food that it impacts your blood.

Which fruit is most alkaline? ›

Dates- Dates are one of the most highly alkaline fruits you can eat. It's a great source of fiber and it is rich in manganese, B6 magnesium and copper. They are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids and is beneficial in brain health. Grapes- Grapes alkalinity vary by the climate in which it is grown.


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