1 PLAN THE WORK WORK THE PLAN - edupub.gov.lk wb G-8/ENGLISH... · Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01 1 ... Plan the work Work the Pan / Unit 01 6 ... Th e common name for the - [PDF Document] (2024)

1Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01


Activity 01

Read the dialogue:

Rakitha : Hi Chamitha! What do you plan to do on Wednesday aft ernoon? Chamitha : I plan to visit my grandmother with my parents.Rakitha : Sounds good. On Monday morning I plan to play cricket. Would you like to join?Chamitha : Sorry, I can’t. I plan to fi nish my project on Monday.Rakitha : Ok, what about Friday aft ernoon? I hope to go to the library with my brother. Would you like to come with me?Chamitha : I’d love to. I’m free on Friday aft ernoon.Rakitha : Great! Do you have any other plans this week?Chamitha : Yes I do. On Tuesday and Th ursday morning I plan to do my English homework. On Monday aft ernoon I hope to play draughts with my brother. On Wednesday morning I have to go to the dentist. Other than these, I don't have any other plans.

Activity 02

Fill in the following grid with Chamitha's plan for the week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayMorning


2Plan the work Work the Pan / Unit 01

2. Given below is Rakitha’s pen pal, Kevin’s plan for the week. Read the table and answer the questions given.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning Play badminton

Read a book



Go to the Library

Finish the Sceince project

Afternoon Study Maths

Watch T.V.

Visit grand mother

Play cricket

with friends

Watch a cartoon


What are Kevin’s plans for Monday?



When is Kevin visiting his grandmother?



Where is Kevin going on Th ursday morning?


........................................................................................................................................How is Kevin going to spend Friday morning?


.........................................................................................................................................Tell us about your plans for tommorow.


........................................................................................................................................What are your plans for the weekend?



3Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01

Activity 03

Complete the following dialogue using the phrases given in the box.

Yalini : So, what are your plans for this weekend?Nipuna : I don’t know. Do you have any plans?Pavith : How ……………………………………………………… ……………………………?Yalini : Th at sounds great! Let’s ask Rajeshwari and her brother to join us.Deshan : Yes, …………………………………………... Where shall we meet?Yalini : Can’t you come to my place? Nipuna : Good idea again. My…………………………………………………….Yalini : If she's coming, my mother will surely give me permission. Deshan : When should we meet? I think………………………………………………….Pavith : Well, we’ll get together by 7.30 in the morning and leave by 8.00.Yalini : …………………………………………………………..at my place before we leave.Nipuna : Now all that we have to do is to get permission from our parents. they’ll like it too mother will join us too Saturday morning is better about going to the book exhibition We can have breakfast

4Plan the work Work the Pan / Unit 01

Activity 04

1) Read the following words aloud.

Plant Play Plump Protect

Plumber Prepare Pluck Planet

Pliers Platform Proud Pleasure

Plaster Plastic Pronounce Plural

Pray Place Prize Principal

Price Press Prince Plane

Princess Printer Platoon Present

Priest Plan Promise Plug

2) Put the words in the above list into the write column given in the table.

/Pl/ /Pr/e.g. : Platform Prince

5Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01

3) Select and write the most suitable word for each picture given below.

a ............................. b .............................. c ...............................

d .............................. e ............................. f ..............................

g .............................. h .............................. i ................................

j ...............................

6Plan the work Work the Pan / Unit 01

Activity 05


You will hear a part of a radio programme. Listen carefully and do the following tasks.

A) Complete the following information card.

......................................FM Studio No : .......................

Radio Presenters : .......................................... .........................................

Programme : .........................................

B) Select the most suitable answer and write it on the dotted lines.

1. Th e key to a successful day is ……….................................................….................................................................. a) write down the plan of the day b) plan everything the previous night c) writing the important things

2. Th e clothes should be arranged the day before mainly because …............................................................................……..a) they might need to be ironed b) there can be torn ones c) it’s diffi cult to select one in a hurry.

7Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01

3. A written piece of paper at hand will help to remind …...........................................................................……….a) things that can be forgotten b) the plan of the day c) things that can be forgotten and the plan of the day.

4. It is necessary to start the day early leaving a margin to ….........................................…...........................…….a) avoid delays that are likely to happen b) chat with the neighbour c) polish shoes

C) Work with a partner and share how you plan your day.

8Winged Friends / Unit 02

2 Winged friends

Activity 01

1) Get into groups. Copy the following diagram in six papers. Find information about the following birds and complete the diagrams.

1) Ceylon jungle fowl (Wali Kukula / Kattu Koli) 2) Ceylon rufous babbler (Demalichcha / Uurkuruvi) 3) Ostrich 4) Swan 5) Eagle 6) Hanging parrot

Name of the bird

Habitat Colour

Other special features /facts

Physical features


2) Find information about one of the above birds and prepare a pamphlet including colourful pictures. Present your pamphlet to the other groups and share your fi ndings.

9Winged Friends / Unit 02

Activity 02

Read the clues given and complete the puzzle.Across

1. Th e largest fl ightless bird in the world2. Th reatened with extinction3. Th e common name for the ceylon lorikect5. Th e long feathers on the back of bird form this.


1. A scientist who studies birds.4. Sweet juice taken by bees, butterfl ies etc. from fl owers.6. Where a bird lays its eggs and takes care of its young.7. A large and white aquatic bird.


6 3





10Winged Friends / Unit 02

Activity 03

Jeewaka and Suresh were talking about the scrap book. Listen to the dialogue and complete the information sheet given.

1. Name of the bird: ……………………………………………………….

2. Speciality: ……………………………………………………………….

3. Appearance: (male)

a. Feathers: ……………………………… b. Tail: ………………………….

c. Head: …………………………

4. Habitat: …………………………………………………………………

5. Food: …………………………………………………………………...

Activity 04

Complete the following story.

Once there was a wedding in the jungle.







11Winged Friends / Unit 02




















12Winged Friends / Unit 02

Activity 05


a) Th e picture clues given below are not in order. Th ey are the steps of making an origami twirling bird. Listen and number.

b) Follow the pictures and make the twirling bird.

13Winged Friends / Unit 02

Activity 06

a) Read the following description and fi ll in the grid that follows.


Weaver - bird is a small bird with brown or gray feathers. It has a conical beak. It makes a very elaborate nest using dry grass and mud. Th is nest which hangs from a tree has its entrance at the bottom of the nest. It lays 2-6 eggs at a time and incubates them for 9-20 days. Weaver-bird feeds on grains, seeds, fruits and insects. It lives in woodlands away from busy human settlements.

1. Name - Weaver - bird2. Colour - .......................................................................................................3. Beak - .......................................................................................................4. Nest - .......................................................................................................5. No. of eggs laid at a time - .......................................................................................6. Incubation period - .............................................................................................7.Diet - .......................................................................................................8 Habitat - .......................................................................................................9. Size - .......................................................................................................

b) Study the following details and write a similar paragraph about the Magpie.

1. Name - Magpie2. Colour - bright black and white3. Beak - short and sharp4. Tail - long5. Size - small, about 15cm with its tail6. Diet - insects, friuts, dead animals, nuts7. No. of eggs laid at a time - about 58. Habitat - fi elds, meadows, grasslands

14Winged Friends / Unit 02













Activity 07

Complete the sentences with the words below.

must, should, shouldn't, must not, don't have to

1. You ....................................................................... be silent in the library.

2. You ............................................................. use the mobile phone when driving.

3. You .........................................................wash your hands before having meals.

4. You ....................................................walk to school. Th ere is a bus now.

5. You .............................................................. be noisy in a hospital.

6. It's late. I think we ............................................................ go now.

15Winged Friends / Unit 02

Activity 08

Read aloud the list of words given below and complete the table.

■ claim ■ brown ■ fl ag ■ blame ■ brush ■ class ■ bring ■ dream ■ fl ame ■ bridge ■ black ■ clay ■ branch ■ cry ■ blood ■ fl at ■ crisp ■ brave ■ clean ■ drink ■ fl oat ■ block ■ dress ■ climb ■ brain ■ dry ■ blind ■ fl ood ■ drop ■ blaze ■ clock ■ fl oor ■ blast ■ close ■ brother ■ fl ower

/br/ /bl/ /kr/ /kl/

16Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

3 let's be considerate

Activity 01

Join the sentences using as, since, so

1. He went by a taxi. It was raining.a) ………………………………………………………………………………b) …………………………………………………………………………..…..c) ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. She has hurt her knees. She can’t walk.a) ………………………………………………………………………………b) …………....…………………………………………………………………c) ………………………………………………………………………………

3. I was very tired last night. I went to bed early.a) ………………………………………………………………………………b) ………………………………………………………………………………c) ……………...……………………………………………………………….

4. It was very cold. We put on our coats.a) ………………………………………………………………………………b) ………....……………………………………………………………………c) ……………………………………………………………………………….

5. I hurried. I was able to watch it.a) ……………..………………………………………………………………..b) ……..………………………………………………………………………..c) ………………………………………………………………………………

17Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 02

Study the following pictures and Complete the table.

Parking a car disorderly

A B offering a seat to an old man

sharing food

C Keeping bags on seats in a public



18Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

jumping a queue E spitting everywhere


Situation Are they courteous? (Cut off the irrelevant word)


e.g. : 1) Parking a car disorderly 2) ........................................................................

3) .......................................................................

4) ........................................................................

5) ........................................................................

6) ........................................................................

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

Yes / No

The car has been parked blocking the way.











19Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 03

Read the following quotes about courtesy aloud.

Courteous men

learn courtesy from

the discourteous.

- Persian proverb

Courtesy is the one

coin you can never

have two much of or

be stingy with.

- John Wanamaker

An excess of


is discourtesy.

- Japanese proverb

All doors open to




Gratitude is the most

exquisite form of


-Jacques Maritain.

Courtesies of a small

and trivial character

are the ones which

strike deepest in

the grateful and

appreciating heart.

- Henry Clasy

20Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 04

Design a poster on courtesy including an attractive slogan and display it.

All doors open to courtesy. -Thomas Fuller

21Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 05

Read the story and answer the questions.

Th e king and the monkey

Once there was a king, who had a pet monkey. It was treated royally and moved freely in the king’s palace. It was also allowed to enter the king’s personal rooms which were closed even for the most trustworthy servants.

One aft ernoon, the king was asleep and the monkey was in his room. All of a sudden a fl y came into the room and sat on the king’s chest. Th e monkey swayed it away, but the fl y returned back to the king’s chest. Th e monkey got very angry. It took the sword and started chasing the fl y with it. When the fl y sat on the king’s chest again, the monkey hit the fl y with all his might. Th e fl y fl ew away, but the king was severely wounded.

(Adapted from Panchathanthra Stories.)

1. How was the monkey treated by the king?……………………………………………………………………………………2. How many characters are there in the story? ……………………………………………………………………………………3. Did he allow his servants to enter his personal rooms?……………………………………………………………………………………4. Who was with the king when he was asleep?……………………………………………………………………………………5. What did the fl y do aft er coming into the room?……………………………………………………………………………………6. According to the story, who is to be blamed for the incident?……………………………………………………………………………………

b) Narrate the story using your own words.

c) Act out the story in the class.

22Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 06

Use the contracted forms and write the sentences.

1. Th e doctor told me that I would be better soon.


2. “Do not disturb us. We are better here.”


3. We have enough space and we are about to start drama practices.


4. Kasun says that he is too busy.


5. My dog does not like plantains.


Activity 07

Fill in the blanks with plural forms of collective nouns.

a packet of tea a team of players a herd of elephants a pair of shoes a heap of stones

1. Th e pictures with ………………………………………………………… in the jungle won the fi rst prize in the art exhibition.2. How many ……………………………………………………………. are there in the tournament?3. Th ere are two ......................................................................near the fl ower bed.

23Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

4. Th ere was a grand sale at the shoe shop. We can buy many ……………………………….. Shall we go?5. Did you buy two …………………………………………………………. ?

Activity 08

Study the pictures and write the instructions to post a letter.


1 2 3

4 5

put and seal write

paste post

1) First, …………………………………………………………………………

2) Then, …………………………………………....……………………………

3) Next, …………………………………………………………………………

4) And then, …………………………………………….………………………

5) Finally, ……………………………………………….....……………………

24Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 09


Listen to the instructions shown in a teller machine for a transaction. Number the pictures in order.

Select a transaction

- Value-services - Withdrawals

- Pin change - Balance inquiring

- Bill Payments - Fund transfers

- Mini Statement - Fast cash









Current Account

Saving Account



25Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

a 1bcdefgh

3000.00_____________0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9







26Let's be Considerate / Unit 03

Activity 10

Read the following tongue twisters aloud and fi nd more.

Swan swam over the pond, I scream,Swim swan swim! You scream, Swan swam back again, We all scream,Well swum swan!

I scream,You scream, We all scream,For ice cream !

The Great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.

Activity 11


Listen to the instructions you get when you fail to contact a telephone number. Write the instruction number in the correct column.

Switched off or no signal Line is busy Wrong number

27Mother Nature / Unit 04

4 Mother nature

Activity 01

Imagine that you are Kaveen and write a note to Hussain. Include: - can’t come to school - want to rest - hope to join the trip tomorrow. - to inform the teacher - you will call him in the evening

.........................................., .........................................,



28Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 02

Read the following word list. Each word has a silent letter. Put them into the correct column.

Island, should, could, autumn,

knock, nestle, column, bustle, aisle

Silent S Silent L Silent K Silent N Silent T

Activity 03

Read the following words aloud and circle the silent letter in each word.

1. knit2. honour3. knife4. listen5. honest6. knuckle7. whistle8. knot9. castle10. knee

29Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 04

a) Write about Haggala Botanical Gardens. Include the following and add more.

a) 16 km from Nuwara Eliyab) 5400 feet above sea levelc) 28 hectares in extentd) established in 1861e) fi rst cultivation – Cinchonaf) later - Tea cultivationg) December to February – cold April to August – warmh) about 10000 species of fl ora planted herei) famous for orchids and roses………………………………………………………........................…………..

















30Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 05

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

through, over, into, along, across

1) We walk ………………………… the beach every evening.2) When the traffi c warden signaled, they walked ………………………. the road.3) Look! Th e train is running ……………… the tunnel.4) Let’s jump …………………. the fence.5) My grandfather put some coins ………………….. the drawer and locked it.

Activity 06

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

Along, about, across, by, on, over, through, with, without, on

1) Th is lesson is …………………………………prepositions.

2) We are learning prepositions ………………….. the teacher.

3) Ben is swimming ………………………….. the river.

4) My sister wants to sit ……………… mother.

5) Th e water fl ows down ………………………. the rocks.

6) I heard the news………………………….. the radio.

7) We can’t live ………………….. water.

8) Th e boy threw the ball ……………………….. the wall.

9) I like walking …………………….the street in the evening.

10) I don’t have time to watch news ………………….. TV in the morning.

31Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 08

Describe the picture using the following prepositions.

In, near, behind, on, above, next to, under, below, in front of

e.g. : 1) Th e teacher is in fornt of the classroom.

2) …………………………………………………………………….……...…..…

3) …………………………………………………………………………....…..…

4) ……………………………………………………………………………....….

5) ……………………………………………………………………………....….

6). ……………………………………………………………………………....…

7) ……………………………………………………………………………….....

8) ……………………………………………………………………………….....

9) ……………………………………………………………………………….....

10) …………………………………………………………………………….......

32Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 09

Write the plural forms of collective nouns given below. Match them with the pictures.

a school of fi sh - schools of fi sha group of people - groups of peoplea herd of elephants - .........................................a pair of shoes - .........................................a heap of stones - .........................................a team of players - .........................................

A ..................................

B ............................ C ................................

D .......................... E ................................ F ...............................

33Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 11

Use the plural forms of the compound nouns to complete the sentences.

Keyboard, teapot, son-in-law, blackboard, daughter-in-law, bedroom

1) Th ere are two ………………………….. in the tea set.2) All the ………………………………. were placed in front of the pupils.3) Th ere were many ……………………….. at diff erent prices, so I bought the cheapest one.4) My uncle is going to buy a house with fi ve …………………………..5) My aunt has three ………………………. and two …………………………

Activity 12

Use the plural forms of the suitable collective nouns to fi ll in the blanks.

1. ………………………………….. gathered to welcome the President.2. She bought two new ………………………………. for the wedding.3. Th e police is searching for………………………………………….4. Th ere were ripe …………………………………………. in the fruit stall.5. All the …………………………………… lined up to start the tournament.6. I wished my twin sisters with two ……………………………… on their birthday.

34Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 13

Read the paragraph and complete the chart. Speak about him.

Dr. C. W. W. Kannangara was born on the 13th October, 1884 in Ambalangoda.

He studied at Weslyan English High School and Richmond College in Galle.

He was an excellent all-round student but he had to undergo many diffi culties

at his young age. He served as a teacher fi rst and became a lawyer in 1910. He

entered politics in 1919 and he was the fi rst Minister of Education in Sri Lanka.

He introduced free education for all and started Central Schools. He served 16

year period as the Minister of Education and there was a remarkable progress in

the fi eld. He passed away on the 23rd September 1969 in Colombo. He’s known

as the “Father of free Education”.

35Mother Nature / Unit 04


Dr. C. W. W.

Kannangara was born in 1884.

Born in






School attended






Profession - I





His service as a politician






in 1919






a lawyer



died in

36Mother Nature / Unit 04

Activity 14

Read the information given and write a description.

J. K. Rowling

- a British novelist, screen writer, a fi lm producer- born on 31st July in Yate, Unied Kingdom- First school – St. Michael’s Primary School Secondary School – Wyedean College Higher Studies at University of Exeter and University of Edinburgh- Best kown as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series- Th ose books have won many awards and sold more than 400 million copies.- Other books written by her : Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Th em, Th e Casual Vacancy, Th e Cuckoo’s Calling, Th e Silkworm etc.- In October 2010, She was named ‘Th e most infl uential woman in Britain’ by leading magazine editors.
















37Between the miles / Unit 05


Activity 01

Fill in the blanks and complete the conversation .

can come back / next week / Th ank you /Good morning /

Would you like to try them on / your size in black./

what colour do you prefer / give me a second

Shop keeper : Good morning . May I help you?Ekmali : ……………………………… Do you have rubber slippers in size four?Shop keeper : Let me check………………………………….?Ekmali : I need a pink pair.Shop keeper : I think we have in the store ……………………………. I’ll be right back.Ekmali : Th anks.Shop keeper : I’m sorry, we only have in four and a half. …………………………………….?Ekmali : Th ey are too big.Shop keeper : We only have …………………………………………Ekmali : Yes, but in fact I was looking for the pink onesShop keeper : I’m sorry. You may have them by………………………………. Th en you ............................... and buy a pink pair.Ekmali : All right. ……………………………………. Shop keeper : You’re welcome.

38Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 02

Complete the table using suitable suffi xes.

word added ending new word

help + ful+less








Activity 03

Lahiru’s aunt had a fall. She is admitted to hospital. He sent her a short letter. Complete it.

Dear aunt,

How is your leg now? Is it very (i).........................(pain)? My mother says you're always (ii).............................(care) when climbing stairs. You'll have to rest for sometime because of this (iii).........................(ill). I'm sure the (iv)..........................(treat) will be (v)..........................(success) and you'll be as (vi).............................(cheer) as you used to be. I'll visit you with my mother. Get well soon.


39Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 04

Write a letter to one of your friends describing any gift you have received.Include the following -what the gift was - who gave it to you -how you felt aft er receiving itHere is the format of a personal letter.




Dear ............................,









40Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 05

1) Write the correct comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

1. good ______________ _______________2. easy ______________ _______________3. small ______________ _______________4. beautiful ______________ _______________5. bad ______________ _______________6. far ______________ _______________7. happy ______________ _______________8. fat ______________ _______________9. fast ______________ _______________10. diffi cult ______________ _______________

2) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable form of adjective.

1. Elephants are ________________( intelligent) than other animals.

2. Health is ________ (important) than money.

3. My school is the ________ (good) school in our area.

4. Th ere are many cheap things in that grocery shop, but salt is the ________


5. Shoes are ____________(expensive)than slippers.

6. Th e weather today is__________ than it was yesterday. (bad)

7. Everest is the _____________mountain in the world. (high)

8. A shark is _______________than a dolphin. (dangerous)

9. A lion isn't as ___________ as a cheetah. (fast)

10. Th e rose is ___________(beautiful) than the shoe fl ower.

41Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 06

Sources of water

Th is picture shows sources of water all over the world. Match the words with pictures. Add any other source to the list that you have learnt.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................

.................................. .................................. ..................................

42Between the miles / Unit 05

10 11 12

.................................. .................................. ..................................



■ spring

■ fountain

■ stream

■ river

■ pond

■ lake

■ reservoir

■ well

■ hand pump

■ rain

■ ocean

■ waterfall

■ tube well

■ canal

■ sea

43Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 07

Let’s build a water fi lter.

Th is is how Rahal and Th amal built a water fi lter. Th e steps are not in order. Rearrange them. Write the correct number in the box.

Materials Needed:- A plastic bottle- A pair of scissors or a knife- Cotton balls- Sand or charcoal- Gravel- Large gravel or small rocks- Cup to hold fi ltered and non-fi ltered water.

Unclean water

GravelCoarse sand

Cotton / cheesecloth

Clean water

Fine sand

Pour unclean water into the bottle.

Fill inside with layers of cotton, sand, gravel and rocks.

See how clean the water runs.

First, cut the bottom of the clear plastic bottle.

Stand the bottle upside down on the top of the container.

44Between the miles / Unit 05

Activity 08

Write 10 sentences about the picture given below.

1) .........................................................................................................................

2) .........................................................................................................................









45When We Are Together / Unit 06

6 WHEN WE ARE together

Activity 01

Match the opposite words. Write the correct letter in the box.

a. Before backward

b. Lack safe

c. bottom dawn

d. cheap nothing

e. dangerous plenty

f. distant success

g. dusk aft er

h. everything top

i. failure near

j. forward expensive

Activity 02

Riddle time. Match the riddles with answers.

your name / clock / letter 'M' / a carrot / he was born on a leap year day / letter 'K' / Timmy/ you are my sister / pillow

What loses its head in the morning

and gets it back at night?

46When We Are Together / Unit 06

What belongs to you but others use it

more than you do?

A man is twenty years old but has

had only five birthdays.

How is it possible?

What's orange and sounds like a


What has a face but no arms or legs?

What is in the middle of the sky?

What occurs once in a minute,

twice in a moment and never in one

thousand years?

Timmy's mother has three children.

The first was named April. The next

was named May.

What is the final one's name?

You are my brother, but I am not

your brother. Who am I ?

47When We Are Together / Unit 06

Activity 03

Study the pictures below and match them with the phrases given on page 48.

1 2



48When We Are Together / Unit 06

• Five rabbits were playing • Heard a big noise

• Started running • Met a big bear

• Told him what they heard • Bear suggested to see what happened

• Went to the play area • Saw a fallen branch

Now complete this story with the above phrases.

One day fi ve rabbits were playing under a tree. Th ey _________________ .

Th ey did not know what it was. Th ey looked up and saw the vast sky above.

Th e rabbits started trembling. Th ey said, `the sky is falling’ and then

________________________. On the way they______________________.

“Why are you all running ?” asked the big bear.

Th e rabbits ___________________________ and that they were going to

inform the king. ̀ I know the king’s palace,’ the bear said, but before that I should

also go back to where you were before. Th e ____________________________

________.Th en the rabbits and the bear_______________________________

________to see what happened.

Th e bear _________________ and laughed loudly. Th en he said, `You timid

rabbits! It is not any sky. It is only a branch. Now go and play!'

49When We Are Together / Unit 06

Activity 05

Let’s fi nd the magic words. Study the list of words in shadowgraphy. Find the words and circle them. Th e words are spelt vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Crab/ Panther/ Snail / Rooster / Alligator / Turtle / Ballerina/ Camel / Deer / Trunk / Hare / Goat / Goose











50When We Are Together / Unit 06

Activity 06

Let’s write a fun rhyme.Study the given fun rhyme. Now try out your own rhyme with another letter.e.g.: ra-rum La-lum

…Activity 07

Read this poem.

A pebble dropped in a lake Sends ripples gliding to shore Th e world is changed for ever Does the ripple glide ever more?

A word of kindness spoken Sends warmth where was pain before Th e world is changed forever Th e warmth lives on ever more

Circle the words that contain the same sound as the word in the fi rst column.

dribble dangle able pebble haul dealcripple lively deal frown ripple keenslide hind bleed scribe glide fleetoken grow glue spoken more slowsold deal world hind pink load

51The World of Children / Unit 07

7 The world of children

Activity 01

Complete the sentences using the passive voice past form.

• I ………………………………….. (born) in 2004.• Th e classroom ………………………….. (clean) by us in the morning.• Th at picture ……………………..........(paint) by Arun.• Th at essay ……………………......…. (write) by Nelu.• Oliver Twist ……………………....…. (write) by Charles Dickens.• Rome ........................................(build) in a day.

Activity 02

Th e sentences given in the activity 7.3 of the Pupil’s Book are written in active voice. Turn them into passive voice using the table given below.


was invented

by Valmiki

the ancient Egyptians

52The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 03

Convert these active voice sentences to passive voice.

• My little brother broke a vase.…………………………………………………………………………………….......................................................................................................................................…• A dog bit Ruvin last week.…………………………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................................................................….• Th e mechanic repaired the bus yesterday.……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................................…..• I set the table.…………………………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................................................................…..• We sold all the goods.……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................................…..

Activity 04

Make use of the given facts and write a paragraph on “Th e Independence Day of Sri Lanka”.• February 4th

• Freedom from the British rule in 1948• a national holiday• the President raises the national fl ag, addresses the nation• celebrated all over the country• hoisting the national fl ag – in offi ces, schools, houses, vehicles• sings the national anthem• military parades• performs a 21-gun salute

53The World of Children / Unit 07



54The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 05

Imagine that you are Sahan. Recently you went on a trip to Sigiriya with your parents and friends. Fill in the following table giving necessary information. Th en do the Activity 7.8 of the Pupil's Book, based on the information given in this table.

Your Address :

Date :

When you visited Sigiriya :

The place visited :

Participants :

No. of days it took :

How you travelled :

Description :

What you saw :

What you did :












a rock fortress, a world heritage site built by.........................................................................................................................................................................................








55The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 06

Imagine that you have acted in a school drama and won the fi rst place in the drama competition. Write a letter to your grandfather / grandmother/ uncle/ aunt/including the following information. (details about the drama, your role, costumes, where and when it was held, the trophy or certifi cate you received etc.)……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

56The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 07

Read the story ‘A City Boy on the Farm” in activity 7.9 the Pupil's Book and select the correct answers.

• Th is story is from …………….........................

a. India b. Australia c. Nigeria

• Peter had to live with his uncle and aunt because ……………

a. Uncle George needed his help on the farm.

b. his parents passed away when he was young.

c. he wanted to learn about farming.

• Peter's uncle wanted Peter ……………….

a. to study engineering.

b. to inherit his farm.

c. to become a horse rider.

• John and Rob were ………………………

a. fi re fi ghters b. farm workers c. horse trainers

57The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 08

Underline the words where “l” is silent

palm bulk







film wolf calf


Activity 09

Read aloud and categorize.

Omoth / c / month /^/

pot, glove, crop, Monday, frog, money,robin, sock, shovel, dozen, dolphin, cover

58The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 10


Your teacher will read out a story. Listen to it and order the pictures.


59The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 11

Complete the story.

It was a dark night. I looked out of the window and saw a light in my neighbour's kitchen. I knew there was no one at home. ………………………………………………………………......................................................................................……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................….…....................................................................................................................…..……………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................................................................…..…………………………………………………………………………………..

60The World of Children / Unit 07

Activity 12


You are going to listen to an announcement. Listen carefully to the instructions and select answers to the questions.

1. Th is announcement is about a a. school assembly b. fi re drill

2. Students should line up a. in the corridor b. in front of the class

3. Students should assemble in the a. playground b. main hall

4. Primary students should use the path through a. the herb garden and the basketball court b. the netball court

5. Students in the classes upstairs and the auditorium should a take the stairs b. use the lift .

61It's a Small World / Unit 08

8 it's a small world

Activity 01

1) Read the conversation ‘An Exhibition' in the Pupil’s Book and complete the table.

Name of the caller

The person who answered

Name of the exhibition

What it is about

Where it will be held



Price of a ticket

62It's a Small World / Unit 08

2) Write the past participle form of the given verbs.













3) Construct sentences in the future form of the passive voice.

The letterThe car BanksThe clothesYour parcelThe roaddinner

will be


by our best mechanic.tomorrow morning.in the sale next week.for repairs tomorrowby post.tomorrow because it’s a holidayin the dining room






63It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 02

1) Turn these sentences into passive voice.

I. Th e Head Prefect will give the welcome speech.


II. My mother will cook the food.


III. Th e doctor will treat the patients.


2) Rewrite the sentences given in the activity 6 of the Pupil’s Book in the correct order.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................






64It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 03

Read James Smith’s diary entries given in activity 8.9 in Pupil’s Book and complete the table.

Date The place visited

Picture number

What James saw/ did

How James felt

65It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 04

Read the advertisem*nts / notices and answer the questions.


A brown leather bag with important documents on May 6th on t he K andy - Colombo a t 3 o 'clock

intercity express train.

If found, please contact: 0381234567


A large house with a garden to set up a preschool in

Battaramulla or Maharagama

ABC Institute, 34, Galle Road,

Colombo 4

Guitars for sale

Imported from Japan

Brand new

Price:Rs.9000/- upwards

No. 54, Main Street, Matale

66It's a Small World / Unit 08

Chennai Shopping Tours

Rs.35000/= per person Includes: air tickets, hotel

accommodation and meals Worldwide Tours (pvt) Ltd. Colombo, Kandy, Jaff na, Galle, Anuradhapura [emailprotected]

Houses for Rent in Mawanella

Walking distance to Kandy-Colombo Road 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room and pantry

Call- Amal 0777987654

1. Where can you buy imported guitars?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................………..2. Who should you call if you are interested in renting a house?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........................................................…………............…3. How much does the Chennai shopping tour cost for one person?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................................................................……...............4. When was the bag lost?……………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................................................…………………….............5. Why does ABC Institute need a large house?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................................................………….............

67It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 05


You will hear a tour guide speaking to some foreign tourists explaining the plan of a trip. Listen to it and underline the places they are planning to visit.

68It's a Small World / Unit 08

69It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 06

Read the following content page of a children’s encyclopaedia and answer the questions.


PageArt and Music

Great Artists 3 Famous Composers 5 Making Cartoon Strips and Animations 8 Painting Self -Portraits 10 musical Instruments 13

HistoryThe Ancient World 16Early Explorers and Discoverers 18 Pyramids 21 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 28Warriors and Conquerors 34

ScienceChemical Reactions 38Energy at Work 42Gravity 45Thinking Brain 49What is Electricity 53


Changing Views on the Universe 58Comets, Asteroids and Meteors 63Satellites 65 Sun family 68The Future in Space 74

70It's a Small World / Unit 08

• Rizan needs some facts about ancient civilizations and kings. Which articles should he refer to?



• Dinidu likes to be a painter. What are the articles that can be useful to him?



• Selvi has to do a school project on Sources of Energy. What page should she refer to?



• Mahen has to wite an essay titled “Our Solar System”. Which article should he refer to?



• Brian likes to be a scientist. Which section will provide him with relevant articles?



71It's a Small World / Unit 08

Activity 07

Add str/sch/scr/spr/sn/sm to make meaningful words. Read the words aloud.

• …….......…awberry ……....................…..ay• ….......……art ………....................eet• ……..........eeze ……….....................ub• ……..........apbook …............…....olarship• ………......apshot ………...................ake• …...............ell …….......................ead• …......……ing ….........................ooth

Activity 08


Listen to the fl ight announcement and select the correct words.





Tokyo flight No.



Colombo / Bangkok

6.00 a.m. / 5. 35 p.m.

Fine /rainy

28 degrees / 25 degrees

JL 5423 /JL 7014

B / D

Sri Lankan Airlines / Japan Airlines

72On top of the World / Unit 09

9 On top of the world

Activity 01

Match the adverbs in column A with the meanings in column B

A B always generally usually not oft en never at all times sometimes now and then rarely not at any time

Activity 02

Put the words in order to make meaningful sentences.

1) pet / dog / sleeps / under/ his / Suren’s / oft en / bed

2) bored / Lahiru / never / in / feel / company

3) always / three / Minuri / a / her / brushes / day / teeth / times

4) bed / what / go / you / to / usually / time / do ?

5) buys / my / rarely / a / newspaper / grandfather / weekends

73On top of the World / Unit 09

Activity 03

Read and circle ‘True’ or ‘False’

I always go to the park on Saturdays because it relaxes my mind. I usually go with my friends. but sometimes I go by myself. I always take something to eat there. Th ere are lots of popcorn sellers but I never buy popcorn because I don’t like it. However, one of my friends usually buys it whenever she comes with me.

1) I go to the park on Saturdays True False2) I rarely go with my friends True False3) I usually go alone True False4) I do not buy popcorn True False5) A friend of mine never buys it True False

Activity 04


Listen to Amal speak about his friend Chamod, and do the exercises given below.

Underline the correct answeri. Amal and Chamod are interested in i) music and reading ii) music and sport iii) sports and homework

ii. Chamod always speaks …………………………. of others i) well ii) ill iii) insultingly

iii Fill in the blanks with suitable words i) Chamod is very ………………………… English ii) He …………………….. gets angry iii) Amal discusses his English ……………………. with Chamod

74Beyond the classroom / Unit 10

10 beyond the classroom

Activity 01

Fill in the blanks with the past perfect form of the verb.

1) Th e main hall looked very colourful. A group of prefects ………………………………….. (decorate) it.

2) Sumudu found the test very easy. He …………………………………. (do) a similar test before.

3) I was really happy to see my cousin again yesterday. I ………………………………………(not see) her for ages.

4) ……………………………….the rain …………………………….(stop) by the time your class fi nished?

5) Th e park looked awful aft er the musical show. People ………………………….. (leave) litter everywhere.

75Beyond the classroom / Unit 10

Activity 02

Use inverted commas where necessary.

Everyone was discussing the maths test they had just fi nished when Malith entered the classroom. Some looked really upset while the others seemed either cheerful or indiff erent.Hello,everyone! What are you talking about ? asked Malith.Well, we’ve been talking about the maths test. I think I made a lot of mistakes, lamented Surani.Come on! cheered Malith. Why are you worrying about something that’s over now? Yes, Malith’s correct, agreed Jude.Besides, that was the last test for this month. So we’re free now, added Nethuki.Everyone nodded but nobody said anything for a while.Th en, to everyone’s surprise, Pubudu, who was usually reserved, said, shall we all go out and play a game?

Yes, that would be great! exclaimed several voices in unison.

76Beyond the classroom / Unit 10

Activity 03

Complete the following sentences using the past simple or the past perfect form of the verbs.

1. Th e visitor ……………….. (have) a lot of trouble at the airport because

he …………………………..(lose) his passport.

2. You ………………. (enjoy) that movie because you ………………..

(read) the book.

3. I really……………… (like) Sahasmini, my best friend, because she

………………….(help) me several times when I was in trouble.

4. Our neighbours …………… (have) a lot of trouble before they fi nally


5. My father……………. (own) that car for 5 years before he (sell) it.

6. Sujani …………… (be) very sick until she (stop) eating fast food.

7. He ............................ (work) in a supermarket before he........................

(work) as a postman.

8. She............................. (feed) the cat as soon as she ........................... (do)

her homework.

9. My sister................................... (live) in Dubai before she ............................

(move) to Th ailand.

10. Aft er he ............................. (eat) all the sandwiches, he ..........................

(drink) some orange juice.

77Beyond the classroom / Unit 10

Activity 04

Listen to the story and put the pictures in the correct order.


a b

78Beyond the classroom / Unit 10

e f


b 1





1 PLAN THE WORK WORK THE PLAN - edupub.gov.lk wb G-8/ENGLISH... · Plan the work Work the Plan / Unit 01 1 ... Plan the work Work the Pan / Unit 01 6 ... Th e common name for the - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.